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‘I couldn't believe my eyes, it felt as if it's the end of

the world’
In 2024, I was in my home in Hawaii sitting on my sofa watching TV when I
saw an insanely bright flash of light and heard an explosion sound
outside. The lights were first red then green then blue. My TV was
glitching. I could not believe my eyes, it felt as if it was the end of
the world. Then I saw that the light had soon dissipated. But the TV did
not stop glitching. I felt relieved that after a few hours, the TV started
working properly again. But my relief was soon to become horror, as, I saw
on the news that the flash was the result of an American experiment. The
experiment was called Operation Titanus. It was a nuclear bomb which was
detonated in space. It was the height or peak of the US-Afghanistan War in
16th September 2024. The US is trying to test extremely powerful weapons to
make Afghanistan accept defeat. These weapons include new and more
powerful nuclear warheads, including Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles
or ICBMs. ICBMs are giant missiles fit with six to twelve nuclear
warheads. But what is a nuclear bomb? A nuclear bomb is a weapon that uses
radioactive elements to trigger a massive explosion through a mini
explosion series of atoms. There was a similar explosion of a nuclear
weapon in space in 1962. But that bomb was a hydrogen bomb, and was 1000
times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. So, then what
is a hydrogen bomb? It is a bomb with 2 reactions. A nuclear fission
reaction, the reaction in normal or conventional nuclear weapons, is
triggered to create enough pressure to cause a nuclear fusion reaction, a
much more powerful reaction, which causes an explosion that is magnitudes
more powerful than usual nuclear missiles. The fuel for the fusion
reaction is hydrogen. And therefore, the bombs are called Hydrogen Bombs.
But this bomb was 100 times more powerful than the bomb in 1962. The old
test created a radiation layer above the atmosphere for 10 years. This
test has the power to cause the ozone layer to be destroyed and even
create a radiation layer so powerful it can stay for up to 1000 years. The
explosion luckily took place in outer space far above the altitude of the
old test, so we did not have much to worry about.

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