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Phylogenetic interrelationships in the order

Primulales, with special emphasis on the

family circumscriptions
Arne A. Anderberg and Bertil StQhl

Abstract: Cladistic parsimony analyses, based on morphological data, have been undertaken with the
purpose of identifying major monophyletic groups and phylogenetic interrelationships within the
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Primulales. Actinidia (Actinidiaceae, Ericales) and three genera from two families of the Ebenales
(Diospyros of the Ebenaceae and Marzilkara and Monotheca of the Sapotaceae) were used as outgroups
in the analyses. The results indicate that the Primulaceae, Theophrastaceae, and Myrsinaceae (excluding
Maesa) represent three major monophyletic groups. The Myrsinaceae were found to be paraphyletic,
with the majority of taxa forming a monophyletic group but with the genus Maesa constituting the sister
group of the Primulaceae. It is proposed that Maesa should be raised to the rank of family to obtain
strictly monophyletic groups in the Primulales. The genera Aegiceras and Coris, for which family
affinities have been controversial, are well nested within the families Myrsinaceae and Primulaceae,
Key words: Primulales, Theophrastaceae, Myrsinaceae, Primulaceae, morphology, taxonomy,
phylogeny, cladistics, classification.

Resume : Les auteurs ont effectuC des analyses cladistiques en parcimonie, basCes sur des donnCes
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morphologiques, afin d'identifier les principaux groupes monophylCtiques et les interrelations

phylogCnCtiques chez les Primulales. Ils ont utilisC comme groupe externe pour les analyses, le genre
Actinidia (Actinidiaceae, Ericales) et trois genres appartenant i deux familles d'EbCnales (le genre
Diospyros des EbCnaceae, ainsi que les genres Manilkara et Monorheca des Sapotaceae). Les rCsultats
indiquent que les Primulaceae, les ThCophrastaceae et les Myrsinaceae (excluant les Maesa) representent
trois groupes monophylCtiques majeurs. On constate que les Myrsinaceae sont paraphylCtiques, la
majoritt des taxons formant un groupe monophylCtique, mais le genre Maesa constituant un groupe
frtre des Primulaceae. Les auteurs proposent que le genre Maesa devrait Ctre ClevC au rang de famille
dans l'ordre afin d'obtenir des groupes strictement monophylCtiques chez les Primulales. Les genres
Aegiceras et Coris, pour lesquels les affinitts familiales ont CtC controversCes, sont bien placCs dans les
familles Myrsinaceae et Primulaceae, respectivement.
Mots clis : Primulales, ThCophrastaceae, Myrsinaceae, Primulaceae, morphologie, taxonomic,
phylogCnie, cladistique, classification.
[Traduit par la rtdaction]

Introduction flowers, and tenuinucellate ovules, but unlike the Asteridae,

have free central placentae and bitegmic ovules. Therefore
The Primulales are a small group of flowering plants consist- the Primulales are traditionally placed in the subclass Dil-
ing of only three families, the Myrsinaceae R.Br., the Theo- leniidae (e.g., Cronquist 1981; Takhtajan 1987).
phrastaceae Link, and the Primulaceae Vent. Recent The Myrsinaceae include mainly shrubs and small to
estimates (Mabberley 1990; Brummitt 1992; S t h l 1993) medium-sized trees and have a worldwide tropical and sub-
suggest that the ~ ~ r s i n a c e consist
ae of 37 genera and about tropical distribution. In the past, myrsinaceous plants also
1250 species, the Theophrastaceae 6 genera and 90 species, inhabited areas that nowadays are temperate (e.g., Conwenz
and the Primulaceae about 20 genera and 800 species. The 1886; Chandler 1964). Characteristic of the Myrsinaceae are
Primulales share several floral features with the members of the schizogeneous secretory cavities that appear as lines or
the subclass Asteridae, e.g., sympetalous, haplostemonous dots on vegetative and reproductive parts. Also characteristic
of many genera are the ovules that are distinctly immersed
Received September 12, 1994. and more or less concealed by the placental tissue. All genera
A.A. Anderberg. Department of Phanerogamic Botany, of the Myrsinaceae, with the exception of Maesa, have one-
Swedish Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 50007, S-104 seeded, drupaceous fruits.
05 Stockholm, Sweden. Pax (1889) recognized four subfamilies in the Myrsinaceae:
B. St%hl.Department of Botany, University of Stockholm, the Theophrastoideae comprising the two tribes Monothe-
S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden. ceae and Theophrasteae; the Aegiceratoideae and the
Can. J. Bot. 73: 1699- 1730 (1995). Printed in Canada 1 Imprime au Canada
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Maesoideae, both monogeneric (Aegiceras and Maesa); and tribe. The Samoleae and the Corideae are both monogeneric,
the Myrsinoideae, including the remaining part of the family, containing Samolus and Coris, respectively. ROsvik (1968)
and further subdivided into four tribes, Myrsineae, Cono- added another monogeneric tribe, the Ardisiandreae, for the
morpheae, Ardisieae, and Hymenandreae, chiefly on differ- genus Ardisiandra Hook., which he considered to be so dif-
ences in corolla aestivation. ferent that it could no longer be included in the Primuleae.
Mez (1902, 1903) raised the Theophrastoideae to the rank The Primulaceae are mainly distributed in temperate and
of family and excluded Monotheca, which was transferred to arctic areas of the northern Hemisphere and only the genus
the Sapotaceae in agreement with Radlkofer (1889). The Samolus has its main species diversity concentrated in the
Myrsinaceae were subdivided into two subfamilies, the Mae- southern Hemisphere.
soideae and the Myrsinoideae, the latter comprising the two
tribes Ardisieae, with many ovules arranged in more than Aberrant taxa
one series, and Myrsineae, with few ovules arranged in a sin- Three genera of the Primulales have features that make them
gle series. ~ e ~ i c e r was
a s included as a member-of the tribe unique compared with the main stock of genera. Maesa
Ardisieae of the Myrsinoideae. Forssk. (Myrsinaceae) with its many-seeded capsules and
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The Theophrastaceae are today considered to be a sepa- perigynous flowers was placed in a separate tribe by Hooker
rate family (Mez 1903; Cronquist 1981; Takhtajan 1987; (18766) and has been treated by others as a separate tribe or
St%l 1990a; Thorne 1992) and were considered by some subfamily (tribe Maeseae of de Candolle 1844; subfamily
(e.g., Melchior 1964) to be the most primitive family of the Maesoideae of Pax 1889; Mez 1902; Thorne 1983, 1992;
order. The Theophrastaceae comprise shrubs and small trees Takhtajan 1987).
and have rather robust, staminodial flowers and berrylike Aegiceras Gaertn. is adapted to life in mangrove vegeta-
fruits. In several respects they resemble the Sapotaceae, e.g., tion, which is expressed by its elongated fruit with the seed
in their firm and thick corolla with well-develo~ed tube. germinating before leaving the fruit (Rendle 1925). Aegi-
extrorsely dehiscent anthers, and staminodes fixed in the ceras is the only genus of the Primulales known to have exal-
corolla lobe sinuses. The Theophrastaceae are today con- buminous seeds, but this is probably an autapomorphy linked
fined to tropical America, but fossil leaves were reported to its specialized germination. Aegiceras has been raised by
from central European tertiary deposits (Schindehiitte 1907). some to family rank, Aegicerataceae (Thorne 1983; Takhta-
The members of the third family, Primulaceae, were, jan 1987; Dahlgren 1989), but more often it has been
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according to Cronquist (1981), separable from those of the included in the Myrsinaceae (Hooker 1876b; Mez 1902;
other two by their herbaceous or exceptionally half-shrubby Cronquist 1981; Thorne 1992).
habit and dry, many-seeded capsular fruits. In spite of the The third enigmatic taxon is the primulaceous genus
obvious differences there are also many similarities between Coris, which is a shrublet with zygomorphic flowers.
the Myrsinaceae and the ~rimulaceae-,such as the schizo- Hooker (1876~)placed Coris in the monogeneric tribe
geneous cavities found in the Myrsinaceae and in several Corideae, a view that has also been followed by others (Pax
Lysimuchia species. Handel-Mazzetti (1928) saw this as a 1889; Pax and Knuth 1905; ROsvik 1968). Takhtajan (1987)
linking character between the two families and proposed that placed Coris in a separate subfamily, the Coridoideae, and
Lysimachia should be placed at the beginning of the Primula- still others have been of the opinion that Coris does not
ceae system because of its apparent affinities with the Myr- belong in the Primulaceae at all. Agardh (1858) treated Coris
sinaceae. As further support of his view, Handel-Mazzetti as a separate family called the Corideae (often cited as
(1928) pointed out the floral similarity of some Lysimuchia Coridaceae Agardh by later authors, e.g., Takhtajan 1987;
(sect. Apodanthera) with members of the Myrsinaceae and Dahlgren 1989), and Airy Shaw (1951) suggested that it
stressed the Maesa-habit shown by Lysimachia insignis belonged more properly in the Lythraceae (cf. Sattler 1962).
(subg. Idiophyton Hand.-Mazz.) with respect to its loose Today, most workers seem to agree that Coris is nothing but
lateral racemes protruding along the stem. A similar view a derived member of the Primulaceae (Hutchinson 1969;
regarding Lysimachia was also expressed by Ray (1956), Cronquist 1981; Takhtajan 1987; Thorne 1992; Chant 1993).
who stated that the shrubby representatives of this genus Although the taxonomic treatments of Maesa, Aegiceras,
approached the Myrsinaceae in their floral morphology. In a and Coris differed over the years, there is little controversy
recent paper, Judd et al. (1994) pointed out that a phylo- about their position in the order Primulales. For the purpose
genetic study of the Primulales was needed because they sus- of the present investigation we also accept that these genera
pected that the Myrsinaceae is a paraphyletic group that has belong there and that they consequently should be included
given rise to the Primulaceae. in cladistic analyses of this group.
The Primulaceae are usually subdivided into five tribes:
Primuleae (or Androsaceae), Samoleae, Lysimachieae, Objectives
Cyclamineae, and Corideae (Pax 1889; Pax and Knuth
1905). The majority of species are placed in either of the two The current classification of the Primulales is founded on
tribes, Primuleae with imbricate or quinquncial corolla aesti- rather few characters and to some extent it seems artificial.
vation, or the Lysimachieae with twisted corolla aestivation. The salient features used to diagnose the Primulaceae for
The Primuleae consist of genera such as Primula, Andro- example, seem to be autapomorphies of that group, and it
sace, Douglasia, Dodecatheon, and Soldanella. The Lysima- therefore seemed possible that they were a derived ingroup
chieae include the genera Glaux, Trientalis, Anagallis, Aste- in either of the other two families.
rolinon, Pelletiera, and the large and heterogeneous The present investigation was initiated to evaluate the cur-
Lysimuchia. The Cyclamineae usually comprise Cyclamen rent classification of the order Primulales and the phyla-
only, although Pax (1889) included also Dodecatheon in that genetic status of the three families included therein. Our
Anderberg and St8hl

main objective was to identify, and to diagnose, major mono- majority of the species have alternate leaves, and it could
phyletic groups, and to find their sister groups. Another therefore be assumed that the apparently opposite leaves in
objective was to elucidate the systematic position of the sect. Anagallis are actually alternate. However, the phyllo-
genera Aegiceras, Maesa, and Coris in relation to the other taxis of Anagallis arvensis (sect. Anagallis) was investigated
genera of the Primulales, under the assumption that they by Kwiatkowska (1992), who showed that the leaves in this
belong in the order. The analyses will allow us to continue species are truly decussate. In Trientalis the leaves form a
our investigations of each major monophyletic group within false whorl but are in fact alternate and held in a pseudoverti-
the framework of a corroborated phylogenetic hypothesis. cillate position. Most taxa of the tribe Primuleae are scapose
This paper, which is the first of two, has its aims set at with inflorescences borne on short stems crowned by a
formulating a hypothesis of phylogenetic interrelationships rosette of leaves. In Androsace most species have a basal
inferred from morphological, palynological, and embryolog- rosette of leaves, but there are some species (e.g., Androsace
ical data. In a forthcoming paper we will test this hypothesis erecta Maxim.) with long internodes and clearly alternate
by comparing it with results from our recently initiated leaves, which could indicate that the leaves are alternate in
investigation of cpDNA sequence data. rosettes of this genus. In most Theophrastaceae the leaves are
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arranged in two or a few pseudoverticels towards the tips of

Morphology branches, or in pachycaulous members, the main stem.
Exceptions are several species of Jacquinia, in which the
The Primulales display a considerable variation in most leaves are distributed more or less regularly along the young
characters, from growth habit to reproductive structures and branches. Pseudoverticillate leaves occur also in some Myr-
embryology. Since we later discuss aspects of character evo- sinaceae, e.g., Tapeinosperma. The leaves of Manilkara
lution in the Primulales, we found it necessary to give a brief (Sapotaceae) are often more or less clustered at the tips of the
description of the characters that were used for the cladistic branches (Pennington 1990) but not arranged in dense pseu-
analyses, many of which are characters that were used by doverticels as in the Theophrastaceae.
earlier authors for their classifications of the group. An The leaves are usually short-petiolate or have the blades
abbreviated list of characters used in the analyses is gradually tapering towards the base. In some genera of the
presented in Appendix 1. Primulaceae, e. g ., Ardisiandra, Cortusa, Cyclamen, Sol-
danella, and several Primula species, the petioles are
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Growth habit distinctly demarcated from the lamina. In some Theophrasta-

The taxa belonging to the Primulales are anything from trees ceae and Myrsinaceae, e.g., Clavija and Labisia, the petioles
to minute annual herbs, but many transitional forms are sometimes rather long, but the lamina is then more or less
are known, leading from perennial herbs and cushion plants decurrent on the petiole.
to subshrubs and dwarf shrubs, with an increasing degree of Many Primulaceae - Primuleae have dentate or serrate
lignification of the stems. The vast majority of the Primula- leaf margins (e.g., Cortusa, Primula, Ardisiandra), but in
ceae are herbaceous, whereas shrubs or trees prevail in the the Lysimachieae species have entire leaf margins. In Cycla-
other two families. In the Myrsinaceae and Theophrastaceae, men, the leaves in the "lower" taxa are somewhat lobed but
pachycaulous growth forms are known from several genera, with completely entire margins. Cartilaginous marginal leaf
i .e., Clavija, Theophrasta, Tapeinosperma, Badula, Loheria, teeth are found only in some more derived taxa of Cyclamen,
and Correlliana (Stihl 1987, 1991; Stone and Whitmore but these are not homologous with the incised leaf teeth
1970; D'Arcy 1973; Coode 1981; Stone 1991a), and found in other genera (Anderberg 1994). In Theophrasta-
although the few suffrutescent members of the Myrsinaceae, ceae, leaf margins are either serrate to serrate-spinulose, or
i.e., Ardisia subg. Bladhia (Yang and Dwyer 1989) and entire, and in the Myrsinaceae, entire-margined leaves seem
Labisia, often have unbranched aerial parts, their habit can- to prevail, although most genera usually have one or a few
not be considered homologous to the ~achycauloushabit of species with crenate, serrate, or occasionally spinulose leaf
the woody taxa. margins. Among the larger genera of the Myrsinaceae,
The difference in growth habit has always been acknowl- Maesa may contitute an exception since a majority of its spe-
edged in taxonomic treatments of the order to tell the families
cies are characterized by variously serrate- or crenulate-
apart, but the most extreme view regarding the phylogenetic margined leaves (Mez 1902).
importance of lignification is that of Hutchinson (1969), who Another aspect of the leaves is their vernation (ptyxis).
believed that the frutescent taxa were not closelv related to Many Primula species have revolute leaf vernation, whereas
the herbaceous ones at all and that the floral similarities others have the leaves involute in bud, and this has been used
between the families were due to parallel evolution. Hutchin- as a key character in the classification of the genus. All other
son (1969) consequently recognized an order Myrsinales as genera of the Primulaceae, except Cortusa and Dionysia, as
distinct from the Primulales, but this opinion has gained no well as the other families of the order, seem to have involute
support from later authors. Melchior (1964) had earlier or conduplicate leaves. The true state in small-leaved plants
hypothesized that an herbaceous growth habit in the Primula- is often hard to assess, as in Monotheca, for example, in
ceae is a derived trait in relation to the lignified growth habit which the young leaves are plane but at a very early stage of
of the two other families. development slightly involute towards the base. The same is
true for Jacquinia, most species of which have small leaves
Leaves like those of Monotheca.
The leaf arrangement is typically alternate, but some taxa of
the Primulaceae have opposite or whorled leaves, particu- Leaf anatomy
larly in species of the tribe Lysimachieae. In Anagallis, a A diagnostic feature of the Myrsinaceae is their schizogeneous
1702 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 7 3 , 1995

Fig. 1. Myrsinaceae. (A) Embelia phillipinensis, flower. (B) Wallenia laurifolia, flower. (C) Heberderzia
bahamensis, flower. (D) Parathesis cubana, flower. (E) Myrsirze afn'cana, flower. ( F ) Oncosternurn sp.,
flower. (G) Aegiceras, calyx surrounding style. (H) Aegiceras, corolla. (I) Aegiceras, anther with
compartments. (J) Ardisia elliptica, anther with compartments. (K) Ardisia crenata, flowers and buds.
(L) Ardisia crenata, pseudoumbellate inflorescence in fruit. (M) Ardisia crenata, detail of petal surface
showing capitate trichomes. (A) Fenix 12597 (S) ( X 12). (B) von Tiirckheim 2682 (S) ( x 12). (C) Santesson
26665 (S) (x5). (D) Ekman 10466 (S) ( ~ 8 ) (E) . Goldblatt 3114 (S) ( x 12). (F) Lowry & Randrianasolo 4420
(S) ( ~ 8 ) (G-I)
. Stihl 800 (GB) ( x 5 , x 5 , x 1I). (J) Degener 12404 (S) (X 8). (K-M) Unvouchered,
cultivated in Stockholm ( ~ 5 x, 2 , x8).
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Anderberg and St%hl

secretory cavities that are present in virtually all taxa, albeit Fig. 2. Articulated hairs in Ardisiandra (Primulaceae).
sparse in some species. In the Primulaceae, several species Schlieben 4806 (S). Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
of Lysimachia also have conspicuous secretory cavities in the
leaves and often also in the corolla or other floral parts, e.g.,
Lysirnachia thyrsiflora, Lysimachia atropulpurea, Lysi-
machia vulgaris, and Lysimachia punctata. In species lack-
ing secretory cavities in the aerial parts, homologous
structures are often found in the roots, e.g., Lysirnachia nurn-
rnularia (Ray 1956). Such secretory cavities are also found
in Sarnolus,and they are very in Coris, particu-
larly in the calyx. Metcalf and Chalk (1950) stated that
schizogeneous secretory cavities also occur in Anagallis
p.p., Centunculus, and Androsace p.p., but we have not been
able to verify these observations. The Theophrastaceae do
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not have schizogeneous secretory cavities, although this was

implied by Cronquist (1981).
Many genera of the Myrsinaceae have epidermis cells
with gelatinized inner walls (Grosse 1908; Metcalf and
Chalk 1950; Pipoly 1987), although the condition is often
lacking in some species. In some genera, e.g., Maesa and
Aegiceras, this feature is lacking altogether.
Extraxylary bundles of unbranched fibres running more
or less parallel to the secondary veins are found in leaves of
virtually all Threophrastaceae, a feature that S t a l (1987, only the foot cell and stalk cell are immersed in the leaf
1989, 1990a, 1991) considered to be one of three synapo- tissue.
morphies of the family. Extraxylary foliar fibres also occur Several genera of the Myrsinaceae have minute, brown
widely in the Sapotaceae (Holle 1892; Rao 1961) but in this scales that are usually circular in shape. In Myrsine afn'cana
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family are usually branched and not arranged in layers or these scales occur on young shoots and undeveloped leaves,
strands. Corelliana (D' Arcy 1973), which was included in appearing as minute, narrow, erect trichomes rather than
Cybianthus by Agostini (1980) and Pipoly (1987), is an scales, but in Conornorpha, for example, the scales are more
intriguing group since it is similar to Clavija of the Theo- conspicuous and cover-large parts of the leaves and inflores-
phrastaceae in growth habit, and like Clavija, also has cences. The immersed hairs of the Theophrastaceae and
subepidermal strands of foliar sclerenchyma (Mez 1902; Myrsinaceae could possibly be viewed as precursors of these
Grosse 1908). However, a close examination of the scleren- brown scale-like hairs, but this still needs to be verified.
chymatic strands in the leaves of Corelliana reveals that they Pipoly (1987) referred to the immersed, capitate hairs on
consist of cells with numerous pits and consequently should leaves of Grarnrnadenia as hydropotes,
- . i.e., epidermal struc-
be regarded as sclereids rather than fibres. Short and more tures present in many aquatics.
or less irregularly shaped foliar sclereids occur sparsely in In a number of genera of the Myrsinaceae, small capitate
the Primulales, e.g., in Dionysia (Bokhari and Wendelbo trichomes are also found on the adaxial surface of the corolla
1976) and Aegiceras (Rao 1971). (Fig. lM), and these "granules" sometimes cover the entire
Foliar crystals in the form of druses occur widely in the surface. Pipoly (1987) used the presence of such trichomes
Myrsinaceae (Grosse 1908) and are also present in Jacquinia to diagnose the genus Cybianthus in the wider sense advo-
(Votsch 1904; S t a l 1990~).Prismatic crystals also occur in cated by Agostini (1980). The diagnostic value of this char-
leaves of many Myrsinaceae (Grosse 1908), either substitut- acter is weakened by the fact that similar trichomes are found
ing or mixed with the druses. Although widespread in the also on the corolla of several other genera, e.g., in Ardisia,
Myrsinaceae, the occurrence of these crystals is often rather Heberdenia, Pleiomeris, and notably Ernbelia, the genus
unpredictable, as was noted by Lersten (1977) in Ardisia. Pipoly (1987) used as outgroup for his cladistic analysis of
calcium oxalate is evidently absent in vegetative parts of the Cybianthus.
Primulaceae (Hegnauer 1969). It is quite possible that all types of capitate trichomes, on
vegetative aswell as reproductive parts, should be regarded
Trichomes as homologous structures, being secretory on some organs
Several hair types, both glandular and nonglandular, occur and in some taxa and nonsecretory in others. In fact, Miller
in the Primulales. Immersed capitate hairs occur in the Theo- et al. (1984) studied the ultrastructure of capitate trichomes
phrastaceae and in most Myrsinaceae but not in Maesa or the on shoot tips of Ardisia crispa and showed that these lacked
Primulaceae. The capitate hairs generally consist of a foot the cellular structures considered necessary for secretory
cell, a stalk cell, and a head with few to many cells. The head activity. Mennechet (1902) suggested that the secretory
cells are usually radially arranged but in Aegiceras are nar- products produced by the immersed glandular hairs of the
row and standing in two more or less parallel rows (Solereder Myrsinaceae were kept in the trichome head cells, whereas
1908). Although the entire trichome may be immersed, espe- in the Theophrastaceae, they occurred between the head cells
cially on thick, coriaceous leaves, it is more common that and the upper cuticule. This needs to be verified.
1704 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 73, 1995

Fig. 3. Primulaceae. (A) Primula rosea, flower in transection. (B) Lysimachia epherneru~n(sect. Palladia),
flower. (C) Soldanella montana, flower in transection. (D) Primula denticulata, umbellate inflorescence.
(A-C) Unvouchered, cultivated in Stockholm (x5). (D) Unvouchered, cultivated in Stockholm ( x 1.5).
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Grosse (1908) noted that nonglandular hairs are very rare walled, sclereid-like, and mostly unicellular hairs of the
in the Myrsinaceae, again with the exception of Maesa in Sapotaceae and Ebenaceae (Solereder 1908; Metcalf and
which long, uniseriate hairs with tapering tips are quite com- Chalk 1950).
mon. In the Primulaceae, long articulated hairs are typical of Many Primula and Dionysia species have a highly charac-
virtually all genera (Fig. 2) but characteristically absent from teristic farinose coating on young leaves, stems, and inflores-
both Cyclamen and Dodecatheon, as already noted by Schwarz cences. The absence or presence of this mealy coating is
(1955). Coris has articulated hairs confined to the margins of often characteristic of different species and is also used in
the calyx lobes, whereas stalked glandular hairs prevail on taxonomic treatments of Primula (e.g., Richards 1993). A
other parts. Interestingly, articulated hairs are prevalent in few species of Jacquinia produce a thin covering of needle-
Ardisia subg. Bladhia, a group of the Myrsinaceae that are like crystals on their twigs, but this is not the same thing as
characterized by a suffrutescent habit. Simple multicellular the farina in Primula, for example.
trichomes similar to the articulated hairs of the Primulaceae
occur also in Clavija, but these do not collapse when dry and Inflorescence
are probably not homologous. Inflorescences in the Primulales are basically racemose (Sat-
In species of Androsace, Douglasia, and Vitaliana, white tler 1962), and the flowers are arranged in panicles,
stellate hairs are common, but such trichomes are not found racemes, or umbels. In some Primulaceae, e.g., Anagallis,
elsewhere in the Primulales. A few Myrsinaceae, e.g., the flowers appear solitary in the leaf axils, possibly because
Corelliana (Grosse 1908; Pipoly 1987), have two-armed of a reduction of a lateral raceme or panicle. Some Myr-
(malpighiaceous) hairs, which consist of a few thin-walled sinaceae, e.g., Myrsine, have clusters of flowers that
cells (Grosse 1908) and differ markedly from the thick- also could be interpreted as being arranged in reduced
Anderberg and St%hl

Fig. 4. Maesa. (A) Habit of Maesa lanceolata Forssk. ( B ) Flower of M. lanceolata. (C) Flower of
M. lanceolata from the side showing one of the bracteoles. (D) Fruit of M. japonica showing the two
bracteoles and the superior calyx. (E) Flower of M. japonica (Thunb.) Moritzi in transection. (F) Flower of
M. japonica. (A-C) Anderberg 1645 (S) (life size, flowers X 12). (D) Furuse s.n. (S) ( ~ 8 ) (E
. and F)
Furuse s.n. (S) ( ~ 8 ) .
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racemes or panicles. In other genera of the Myrsinaceae, the separate character state, not directly comparable to the per-
inflorescences are almost umbellate, with the flowers more fect umbel found in the Primulaceae (Fig. 3D).
or less condensed towards the tips of the raceme or panicle, Each flower is usually subtended by a single bract, which
a condition that often becomes more pronounced in fruit (cf. is inserted at the junction of the pedicel and the rachis, but
Fig. 1L). Although the inflorescences appear to be more the bracts may sometimes be fused with the pedicel to a
umbellate in some genera (e.g., Amblyanthus and Aegiceras) greater or lesser extent. The bracts are usually persistent
than in others, we have interpreted these pseudoumbels as a throughout anthesis, but in some Myrsinaceae, e.g.,
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Fig. 5. Theophrastaceae. (A) Jacquinia, flower from above. (B) Jacquinia, flower in transection.
(C) Clavija, flower from above. (D) Clavija, flower in transection. (A and B) Harling & Andersson
24822 (GB). (C and D) Cult. (GB). All 7 x .
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Tapeinosperrna and Conandrium, the bracts are caducous. In (the Embelieae) or family (Embelieae J.G. Agardh 1858,
Maesa the flowers, apart from the bract, are also subtended cited as Embeliaceae Agardh by Takhtajan 1987). However,
by a pair of opposite or subopposite bracteoles (Fig. 4), a choripetalous flowers also characterize the genus Heber-
unique character in the Primulales, but occurring also in denia.
Diospyros (Ebenaceae) and Symplocos (Symplocaceae), for In the Primulaceae, most genera have erecto-patent or
example (Nooteboom 1975). spreading corolla lobes, except Dodecatheon and Cyclamen,
both of which have distinctly reflexed lobes. Except for
Corolla and calyx (Figs. 1, 3, 4, 5) Aegiceras, no species of the Theophrastaceae or the Myr-
The flowers are typically hypogynous, and only exception- sinaceae have such distinctly reflexed corolla lobes, but some
ally perigynous as in Maesa and Samolus. In some genera the taxa, e.g., Geissanthus, Parathesis, Solonia, and many spe-
calyx is synsepalous, forming a shallow cup, e.g., in Ambly- cies of Ardisia (see Fig. 1K) may have recurved or revolute
anthus and Labisia, and several members of the Primula- petals.
ceae. The corolla is sympetalous, open and short-tubed, or Decrock (1901) found that the genera of the Primulaceae
distinctly campanulate with a well-developed tube. In the differed in the shape of their corolla epidermis cells and that
Primulaceae, genera such as Primula and Dionysia have a members of the tribe Primuleae have short and often iso-
conspicuously long corolla tube, which is generally much diametric cells, whereas those of the Lysimachieae have
longer than the calyx. Embelia of the Myrsinaceae deviates elongated cells. ROsvik (1968) made more thorough investi-
from the general pattern by having choripetalous flowers, gations of a larger sample of species and confirmed
something that some workers (Bartling 1830; de Candolle Decrock's (1901) observation. As a curiosity in this context,
1844; Nakai 1943) have used to place it in a separate tribe ROsvik (1968) pointed out that Samolus has an inner corolla
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epidermis with short isodiametric cells and an outer epi- and open by longitudinal slits. In some Lysimachia, and in
dermis with very elongated cells. In the Myrsinaceae, the several species of different genera of the Myrsinaceae, the
corolla epidermis is generally provided with short cells, and anthers are poricidal, which is likely to be an adaptation to
the same is true of the Theophrastaceae. buzz-pollination. In Aegiceras the anthers are septate, a fea-
ture described as a peculiarity, although the same type of
Pollination anthers are present also in several species of Ardisia, e.g.,
Most Primulales seem to be pollinated by insects, chiefly Ardisia elliptica Thunb. (Stone 1993b) (see Figs. 11, 1J).
bees and flies, but there is some variation in the ways insects The Theophrastaceae differ from other Primulales by their
are attracted. Somatic nectaries situated on the gynoecium, extrorse anthers, which Stihl ( 1 9 9 0 ~ )considered to be one
indicating insect pollination, are found in Primula and Samo- of three synapomorphies of the Theophrastaceae. The state-
lus, for example, and a gynoecium with nectar-producing tis- ment by Pax (1889) regarding the stamen dehiscence in
sue as in the Primulaceae was also found in Maesa argentea Monotheca is incorrect, since it has extrorse anthers like
Wall. (Vogel 1986; S. Vogel personal communication). A other Sapotaceae. The inverted anthers in Actinidia are basi-
structure similar to a nectary disc was also found in Ardisian- cally extrorse and open with very short porelike slits.
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dra (Rosvik 1969), but it is not clear whether it produces In many Myrsinaceae and some Primulaceae, the anthers
nectar or not. Many Myrsinaceae have connate and some- form a cone, again something that is likely to be correlated
times poricidal anthers and seem to be buzz-pollinated, but with buzz-pollination. The flowers of the Theophrastaceae
more fieldwork is needed before a clear understanding of are protandrous, and the stamens form a cone during their
their pollination biology can be gained. Buzz-pollination is male phase; however, during the subsequent female phase
known from Cyclamen, Dodecatheon, and some Lysimachia, they become spreading (Figs. 5A, 5B; StPhl 1990b, Fig. 1).
genera that do not produce any nectar at all. A unique feature An exception to this occurrence is found in most species of
found only in certain Lysimachia species (e.g., Lysimachia Clavija, in which staminate and functionally staminate
vulgaris L.) is the presence of oil-producing trichomes on flowers have the filaments fused into a persisting tube
petals and stamens that attract pollinators from a specific (Figs. 5C, 5D).
genus of oil-collecting bees (Macropis, Hymenoptera) (Vogel The anthers of the Theophrastaceae have thecae with
1986). Still other species of Lysimachia have nectar produc- mealy accumulations of calcium oxalate crystals. Being most
ing trichomes, and such hairs are evidently also present in abundant in the upper part of the thecae, these accumulations
For personal use only.

some Theophrastaceae (e.g., Jacquinia). Theop/zrasta is produce a distinct visual contrast to the yellowish pollen
likely to be pollinated by fungus gnats (Diptera) ( S t b l 1987; grains. This highly characteristic feature, considered to be
Knudsen and St8hl 1994), although no direct observations of one of three synapomorphies for the Theophrastaceae by
pollinators have been made so far. S t b l (1990a), was first described in Deherainia Decne.
A few taxa (e.g., some Lysimachia, Trientalis) have (Pohl 1931) but occurs throughout the family.
flowers that do not produce pollen in large amounts, nectar, Another characteristic and often employed diagnostic fea-
or oil. These may be autogamous forms with flowers repre- ture of the Theophrastaceae is their whorl of staminodes that
senting various reductions from any of the other flower are fused with the corolla and alternating with the petals. Sat-
types. tler (1962), in a study of the floral development of several
taxa belonging to the Primulales, showed that the staminodial
Androecium structures in Theophrastaceae originate from the same whorl
The flowers in all three families are haplostemonous, with as the stamens and petals. Whether these structures really are
the stamens situated opposite the petals. The stamens develop staminodial in nature is still unknown, but at least they are
from a common primordium together with the petals, in dif- provided with vascular strands, and therefore the interpreta-
ferent temporal order. Sattler (1967) observed that the sta- tion that they are vestigial stamens seems reasonable. ~ t a m i -
mens sometimes arose before the petals, whereas in other nodial structures similar to those of the Theophrastaceae are
genera the petals arose first. The Theophrastaceae were common also in the Sapotaceae and have also been stated to
found to have early petal initiation, like Ardisia, whereas an occur in a few genera of the Primulaceae, viz. Samolus, Sol-
early stamen initiation was found in Myrsine and Aegiceras. danella, and Lysimachia subg. Seleucia Bigelow (=Steiro-
Sundberg (1982) found that both kinds of delayed initiation nema Rafin.). Thenen (191 1) showed that the antisepalous
occurred also in the Primulaceae and interpreted the delayed scales in Samolus are staminodia, provided with a vascular
stamen initiation to be the derived condition. trace that is one branch of a three-branched vascular system
Many taxa in the Primulales have anther filaments fused in the corolla. between the main corolla veins. Thenen
into a more or less pronounced ring. Being more or less (19 11) also argued that the three-branched vascularization in
fused with the corolla, the presence of this filament tube is the linear segments between the corolla lobes in Soldanella
not always easily assessed. In fact, the character is inapplica- proved that these are homologous with staminodia. Vascular
ble in taxa where the filaments are completely fused with the strands are entirely missing from the alleged staminodial
corolla tube, as in Maesa and in several Primulaceae, as well structures of Lysimaclzia, and Thenen (191 1) therefore con-
as in the Sapotaceae. The stamina1 tube is more evident when sidered these to be secondary protuberances rather than
it is partly separated from the corolla, as in Aegiceras and staminodes. In Androsace and Douglasia the corolla throat is
Myrsine, or when distinct ledges occur between the fila- characteristically constricted and provided with scales in the
ments, so that two or more stamens can be removed as a unit throat, but these are formed by swelling of the corolla tissue
without rupturing the corolla. and lack the three-branched vascular system of Samolus and
In Primulaceae and Myrsinaceae the anthers are introrse Soldanella and therefore cannot be considered staminodial.
Can. J. Bot. Vol. 73. 1995

Pollen develops. In many taxa the ovules are few and well spaced
The pollen of most representatives of the Primulales is tricol- with placental tissue in between, but in others the ovules are
porate, binucleate, and fairly uniform (Erdtman 1951; Johri densely set. The ovules are arranged in one or many series
et al. 1992), although exine sculpturing has been shown to and more or less deeply immersed in the placenta and some-
vary somewhat between genera (Punt et al. 1974; B. Stihl times almost concealed by the surrounding tissue. The
unpublished data). Tetracolporate pollen has been reported arrangement of the ovules was considered to be taxonomi-
from several species of Myrsine (Selling 1947; Vasan- cally significant in the family, e.g., for distinguishing
thy and Pocock 1981) and occurs also in some species of between the two subgenera in Maesa (Mez 1902), the only
Clavija. Zonocolpate pollen was found to be diagnostic of genus of the Myrsinaceae that like most genera of the Primu-
most Primula and Dionysia species (Wendelbo 1961c; laceae has many-seeded fruits.
Spanowsky 1962; Nowicke and Skvarla 1977). As far as is Fruits of the Theophrastaceae are generally few-seeded
known, the outgroup taxa have tricolporate pollen (Erdtman (one-seeded only rarely in a few species of Clavija), in spite
1951), except Manilkara that has tetra- or occasionally of the fact that the number of ovules may be as high as
penta-colporate pollen (Harley 1990), which seems to be a 200-250 (some species of Jacquinia). In this family the
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modification of the normally tricolporate pollen of the Sapo- ovules are arranged in several series but are not immersed in
taceae. A variation between tricolporate and tetracolporate the placenta, although this was claimed by Pax (1889).
pollen in the same species was also mentioned by Selling Instead, the mature seeds are more or less surrounded by the
(1947), thus confirming that the number of apertures placental pulp.
represents variation on a common basic pattern. The Primulaceae usually have many-seeded fruits and
ovules arranged in several series. An exception is Coris, in
Gynoecium which the ovules are inserted in a single series at the top of
The Myrsinaceae and Theophrastaceae are frequently dio- the placenta from which the seeds are dispersed, leaving a
ecious or subdioecious, and dioecism is also the dominating shallow starlike impression. All the genera of the tribe
sexual systems in Clavija (Mez 1902; Stihl 1991). Both Lysimachieae have ovules immersed in the placenta, but this
families are consistently homostylous, but in the Primulaceae is also the case in a few other genera, e.g., Cyclamen, Coris,
several genera are heterostylous (Schaeppi 1934). In Prim- and Dionysia (Rdsvik 1966).
ula, over 90% of the species are heterostylous, but Wen- Mez (1902), as well as Melchior (1964), suggested that
For personal use only.

delbo ( 1 9 6 1 ~ ) considered this genus to be primitively taxa with one or a few ovules evolved from ancestors with
homostylous. He also concluded that the other heterostylous multiovulate ovaries. It is noteworthy that this scenario is
genera (Hottonia and Dionysia) had evolved from within just the opposite of the one proposed by Stebbins (1974),
Primula. who postulated that there had been a general evolutionary
The Primulales have ovaries with a free central placenta, trend in the Primulales towards an increased number of
a feature that is rare among angiosperms and therefore con- ovules per gynoecium. Stebbins (1974) exemplified this sup-
sidered to be diagnostic of the order as a monophyletic posed trend by comparing Glaux and Lysimachia with 3-30
group. Douglas (1936) accepted that the Primulales could be ovules per ovary with the groups he considered more
derived from a "centrospermal stock," and Dickson (1936) derived, like Primula (30-150 ovules per ovary), and
concurred but stated that the Primulaceae are at an evolution- Cyclamen (100- 150 ovules per ovary).
ary stage in advance of the Caryophyllaceae. The idea of a
common origin for the Caryophyllaceae and Primulaceae Seeds
was, however, rejected by Schaeppi (1937) and Stebbins The seeds of the Primulales exhibit variation in their mor-
(1974), who considered the free placentas in the Primulales phology (Fig. 6) as well as their anatomy (Figs. 7- 1l), and
and the "centrospermae" to have evolved independently, based on gross morphology, two seed types can be distin-
and this is also the view that is prevailing among systematists guished: (i) the subglobose and usually rather large seeds
today. The Myrsinaceae are supposed to have three to six found in most Theophrastaceae and Myrsinaceae (except
carpels (Mez 1902; Cronquist 1981) and the Theophrasta- Maesa) and (ii) the angular, medium sized to minute seeds
ceae two, three (Mez 1903), or perhaps five (Mabberley found in virtually all Primulaceae and in Maesa of the Myr-
1990). In the Primulaceae the ovaries are said to be formed sinaceae. The subglobose seeds of Myrsinaceae - Myrsinoi-
by five carpels (Douglas 1936; Dickson 1936), but Clincke- deae differ from those of the Theophrastaceae by having a
maillie and Smets (1992) found no support for this supposi- concave hilum area, appearing as a more or less deep, basal
tion other than floral symmetry in general. The absence of cavity. In addition, the endosperm in seeds of Myrsinaceae-
septa in the fruit has apparently contributed to the difficulty Myrsinoideae is often more or less ruminate. These morpho-
in determining the actual number of carpels in the fruit. logical differences are generally paralleled by differences in
The dry capsular fruits are one of the salient features for anatomy, so that the subglobose seeds of Myrsinaceae and
separating the Primulaceae from the other two families. The Theophrastaceae also have endosperm cell walls with irregu-
Theophrastaceae have berries with fleshy pulp and leathery lar thickenings and narrow constrictions ("pitted" endo-
exocarp, and the Myrsinaceae have more or less fleshy sperm walls, Figs. 7 and 8) and a thin testa devoid of
drupes. In the perigynous genus Maesa, the fruit is also more crystals. The small angular seeds of the remaining groups
or less fleshy but formed both by the ovary and the surround- have evenly thickened, smooth endosperm cell walls and a
ing tissue and therefore cannot be considered homologous to thick (usually distinctly two-layered) testa with rhomboid
that of other Myrsinaceae. crystals. Exceptions from this general rule are Cyclamen
In the Myrsinaceae, the number of ovules can be quite (Woodcock 1933), Vitaliana, and Douglasia, which all have
high initially, although only one mature seed generally endosperm with pitted cell walls, and Myrsine with smooth
Anderberg and St%hl

Fig. 6. Seed and embryo morphology. ( A ) Clavija lancifolia Desf. ssp. chermontiana (Standl.) Stihl
(Foster and Terceros 13447). (B) Parathesis belizensis Lundell (Contreras 7957). (C) Maesa lanceolata
Forssk. (Bernardi 11070). (D) Prinzula veris L. (Wall s.n.). (E) Asterolinon Iinum-stellatum (L.) Duby
(unvouchered, cultivated in Lund).

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cell walls. An immersed, concave hilum area similar to the to be confirmed by embryological characters. An integumen-
one found in seeds of Myrsinaceae-Myrsinoideae is also tary tapetum is missing in Aegiceras, Ardisia, and Myrsine,
present in Asterolinon and Pelletiera. In Jacquinia, both seed as well as in the genera Clavija, Theophrasta, and Jacquinia
types are found, although the "primuloid" seeds in this of the Theophrastaceae (Mauritzon 1936). In contrast,
genus are considerably larger than those found in Primula- Maesa and all investigated Primulaceae (except Coris and
ceae and Maesa. Cyclamen) have an integumentary tapetum (Dahlgren 1916;
For personal use only.

I The stored nutritive material in seeds of Deherainia (The- Raju 1952; Subramanyam and Narayana 1968). The Primu-
ophrastaceae), which is of the same morphological (pitted) laceae have an embryogeny of the caryophyllad type (e.g.,
type as that of Clavija and Theophrasta, was classified by Soukges 1937; Raju 1952; Subramanyam and Narayana
I Mauritzon (1936) as a perisperm developed from the inner 1968), but Trientalis seems to have an onagrad-type embry-
integument. If this is true then the states pitted versus smooth ogeny (Johansen 1950). Although the Myrsinaceae are some-
should be exchanged for perisperm versus endosperm, but times also stated to have an embryogeny conforming to the
this observation needs to be verified. Hegnauer (1969, 1973) onagrad type (Johansen 1950; Johri et al. 1992), this has
and Cronquist (1981) stated that seeds of Primulales do not apparently been investigated only in Maesa.
store starch but instead store oil and amylose, but despite the The embryo in Primulaceae and Maesa is short and
striking difference in endosperm cell wall construction, no provided with short, narrow cotyledons (Saint-Hilaire and
differences in seed chemistry have been reported. Girard 1839; Martin 1946; Burkardt 1979). In Myrsina-
ceae-Myrsinoideae on the other hand, the embryo is usually
Embryology long and somewhat curved and has small, often inconspicu-
ous cotyledons. In the Theophrastaceae, the cotyledons are
The embryological characteristics of the Primulales include often broad and foliaceous, but narrow and poorly differen-
the following features: fibrous endothecium, secretory anther tiated cotyledons were recorded in several species of Jac-
tapetum with uninucleate cells, anatropous bitegmic tenuinu- quinia (B. S t h l , unpublished data). The variation in embryo
cellate ovules with micropyle formed by both integuments, length may partly be correlated to differences in seed size.
multicellular archaesporium, Polygonum-type of embryo sac Polyembryony has been recorded from a few species of
with ephemeral antipodals, differentiation of endothelium, Ardisia (Braun 1859) and during the course of this study was
albuminous seeds, and nuclear endosperm formation (Johri also noted in Suttonia australis A. Rich. and Parathesis
et al. 1992). Two genera, Aegiceras and Cyclamen, differ belizensis Lundell.
from the others in having unitegmic ovules, but Netolitzky Davis (1966) mentioned that the endosperm formation in
(1926) stated that in some genera of the Primulaceae, i.e., Ebenaceae is nuclear, but it was shown to be cellular in
Cyclamen and Soldanella, the inner integument is partly Diospyros kaki, Diospyros glaucifolia, and Diospyros vir-
resorbed, indicating that unitegmy is a secondary feature in giniana by Yamazaki (1972) and Johri et al. (1992). Further-
the Primulaceae. Aegiceras also differs from all other genera more, Yamazaki (1972) stated that both the Ebenaceae and
by having exalbuminous seeds. No endosperm haustoria are the Sapotaceae have a Chenopodiad type of embryogeny.
known to occur in the Primulales (Dahlgren 1989, 1991).
Data on embryology and ovule morphology in the Myr- Cytology
sinaceae are scarce and restricted to studies of a few taxa
only, viz. Aegiceras, Myrsine, Ardisia, and Maesa (Karsten Faure (1968) found that the chromosome number in Aegi-
1891; Warming 1914; Dahlgren 1916; Schnarf 1931; Carey ceras conforms well to the common number of 2n = 46
and Fraser 1932; Sankara Rao 1972), but it is interesting that found in several taxa of the Myrsinaceae, e.g., in many
the differences between Maesa and other Myrsinaceae seem Ardisia species. With regard to the cytological data, both the
1710 Can. J . Bot. Vol. 73. 1995

Fig. 7. Pitted endosperm cell walls in Corelliana multi'ora. Fig. 8. Pitted endosperm cell walls in higher magnification (Corelliarla
multif2ora). Fig. 9. Smooth endosperm cell walls in Glaux maritirna. Fig. 10. Smooth endosperm cell walls in higher magnification
(Glaux maritima). Fig. 11. Smooth endosperm cell walls and thick seed wall in Maesa rufescens. Figs. 7 and 8. Frame et al. 179
(S). Figs. 9 and 10. ~ t i h &
l Knudsen s.n. (S). Fig. 11. Wall s.n. (S). All scale bars = 0.1 mm.
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Anderberg and St%hl

Theophrastaceae and Maesa differ from the myrsinaceous feev 1963), but other fossil Primulaceae, including Trientalis
pattern. Faure (1968) hypothesized a basic chromosome and Primula, are apparently more uncertain (Kirchheimer
number of x = 12 for the Myrsinaceae but x = 18 for the 1957).
Theophrastaceae and x = 10 for Maesa. The Primulaceae Judging from the fossil record, the Primulales are a rela-
show a great variability in chromosome numbers, but chro- tively young group, first appearing in the Tertiary, in the
mosome numbers based on x = 10 are very common (e.g., Miocene and the Oligocene (about 30 000 000 BP). From
Fedorov 1974). that period fossils are known from at least two of the three
families and in many respects they resemble extant taxa. The
Phytochemistry fact that a group like the Myrsinaceae are found as fossils in
areas like Germany and England indicates that a change in
In contrast with most other sympetalous plant groups, the climate has occurred in this part of the world since the Mio-
Primulales lack characteristic compounds like iridoids and cene and Oligocene, from a tropical-subtropical to a tem-
ellagic acid (Jensen et al. 1975; Cronquist 1981). Instead, the perate climate.
Primulales are characterized by the occurrence of various Both the putatively related families Ebenaceae and
saponine compounds (Hegnauer 1969), and many genera
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Sapotacae are also known from the Tertiary, but according

also produce quinoid compounds that are known to be aller- to Menzel (1921), some fossils are as old as from the Upper
genic (Hausen 1978). Cretaceous.
An interesting compound found in members of the Primu-
laceae is the flavonol gossypetin, which has a very restricted
distribution in flowering plants (Harborne 1969). This sub- Circumscription of the Primulales and
stance has proved to be of systematic value in the Ericaceae their systematic position
(Anderberg 1992, 1993), and the occurrence of gossypetin in
these two families is interesting considering that they have In spite of an almost unanimous taxonomic consensus regard-
ing the. monophyly of the Primulales, no clear picture has
both been found to belong in the same major clade of flower-
ing plants (Chase et al. 1993). To date, gossypetin has only emerged concerning their closest relatives, although most
been demonstrated to occur in the tribe Primuleae (Primula recent classifications seem to agree that the Ebenales are
among the more plausible candidates. Most genera of the
spp., Dionysia, Douglasia), but an investigation of the distri-
bution of gossypetin from a wider sampleof taxa may reveal Ebenales, like those of the Primulales, have bitegmic tenui-
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that it is also a useful taxonomic marker in the Primulaceae. nucellate ovules and often have flowers with sympetalous
Whether or not gossypetin occurs in the Myrsinaceae or the corollas. The Sapotaceae differ from the other members of
Theophrastaceae is as yet unknown. that order by their unitegmic ovules in combination with
tenuinucellus and nuclear endosperm formation (Cronquist
1981). The Sapotaceae also differ from the other families of
Fossil record
the Ebenales in having well-developed laticifers. On the
Records from the Baltic amber (Conwenz 1886) include basis of these differences, Dahlgren (1991) suggested that the
flowers of the myrsinaceous genera Myrsinopsis Conwentz systematic position of the Sapotaceae was in need of further
and Berendtia Gopp. (Pax 1889; Mez 1902). Leaves of myr- investigation.
sinaceous plants were reported from the Tertiary floras of In a recent paper, Geetha et al. (1993) adopted Hutchin-
Europe and Greenland, and these plant parts were assigned son's view (Hutchinson 1969) that the Primulales are poly-
to a number of different genera (Myrsine L., Myrsinites Ett., phyletic. In their view the Primulaceae would have originated
Ardisia Sw., Pleiomerites Ett., Icacorea Aubl., and Maesa; from the Violales and the two other families directly from the
e.g., Takhtajan and Uznadze 1963), but Menzel(1921), who Theales. This bold hypothesis was based merely on the dis-
considered the identifications as more or less uncertain, tribution of simple phytochemical compounds known to be
referred to them in a collective sense as Myrsinophyllum highly homoplasious among flowering plants and without
Menzel. Fruits similar to those of the extant genus Ardisia any consideration of morphological data.
were recorded from the Eocene of England (Chandler 1964), Cronquist (1981) included the families Ebenaceae, Sapota-
and fossilized pollen of the Myrsinaceae, similar to that of ceae, Symplocaceae, Styracaceae, and Lissocarpaceae in the
Suttonia and Rapanea, is known from the Oligocene (Muller order Ebenales and placed them just next to the Primulales.
1981). Other Tertiary fossils are inflorescences of the genus He stated that a common ancestor of such a group would
Pleiomerites Ettinghausen, described from Germany (Collin- have features like those found in families of the Theales, to
son et al. 1993). which he referred the Actinidiaceae, for example.
. ..... .,
Leaves from the Tertiary in Germany have been referred Thorne (1983, 1992) also placed the Primulales and the
to the Theophrastaceae (Clavijopsis, Schindehiitte 1907), but Ebenales next to each other, and his circumscription of the
although similar in shape and venation to leaves of Clavija, latter differed very little from Cronquist's (1981) view. On
the sparse and incomplete material makes the proposed rela- the other hand, Thorne (1983, 1992) had a unique view
tionship with that genus uncertain. regarding the circumscription of the Primulales, which he
From the Primulaceae, seeds very similar to those of subdivided into the suborders Primulineae and Plumbagi-
extant Lysimachia vulgaris are known from the Oligocene nineae, with the former including the traditional Primulales
and Miocene (Friis 1985), and according to Muller (1981), families and the latter comprising the Plumbaginaceae. This
pollen of Samolus valerandi L. was reported from upper proposed relationship is further discussed below.
Miocene sediments of Spain. Furthermore, seeds identified Takhtajan's (1987) superorder Ericanae included the orders
as Androsace are known from the Siberian Miocene (Doro- Ebenales (Styracaceae, Lissocarpaceae, and Ebenaceae),
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Sapotales (Sapotaceae), and Primulales (Theophrastaceae, suitable outgroups for an analysis of the Primulales. There
Myrsinaceae, Aegicerataceae, and Primulaceae), as well as is, however, an important difference between the two topolo-
the Ericales and Diapensiales. The Sapotales were in this gies presented for their clade asterid 111. The first scenario
context placed next to the Primulales, and according to Cron- (13A, p. 574) has the families Ebenaceae, Diapensiaceae,
quist (1981, p. 508), Takhtajan had earlier suggested a pos- and Polemoniaceae as the nearest relatives of the Primulales,
sible homology of the secretory system of the Myrsinaceae followed by a wider group of families including, e.g., the
with that (the laticifers) of the Sapotaceae. Sapotaceae. The second scenario (13B, p. 575) has the Styra-
In the last of Dahlgren's systematic schemes (Dahlgren caceae and Clethraceae as the closest relatives of the Primu-
1989), the superorder Primulanae were composed of the two lales, with families like the Actinidiaceae, Theaceae,
orders Primulales and Ebenales. The former comprised the Cyrillaceae, and Sapotaceae in the close vicinity. Families
Myrsinaceae, Theophrastaceae, and Primulaceae, as well as like Diapensiaceae, Polemoniaceae, and the Ebenaceae
the two segregate families Coridaceae (Coris) and Aegicer- were, in this scenario, found to be more distantly related to
ataceae (Aegiceras). The Ebenales comprised the families the Primulales.
Sapotaceae, Styracaceae, Ebenaceae, and Lissocarpaceae. In the light of available morphological data, we have con-
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In a large analysis of molecular data from the chloroplast cluded that neither the Clethraceae, the Diapensiaceae, nor
DNA gene rbcL, Chase et al. (1993) corroborated the mono- the Polemoniaceae are suitable as outgroup taxa for an analy-
phyly of the Primulales. Only three genera from the Primu- sis of phylogenetic interrelationshipsin the Primulales. Instead
lales, one from each family, were included in the analysis, we hold to the traditional concept of the Ebenales as a possi-
but the analysis gave support for the Theophrastaceae (Cla- ble candidate as a sister group to the Primulales, but the dis-
vija) as the sister group of the Myrsinaceae (Ardisia) and the crepancy between the two trees of Chase et al. (1993)
Primulaceae (Anagallis). Unfortunately the analysis left the regarding the position of the different families of the Eben-
question of the sister group of the Primulales open, but ales in relation to the Primulales cannot be overlooked. It
the Primulales as well as the genera of the Ebenales were must be noted that in neither of the two trees do the Ebenales
found to belong to a larger monophyletic group of families appear together as a monophyletic group, and the only family
constituting part of an enlarged Asteridae (clade asterid 111). within the Ebenales that consistently is placed very close,
This hypothesis obtained from molecular data is supported and basal in relation to the Primulales, are the Sapotaceae.
by the presence in these families of a number of specialized Because of this uncertainty, we have included representatives
For personal use only.

morphological characters, such as unilacunary nodes, tenui- from two families of the Ebenales in the outgroup, as well
nucellate ovules, and haplostemonous, sympetalous flowers. as a representative of a group further outside of the
Ebenales - Primulales sphere.
The Primulaceae- Plumbaginaceae connection Two genera of the Sapotaceae, Manilkara Adans. and
The similarity in floral structure on which the supposition of Monotheca A.DC. (Reptonia A.DC., Edgeworthia Falc.)
a close relationship between the Primulaceae and Plum- were included in the outgroup. Manilkara was chosen mainly
baginaceae has been founded (cf. Pax 1889; Thorne 1983, because it was included in the rbcL analysis by Chase et al.
1992) was recently shown to be due to homoplasy (Clincke- (1993). The second representative, Monotheca, is a mono-
maillie and Smets 1992). This systematic relationship is fur- typic genus of northeastern Africa, Arabia, Afghanistan, and
ther contradicted by the fact that the Plumbaginaceae have a northwestern Pakistan. The genus was once included in the
micropyle formed only by the inner integument, and thus Theophrastaceae (de Candolle 1844; Hooker 18766; Pax
also in this respect conform to the condition of the so-called 1889) but was transferred to the Sapotaceae by Radlkofer
Centrospermae (Wunderlich 1967), whereas in the Primu- (1889) where it has remained ever since (Mez 1903; Stewart
lales, the micropyle is formed by both integuments (Johri 1972; Friis 1978; Malik 1984; Collenette 1985; Stihl
et al. 1992). Furthermore, the proposed relationship between 1990~).Because of its former systematic position in the
the Primulales and the Plumbaginaceae is at odds with the Primulales, we have found it particularly interesting to
molecular work by Chase et al. (1993) that places the Plum- include Monotheca in our analyses.
baginaceae near the traditional centrosperm groups, whereas Apart from these two genera we included Diospyros from
the Primulales are included among the sympetalous families the Ebenaceae to cover more of the character variation in the
of the Asteridae. Another contradiction is presented by Ebenales. This genus was also included in the molecular
Frohne and John (1978), who from an investigation of sero- study by Chase et al. (1993).
logical data in the Primulales and supposedly related groups As mentioned above, Chase et al. (1993) consistently
concluded that there is no support for a close relationship found the families of the Ericales to be associated to the same
between Plumbaginales and Primulales. On the other hand, clade asterid 111 as the Primulales, and therefore, we have
they found a clear serological correspondence between included also Actinidia Lindley (Actinidiaceae) among the
Primulales and Ericales, which to some extent is echoed by outgroup taxa. In a number of recent papers, this family was
the results obtained by Chase et al. (1993) from analyses of found to be the basal clade of the Ericales (Anderberg 1993;
rbcL sequence data. It seems as though the correspondence Judd and Kron 1993; Kron and Chase 1993), and the choice
in serological data, at least in this case, reflects synapo- of Actinidia also meets the morphological requirements for
morphic similarity between these groups. a hypothetical ancestor of the Ebenales-Primulales group as
hypothesized by Cronquist (1981, p. 509).
The outgroup taxa
The ingroup taxa
From the analysis by Chase et al. (1993), conclusions can be
drawn about a number of families that could be considered To cover as large a part of the morphological variation as
Anderberg and St%hl

possible, representatives (genera, subgenera, or species) (1964, 1966a, 1971, 1981a, 1981b, 1982) described or recog-
included in the ingroup were selected from all currently and nized several segregate genera, many of which are partly or
previously recognized suprageneric taxonomic groups. It entirely based on the subgenera recognized by Mez (1902),
was not our main objective to elucidate the interrelationships viz. Amatlania Lundell, Auricularardisia Lundell, Chonta-
within each major group in detail but rather to let the sampled lesia Lundell, Gentlea Lundell, Graphardisia (Mez) Lun-
taxa indicate the delimitation of the major clades in the dell, Icacorea Aublet, Ibarraea Lundell, Oerstedianthus
Primulales. The taxa included in the analyses are presented Lundell, Valerioanthus Lundell, and Zunilia Lundell. In addi-
here briefly, together with additional notes that give the tion to these, there are several genera that differ from Ardisia
rationale for omitting some genera from the analyses. in some characters but can still be hypothesized to be rather
closely related. We refer to these as an informal Ardisia com-
plex without any a priori assumptions about their phylo-
Theophrastaceae Link genetic status. Listed below are a number of these genera that
Theophrasta L. has two closely related species endemic to were all omitted from the analyses. Afrardisia was described
the island of Hispaniola (Stihl 1987). Neomezia Votsch is a by Mez (1902) to accommodate the African species, which
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monotypic genus endemic to Cuba, which is similar to Theo- differ from the main stock by having few ovules arranged in
phrasta and probably the sister group of that genus (Stihl a single series. It was recognized as a separate genus by
1990a). Theophrasta was included in our analyses. de Wit (1958) but has been included in Ardisia by
Clavija Ruiz & Pavdn is a coherent genus of 50 species others (Taton 1980; Halliday 1984). Parardisia Nayar and
in South and Central America with one species in the West Giri (1986), based on two species from Assam and Borneo,
Indies (Stihl 1991). was recently added to the list of synonyms of Ardisia (Stone
Jacquinia L., a genus of about 35 species in the West 1993a). Antistrophe A.DC., with five species in the Indo-
Indies, Mexico, Central America, and coastal South malayan region, is similar to Ardisia but with a corolla
America, is clearly the most heterogeneous genus in the twisted to the left and ovules situated in a single series. De
family. Deherainia Decne. has two species in Mexico and Candolle (1841a) distinguished Antistrophe from Ardisia on
northern Central America and may be the sister group of the basis of its anthers ending in a membranous appendix.
Jacquinia (Stihl 1989, 1990a, 1995). Votschia Stihl is a Ctenardisia Ducke, with two species in northeastern Brazil,
monotypic and poorly known genus from Panama that is is distinguished by large oblanceolate leaves, elongated pani-
morphologically intermediate between Jacquinia and Deher-
For personal use only.

cles, and erect ovules arranged in a single series around the

ainia (Stihl 1993). From this group, only Jacquinia was base of the placenta (Lundell 1982). The Mesoamerican
included in our analyses. genus Yunckeria Lundell, with one to three species in Central
America, has a similar ovule arrangement and was therefore
Myrsinaceae R.Br. merged with Ctenardisia by Lundell (1982). Hymenandra
The Myrsinaceae have the reputation of being taxonomically (A.DC.) Spach., with eight species in southeast Asia, is
difficult with poorly defined genera and many variable and much like Ardisia but has anthers laterally connate and
sexually heteromorphic species. The delimitation of many ovules in a single series (two in Hymenandra wallichii
genera is still highly suspect and the classification of the A.DC. ; Stone 199Ib). Tetrardisia Mez, with three species in
family is certainly in need of a thorough revision. In our Java and Queensland, is basically an Ardisia with tetramer-
present study, we have not had the ambition to elucidate the ous flowers and few ovules in a single series. Systellantha
phylogenetic status of every genus recognized at one time or Stone, with two species from Borneo, has many features in
the other but have chosen to include a wide sample of taxa common with Tetrardisia but differs mainly in having
to test the monophyly of the Myrsinaceae. For that purpose, unisexual flowers and short condensed inflorescences (Stone
we believe that the present sample is sufficient. 1992). Solonia Urban (syn. Walleniella cubana P. Wilson;
Aegiceras Gaertn. has two species confined to mangrove Alain 1957), with a single species in Cuba, seems to be an
vegetation in southeast Asia and tropical Australia. It has apomorphic segregate from Ardisia, with the anther
several distinctive and odd features, and therefore it has often filaments united into a tube that is largely free from the
been placed in a separate family, the Aegicerataceae (de Can- corolla. Stylogyne A.DC., a genus of 50 species occurring in
dolle 1844; Hutchinson 1969; Takhtajan 1987; Dahlgren tropical America, is similar to Ardisia but often has
1989). unisexual flowers, few ovules and axillary inflorescences
Amblyanthus A.DC., with three species in the eastern unlike most neotropical Ardisia. The dense lateral venation
Himalayas, is diagnosed by its connate anthers (but not fila- and glandular punctation of the leaves may also help to dis-
ments) and emarginate corolla lobes (de Candolle 184la; tinguish the genus from Ardisia, at least in the field (Gentry
Mez 1902). Amblyanthopsis Mez, also with two species in 1993). A cladistic analysis of the Myrsinaceae with represen-
the Himalayan region (Stone 1991a), is very similar to tatives of all the segregate genera is needed before a better
Amblyanthus, according to Mez (1902), and differs only in understanding of the phylogenetic status of the Ardisia com-
having free stamens. From this group, only Amblyanthus was plex can be gained. For the present analyses, we have
included in our analyses. included two species of Ardisia: Ardisia elliptica Thunb.,
Ardisia Sw. is, in its widest sense, a pantropical genus of which like Aegiceras has septate anthers, and Ardisia pusilla
at least 300 species and thus the largest in the family. It was A.DC., a species belonging to the mainly suffrutescent
subdivided by Mez (1902) into 14 subgenera, a classification subgenus Bladhia (Thunb.) Mez (Yang and Dwyer 1989).
followed by most subsequent workers in Asia (Pitard 1930; Cybianthus Martius was treated in a rather narrow sense
Walker 1940; Stone 1982, 1989, 1990, 1993a; Sleumer by Mez (1902) who included in the genus 36 species from
1 9 8 8 ~Larsen
; and Hu 1991). From the New World, Lundell South America. Agostini (1980) introduced a much broader
Can. J . Bot. Vol. 73, 1995

concept by including the five neotropical genera Comomyr- workers have given the genus a wider circumscription,
sine Hook.f., Conomorpha A.DC., Corelliana D'Arcy, including the large pantropical genus Rapanea Aubl. (King
Cybianthopsis (Mez) Lundell, and Weigeltia A. DC. and and Gamble 1905; Perrier de la BIthie 1953; Walker 1959;
divided the genus into 10 subgenera. This classification was Backer and Bakhuizen van der Brink 1965; Stearn 1969;
adopted by Pipoly (1983, 1987, 1992a) who added an addi- Liogier 1971; Pipoly 1992b), and sometimes also the Pacific
tional subgenus based on the genus Grarnmadenia Bentham genus Suttonia A. Rich. (Hosaka 1940). In this wide sense,
with seven species in tropical America. In this broad sense Myrsine comprises 150 species, i.e., virtually all Myr-
Cybianthus consists of about 150 species in the neotropics. In sinaceae with fasciculate inflorescences and pauciovulate
our analyses we have included - ~ o n o m o r ~ hA.DC.
a and placentas. In a revision of the Myrsinaceae of the Fijian
Grarnmadenia Benth. (Cybianthus subg. Conomorpha (A.DC.) region, Smith (1973) merged Suttonia with Rapanea,
Agostini; Cybianthus subg. Grarnmadenia (Benth.) Pipoly). whereas Myrsine s.str., which does not occur in that area,
Embelia Burm.f., with about 130 species in the Old was considered a distinct genus. Nakai (1943) considered
World tropics, differs from most other members of the Rapanea to be a New World genus and treated the eastern
Primulales in its choripetalous flowers, and in addition, Asiatic (mainly Japanese) representatives in three distinct
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many species are scandent. Grenacheria Mez, with 10 spe- genera (Anamtia Koidzumi, Athruphyllu~nLour., and Man-
cies in the Indomalayan region, is apparently a close relative glilla Juss.) distinguished mainly by differences in stigma
of Embelia from which it differs (solely?) by having sym- morphology, but this classification was later questioned by
petalous flowers. We have included Embelia ribes Burm.f. Walker (1954). Myrsine s.str. can be distinguished from
in our analyses. Rapanea and Suttonia by its possession of a well-developed
Heberdenia Banks ex A.DC., a monotypic genus of stamina1 tube. Given the uncertainties regarding the relation-
Macaronesia, resembles Embelia in many characters but dif- ships within the Myrsine complex, a single species, Myrsine
fers in its bisexual flowers arranged in subumbellate inflores- africana L., was included in the analyses.
cences and by having ovules in more than one series. A Parathesis (A.DC.) Hook.f., with about 70 species in the
second, Mexican species, Heberdenia penduliflora (A.DC.) neotropics (Lundell 1966b), is easily recognized because of
Mez, was referred to the genus by Mez (1902), but this spe- its usually brownish indumentum of stellate or dendroid
cies certainly does not belong there (B. Stihl, unpublished hairs, wide paniculate inflorescences, and narrow, revolute
data). Pleiomeris A.DC. is a monotypic, Macaronesian petals.
For personal use only.

genus, sometimes associated with the Myrsine complex Tapeinosperma Hook.f., with some 40 species in New
because of its fasciculate inflorescences and allegedly pau- Guinea, Fiji, and Queensland, is variable and difficult to
ciovulate ovaries (Mez 1902; de Wit 1957; Pipoly 1992b), define but is characterized by rather showy inflorescences
but as pointed out by de Wit (1957) and earlier by de Can- with caducous bracts, open solid flowers, subhastate-
dolle (1844), the ovules in this genus are many and arranged triangular, sessile or subsessile anthers, rather short style,
in two or three series. It is possibly closer to Heberdenia or and deeply immersed ovules arranged in a single series. The
Embelia, having granulate petals of the same shape and tex- leaves are medium-sized to very large (Stone and Whitmore
ture as these genera but differing in its well developed fila- 1970) and often pseudoverticillate, and some species have a
ment tube. We have included Heberdenia in our analyses. pachycaulous growth habit. Several, primarily Asiatic -
Labisia Lindley, with about six species in the Malesian Pacific genera share most of these features and for con-
region (Stone 1988a), is seemingly well diagnosed by venience are treated here as an informal group under
suffrutescent growth habit, leaves with dense lateral venation Tapeinosperma. Discocalyx (A.DC.) Mez, with 50 species
and decurrent blade bases, and induplicate corolla lobe mar- in eastern Malaysia and Polynesia, is close to and perhaps
gins. The monotypic genus Emblemantha Stone, described impossible to keep separate from Tapeinosperma, from
from Sumatra (Stone 1988b), is evidently a close relative of which it ideally differs in unisexual flowers, very short style,
Labisia but has an almost tubular corolla. Sadiria Mez, with and sessile or subsessile anthers (Smith 1973). Fittingia Mez
six species in the eastern Himalayas, also seems to belong to with five species in New Guinea (Sleumer 1 9 8 8 ~ is ) similar
this informal group. All three genera have long-apiculate to Discocalyx and distinguished by its fruits that have thick
anthers that are, at least in Labisia and Sadiria, somewhat exocarp, which is longitudinally ridged or tubercled (Stone
curved inwards. We have included Labisia in our analyses. 1991~).Loheria Merr. with six species in the eastern Male-
Maesa Forssk., with ca. 100 species in the Old World, sian region (Stone 1991a) is a dioecious or functionally dio-
mainly in the tropics, is distinguished from all other Myr- ecious genus characterized by a pachycaulous growth habit
sinaceae by its perigynous flowers, many-seeded fruits, and with reduced lateral shoots and a combination of floral fea-
the pedicels of each flower being supported by a pair of tures that taken together may set it apart from the seemingly
opposite or subopposite bracteoles. Several micromorpho- related genera of this group. We have included the species
logical, anatomical, and cytological features also seem to set Tapeinosperma clavatatum Mez in the analyses.
it apart from other Myrsinaceae (see text for further discus- Oncostemum A. Juss., with about 100 species in Mada-
sion). A small number of African species have ovules gascar and the Mascarenes (Perrier de la Biithie 1953), is
arranged in only one series and belong to a separate subgenus diagnosed by its tubular androecium, formed by the fila-
(Monotaxis Mez). We have included both subgenera in our ments and most of the anthers. Badula Juss., with 14 species
analyses . in the same area, is similar to Oncostemum but has free
Myrsine L. includes in its most narrow sense (Mez 1902; anthers, although this distinction is not valid for all species
Taton 1980; Halliday 1984) about seven species and has a (Coode 1976); some species are pachycaulous. Monoporus
wide distribution in the Old World tropics. However, many A.DC. has eight species in Madagascar (Perrier de la BIthie
Anderberg and Stahl

1953) and is diagnosed by poricidal anthers and erect ovules Trientalis L. has two species in northern temperate areas.
inserted at the base of the placenta but is probably a close This genus is probably an apomorphic segregate from the
relative of Oncosternum. Oncosternurn was included in our paraphyletic Lysimachia complex. There are some species of
analyses . Lysimachia, e.g., Lysimachia evalvis Wall., which have
Conandrium (K. Schum.) Mez has two Indomalayan spe- fruits that much resemble those of Trientalis. Also, several
cies (Sleumer 1988b), and because of its connate anthers, species of Lysimachia (e.g., Lysimachia paridijormis Franch.
Mez (1902) related this genus to Hymenandra, although the and Lysimachia sciadophylla Chen & Hu), have pseudover-
large differences in inflorescence architecture and floral ticillate leaves like Trientalis. Both species of Trientalis are
morphology indicate that they are not particularly close. The pseudoannuals, propagating with rhizomes that end in a bulb-
genus was said (Mez 1902) to have a many-ovuled placenta like winterbud (Warming 1918; Anderson and Loucks 1973;
with ovules in at least two series, but in the material of Anderson and Beare 1983), and such a life cycle is known
Conandriurn polyanthum (Laut. & K. Schum.) Mez exam- to occur also in Lysimachia thyrsiflora L. and in Glaux
ined by us (Bergman 440, Brass 28574), only pauciovulate (Warming 1918; Jerling 1988). The often heptamerous
placentas with deeply immersed ovules in a single series corolla of Trientalis is an autapomorphy.
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were observed. Sleumer (1988b) indicated that only the con- Asterolinon Hoffsgg. & Link. has two species, one in the
nate anthers distinguished Conandrium from Ardisia, but he Mediterranean region, the other in Ethiopia. The type was
obviously never examined the ovary. described as a species of Lysimachia by Linnaeus (1753) and
Wallenia Sw., with 25 species in the West Indies (Stearn was also included in that genus by Leblebici (1978). Within
1969), is characterized by coriaceous, sometimes pseudo- the Lysimachia complex, Asterolinon linum-stellatum is prob-
verticillate leaves, usually unisexual flowers, well-developed ably closely related to Pelletiera A. St.-Hil., but the second
corolla tube, exserted stamens, and versatile anthers. This Asterolinon species has the habit of an Anagallis and may
genus is divided (Mez 1902) into subg. Wallenia, with termi- prpve to be more distantly related. Pelletiera A. St.-Hil. has
nal paniculate inflorescences, and subg. Homowallenia Mez, two species, one in South America and the other in Macaro-
with axillary racemose inflorescences. Geissanthus Hook.f., nesia, which much resemble Asterolinon linum-stellaturn.
with 35 species in tropical South America (chiefly in the These three species share the annual habit, the minute white
Andes), is diagnosed by recurved petals and by its calyx, petals, the few-seeded capsules, and the irregularly rugose
which is closed in bud and opens irregularly into 2 -7 lobes seeds with a deeply sunken hilum area. As a representative
For personal use only.

(Pipoly 1993), but is otherwise similar to Wallenia. Vegaea of this group, we have included Asterolinon linurn-stellatum
Urban, with one species in Hispaniola, was considered by in our analyses.
Urban (1913) to be a relative of Wallenia but with shorter Glaux L. is a monotypic genus occurring in northern tem-
stamens and bisexual flowers. We have included Wallenia perate areas. Its apetalous species has several features in
subg. Wallenia in our analyses. common with members of the Lysinzachia complex. Glaux
Elingamita Baylis is a monotypic tree genus from New propagates with rhizomes ending with a bulblike winterbud,
Zealand with entire coriaceous leaves, a tubular corolla that and like Trientalis it also acts like a pseudoannual in a similar
is shorter than the calyx, few ovules, and red drupaceous, maner (Jerling 1988). Owing to the lack of corolla, many
one-seeded fruit. We have seen no material of this genus, but character states are unknown in the genus, and therefore an
it seems to be a typical representative of the Myrsinaceae. analysis of DNA sequence data will be particularly useful in
finding its proper systematic position. It seems likely, how-
Primulaceae Vent. ever, that it belongs in the Lysimachia complex.
Coris L. has two species in the Mediterranean area and in Anagallis L. (including Centunculus L.), with ca. 20 spe-
Somalia, and is diagnosed by its zygomorphic corolla, for cies, occurs in Africa, South America, and Europe. In most
example. The two species are very similar to each other. respects Anagallis agrees with Lysimachia. The salient fea-
Samolus L. has 15 species, occurring especially in salt ture used to distinguish the genus is the operculate capsules,
marshes. The distribution is worldwide, but most species are but this distinction seems artificial. There is a striking overall
found in the southern Hemisphere. Sarnolus is probably similarity between species of Anagallis to Lysimachia serpyl-
monophyletic and is diagnosed by its perigynous flowers. lijolia Schreb., and representatives of Lysirnachia subg. Pal-
Lysimachia L. is a genus of ca. 150 species, which has a ladia, for example. Anagallis may be a monophyletic
worldwide distribution. It is heterogeneous and presumably ingroup in Lysimachia, but further work is needed to clarify
paraphyletic because other genera of the tribe Lysimachieae, the relationships.
e.g., Anagallis, Trientalis, the apetalous Glaw, and Astero- Androsace L. has more than 150 species found mainly in
linon, appear to be apomorphic ingroups. A revised circum- northern temperate areas. Androsace is typically recognized
scription of Lysirnachia seems inevitable, but further studies by small flowers with a constricted corolla throat. Most spe-
are needed before a detailed and well-corroborated hypothe- cies are cushion-forming, but some have longer internodes.
sis can be formulated regarding the phylogeny of the group. Some species have a Primula-like habit and the relationships
To account for the considerable variation within Lysirnachia, to that genus still have to be investigated further. Richards
we have included four representatives in the analyses, viz. (1993) considered Androsace to be primitive in relation to
Lysirnachia insignis Hemsl. (subg. Idiophyton Hand.-Mazz.), Primula, whereas Smith and Lowe (1977) believed that
Lysirnachia ciliata L. (subg. Seleucia Bigelow), Lysimachia Androsace had evolved from Primula. Stimpsonia C. Wright
glutinosa Rock (subg. Lysirnachiopsis (Hell.) Hand.-Mazz.), ex A. Gray, with one species in eastern Asia, is probably a
and Lysimachia clethroides Duby (subg. Palladia (Moench) derived relative of Androsace (Wendelbo 1961c; RGsvik
Hand.-Mazz.). 1969). Pomatosace Maxim., with one species in the
Can. J. Bot. Vol. 73, 1995

Himalayas, is traditionally placed in the ~rimuleae-

' resemblance to some Androsace of sect. Pseudoprimula Pax,
Soldanellinae because of its operculate capsules, but all other e.g., Androsace axillaris Franch.
characters indicate that it belongs near Androsace. Andro- Soldanella L., with 10 species in the European Alps, is a
sace maxima L. (sect. Andraspis (Duby) Koch) and Andro- small and monophyletic, very homogeneous group but with
sace obtusifolia All. (sect. Chamaejasme Koch) were unclear relationships to other genera. The capsule opens by
included as representatives of Androsace. splitting of the style base but is often said to be operculate
Douglasia Lindley has eight species in mountains of (e.g., Pax and Knuth 1905). This opening mechanism is
the U.S.A. and Canada. It is rather homogeneous, but the probably not homologous to the circumscissile and distinctly
characters presented by Kelso (1991) as diagnostic of the operculate lids of Anagallis.
genus are also found in some Androsace, in which it was Cyclamen L. (Grey-Wilson 1988; Anderberg 1994) has
included by Wendelbo (1961~).Vitaliana Sesler, with one 19 species mainly distributed around the Mediterranean.
species in the European Alps, is usually considered a con- This is the most distinctive genus in the Primulaceae, and its
gener of Douglasia (Pax and Knuth 1905; Constance 1938), monophyly can hardly be questioned. The systematic posi-
but this relationship needs further study. Douglasia nivalis tion of Cyclamen was discussed by ROsvik (1966), who
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was included in our analyses. found it isolated in the family.

Dionysia Fenzl. (Wendelbo 1961a; Grey-Wilson 1989), Dodecatheon L. has 14 species occurring mainly in
with 39 species occurring in the mountains of central Asia, eastern North America. Three subgenera were recognized by
is a monophyletic group diagnosed by its very long tubular Thompson (1953), each with a rather different set of charac-
flowers. Dionysia is often considered to be closely related to ters, but the genus as such is probably monophyletic. Apart
Primula subg. Sphondylia (Duby) Rupr. (Wendelbo 1961b; from their reflexed corolla lobes, the species of Dodecatheon
but see Richards 1993). much resemble Primula species (e.g., Primula parryi A.
Primula L., with ca. 400 species, mainly in the northern Gray), and Richards (1993) believed the genus to have
Hemisphere, is heterogeneous and probably paraphyletic evolved from within the Primula stock.
(Smith et al. 1977; Richards 1993). Wendelbo (1961~)con-
sidered it likely that the genera Sredinskya, Hottonia, Dio- Materials and methods
nysia, Cortusa, and Dodecatheon all have their closest
relatives within Primula, and Richards (1993) added Ompha- The present study is based on the investigation of herbarium
For personal use only.

logramma and Bryocalpum to that list. If these phylogenetic specimens housed in the herbaria of AAU, BM, GB, K, S,
schemes corresponds to the true phylogeny of Prirnula and and SUNIV, supplemented by information from the litera-
the other genera of the Primuleae, it would mean that drastic ture, particularly regarding anatomical and embryological
changes in taxonomy are necessary if paraphyletic groups are data. Living material in greenhouses, and in the field, was
to be abandoned. Sredinskya (Stein.) Fed. is probably an also investigated.
autapomorphic member of the Primula complex, and the
same is probably true of Omphalogramma (Franch.) Cladistic analyses
Franch., which is diagnosed by solitary, ebracteate flowers. The data matrix in Table 1 was computed on a 486 PC work-
There are several Primula species that in habit appear more ing at 66 MHz, using the parsimony program H E N N I G ~ ~
or less intermediate between the two genera. The genus (Farris 1988). The analyses included the genera Actinidia
Bryocarpum H0ok.f. & Thoms., with one species in eastern (Actinidiaceae), Diospyros (Ebenaceae), and the two genera
Himalaya, is either the sister group of Omphalogramma or Manilkara and Monotheca (Sapotaceae) as outgroup for
more likely an apomorphic ingroup therein (cf. Fletcher assessing character polarity and for rooting the cladogram.
1949, p. 127; Richards 1993, p. 41). Hottonia L. has two All characters were coded as nonadditive except characters
species (one in North America, one in Europe and Asia) that 29 and 32, which were coded as additive transformation ser-
show distinct affinities to Primula. The flowers in Hottonia ies, with character states 2 and 3 being subsets of states 1 and
are heterostylous and arranged in several whorls, with the 2, respectively. The following options were used for the
ultimate whorl being a bracteate umbel, and hence the analyses: multiple HENNIG (MH*,constructing several initial
inflorescence is structurally the same as the superimposed cladograms by adding taxa in several different sequences,
umbels of many Primula subg. Aleuritia (Duby) Wendelbo retaining the shortest cladogram of each), with a subsequent
sect. Proliferae Pax. We have included two species of Prim- branch breaker (BB*,generating multiple equally parsimoni-
ula in our analyses, viz. Primula veris L. (subg. Primula) ous cladograms). The H E N N I G ~successive
~ weighting option
and Primula palinuri Petagna (subg. Auriculastrum). (XSW) was used to evaluate the effect of highly homoplasious
Cortusa L., with eight species, in the mountains of characters on the tree topology (Farris 1969; Carpenter
Europe and Asia, is probably paraphyletic if the yellow- 1988). Strict consensus trees were computed with the NEL-
flowered Kaujkannia Regel, with one or two species in cen- SEN command, and used for the purpose of the discussion
tral Asia, is retained as a separate genus. following the recommendations of Anderberg and Tehler
Ardisiandra H0ok.f. has three species in the African (1990). Character distributions were analyzed in the H E N N I G ~ ~
mountains. This genus has earlier been associated with Cor- DOS EQUIS mode (xx), as well as with the CLADOS program
tusa (e.g., Pax 1889), but this opinion was not shared by (Nixon 1992).
ROsvik (1968, 1969), who considered it an isolated genus in The measure of skewness (Hillis 1991), which sometimes
the family and placed it in a separate tribe, the Ardisian- has been used as significance tests of cladistic analysis, was
dreae. In general aspect, Ardisiandra show a remarkable recently demonstrated to be unreliable for such purposes
Anderberg and St%hl

Fig. 12. One of 36 equally most parsimonious cladograms obtained from the analysis of the data in Table 1.
(316 steps, CI = 0.35, RI = 0.67). The diagnostic characters are discussed in the text.

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(Kallersjo et al. 1992). We have instead employed a permu- simonious cladograms. A strict consensus tree is shown in
tation test (KARA) written by J.S. Farris, to determine Fig. 14.
whether the obtained results differed significantly from ran- In a permutation test with the -KARA program, 10 000 per-
domness. The theoretical background and the test as such mutations showed the data to be significantly nonrandom as
was presented by Kallersjo et al. (1992). the a,' value for the calculated length was 1 x The
permutation analysis yielded a total support for the real data
Results of 27, a maximum support of 3. The value of a,' for total
support was 58.8 x lop2, and for maximum support a,'
The cladistic analysis of the data in Table 1, with the four was 44.6 x lop2.
genera Actinidia, Diospyros, Manilkara, and Monotheca as
outgroup, gave 36 equally parsimonious cladograms, each
316 steps long with a consistency index (CI) of 0.35 and a
retention index (RI) of 0.67 (Farris 1989). One of the clado- The tropical and subtropical woody representatives in Theo-
grams from this analysis is shown in Fig. 12, and the cor- phrastaceae and Myrsinaceae were found to be plesio-
responding character distribution is discussed below. A strict morphic in relation to the temperate Primulaceae. This
consensus tree is shown in Fig. 13. supports the general conclusion of Judd et al. (1994) that
Five turns of successive weighting gave six equally par- temperate representatives of tropical and subtropical groups
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Anderberg and St2hl 1719
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In our analyses the Theophrastaceae were diagnosed by char- vided with the following set of characters: leaves with secre-
acters such as pseudoverticillate leaves with extraxylary tory cell cavities, flowers without staminodes, anthers
fibres in layers or bundles, anthers initially forming a cone introrse and longitudinally dehiscent, ovules immersed into
but later become spreading, upper and lower part of anther the placenta, and cotyledons not foliaceous in seed. In some
thecae provided with conspicuous clusters of calcium oxalate groups within this major clade, the diagnostic features have
crystals, ovules in two or more series, and endosperm with reversed in the course of evolution.
pitted cell walls. Extrorse anthers are symplesiomorphic in Considering that both the Theophrastaceae and Myr-
the family and therefore not diagnostic of it as a monophy- sinaceae are woody, we can be fairly confident that trees and
letic group. shrubs have evolved into herbaceous taxa within the Primu-
Staminodial flowers are also a symplesiomorphy in the lales, and that some shrubby representatives (e.g., Coris,
Theophrastaceae, since flowers lacking staminodes are apo- Dionysia, some Lysimachia) have evolved secondarily from
morphic in the order. In a few taxa, such as Samolus and Sol- herbaceous ancestors on more than one occasion. The oppo-
danella, staminodial structures have evolved in parallel. site trend can be seen in the Myrsinaceae, in which a few taxa
The majority of genera in the Primulales belong to a large have evolved from shrubs into subshrubs, e.g., Ardisia subg.
monophyletic group consisting of the families Myrsinaceae Bladhia, and it can also be noted that the pachycaulous
and Primulaceae. This clade evolved from ancestors pro- growth habit found in Clavija and Theophrasta has evolved
1720 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 73. 1995

Fig. 13. Strict consensus of 36 equally most parsimonious cladograms obtained from the analysis of the
data in Table 1.
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Primula veris

Androsace maxima
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Androsace obtusifolia

independently from that of the pachycaulous Myrsinaceae well resolved, with the exception of Myrsine africana, which
(e.g., in Tapeinosperma). The Myrsinaceae and Theophras- is consistently placed as the sister group to the remaining
taceae generally have multiseriate wood rays only, but the Myrsinaceae (except Maesa). Somewhat surprisingly, this
wood of the lignified Hawaiian species of Lysimachia is com- means that the pauciovulate condition can be viewed as
pletely devoid of rays (Carlquist 1992), and this could sup- ancestral in the family, whereas multiovulate ovaries have
port the hypothesis that these species have evolved in the evolved several times independently. In this context it must
islands secondarily from herbaceous ancestors. Such an evo- be noted that Mez' (1902) classification of the family into a
lution of a frutescent growth habit in otherwise herbaceous pauciovulate and a multiovulate group is not supported by the
plants is paralleled by several other Hawaiian plant groups, present analyses.
e.g., many Asteraceae. Aegiceras is nested among other genera within the Myr-
Within the Myrsinaceae - Primulaceae clade, a second sinaceae and linked to them by the following features: leaves
major monophyletic group is constituted by the Myrsinaceae with crystal druses, flowers arranged in pseudoumbels,
s.str., a group that may be hypothesized to have evolved bracts caducous, corolla with twisted aestivation, petals lan-
from ancestors with diagnostic characters such as the ceolate to ovate, longer than wide, anther connective with
presence of brown scale-like trichomes, drupaceous and secretory cavities, punctate or truncate stigma, and drupa-
more or less fleshy, one-seeded fruits, ovules well spaced on ceous one-seeded fruit. There are also a number of charac-
placenta, and subglobose seeds with depressed hilum area. ters or character states that were found to appear as
The relationships within the Myrsinaceae s.str. are not parallelisms, reversals, or autapomorphies in Aegiceras:
Anderberg and St3hl

Fig. 14. Strict consensus of six equally most parsimonious cladograms obtained after five turns of successive

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presence of foliar sclereids, terminal inflorescence, strongly middle of the corolla tube or higher, anthers not sagittate,
reflexed petals, flowers with nectar-producing trichomes, ovules in two or more series, seeds sectoroid without
versatile anthers with glandular filaments, septate anther the- depressed hilum area, testa with rhomboid crystals, and
cae, very elongated fruit, unitegmic ovules in many series, inner integument with a tapetum.
densely set on the placenta, and exalbuminous seeds. It is Within this clade, Maesa is itself monophyletic and diag-
most parsimonious to hypothesize that although seeds of nosed by variously serrate leaf margins, presence of pris-
Aegiceras are exalbuminous, the ancestor had subglobose matic foliar crystal druses, pedicel provided with a pair of
seeds with a depressed hilum area and pitted endosperm cell bracteoles subtending the flowers, perigynous flowers, fruit
walls. Aegiceras is highly apomorphic, but there is no sup- formed by the ovary and the surrounding tissue, and an
port for the idea that Aegiceras should be treated as a embryogeny of the onagrad type.
separate family as proposed by de Candolle (1844), Hutchin- The Primulaceae, the sister group of Maesa, are diag-
son (1969), Takhtajan (1987), and Dahlgren (1989). nosed by the following set of characters: herbaceous growth
The third major monophyletic group in the Primulales is habit, terminal inflorescence, thin delicate corolla texture,
formed by the the myrsinaceous genus Maesa together with synsepalous, often cup-shaped calyx, dry capsular fruit
the Primulaceae. This group can be hypothesized to have opening with teeth or valves, ovules not immersed in the
evolved from ancestors provided with character states such placenta, and an embryology of the caryophyllad type.
as leaves without immersed glandular hairs, flowers with In the initial, unweighted, analysis, Sarnolus, which also
somatic gynoecium nectaries, anthers attached at about the constitutes the monogeneric tribe Sarnoleae of Pax and Knuth
Can. A. Bot. Vol. 73, 1995

(1905), was found to be the sister group of all other cone that become spreading at anthesis, anther filaments
Primulaceae. The perigynous flowers in Maesa and Samolus shorter than the anthers and attached at base of the corolla
could be interpreted as parallelisms, but an equally par- tube, and style exserted far beyond the anthers. Some of
simonious interpretation is to assume that perigyny once these features are also shared with the other genera of this
evolved in the ancestor of the Maesa - Primulaceae clade and group, viz. Ardisiandra, Soldanella, and Cortusa. The stated
transformed back into hypogyny above the Samolus node affinity of Dodecatheon to North American species of Prim-
(Fig. 12). After successive weighting, the position of Samo- ula (e.g., Richards 1993) is probably due to symplesio-
lus changes in the topology to a position higher up in the morphic similarity.
cladogram, near the genera of the tribe Primuleae (Fig. 14),
and this may support the notion that perigyny has actually The systematic position of Maesa
evolved in parallel, particularly since some Samolus species The systematic position of the genus Maesa has always been
have a less pronounced perigyny and almost appear to be with the Myrsinaceae, but most workers regarded the genus
hypogynous. as a rather aberrant off-shoot from the main core of genera.
The monogeneric tribes Ardisiandreae and Cyclamineae De Candolle (1844) placed Maesa in a separate tribe, the
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were both found to be ingroups in the Primuleae, but the Maeseae, and Pax (1889) described the subfamily Mae-
position of the Corideae is somewhat more difficult to ascer- soideae to account for the genus within the family. In this
tain. In the initial analysis, Coris came out as the sister group context, it is also noteworthy that Maesa differs from most
of a monophyletic Lysimachieae, sharing elongated corolla other Myrsinaceae by having mixed uniseriate and multiseri-
epidermis cells, glandular anther filaments, and ovules ate rays, and it was differences in wood anatomy that led
immersed in the placenta. After successive weighting, Janssonius (1920) to suggest that Maesa ought to be excluded
however, Coris is placed at the base of the tribe Primuleae from the Myrsinaceae.
together with Samolus. The unique zygomorphic flowers of Mez (1902) followed Pax' (1889) treatment and retained
Coris must be interpreted as an autapomorphy evolved from Maesa in the Myrsinaceae but remarked that Maesa was inti-
ordinary actinomorphic flowers in the ancestor, independent mately related to Samolus, which perhaps should be better
of the position of the genus. lifted out of the Primulaceae and put into a separate group
It was anticipated by us that the tribe Lysimachieae would together with Maesa. A similar view had been expressed
come out paraphyletic in relation to the tribe Primuleae, con- earlier by Bartling (1830). The differing features between the
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sidering their open deeply lobed flowers and their secretory genera according to Mez (1902), were the woody habit of
cavities. However, the monophyly of the Lysimachieae was Maesa, its noncapsular fruit, and its presence of bracteoles.
supported by our unweighted analysis, although the subse- There are many characters indicating that Maesa and the
quent analysis with successive weighting indicated them to Primulaceae evolved from a common ancestor, but our
be a paraphyletic grade in the very base of the family, just analyses do not place Samolus and Maesa in a monophyletic
next to Maesa. group, and the affinity referred to by Mez (1902) is probably
Compared with the character states occurring in Maesa, due to parallel evolution.
the Lysimachieae (excluding Coris) could be diagnosed by W e did not include any cytological data in our cladistic
the following characters: open rotate corolla, twisted corolla analysis, because of the coding difficulties due to a consider-
aestivation, sepals more or less free to base, flowers with able variation. However, if our tree topologies are compared
nectar-producing trichomes, and anther filaments attached at with Faure's hypothesis of chromosome number evolution
base of the corolla tube. The genus Lysimachia was found to (Faure 1968), the position of Aegiceras in the Myrsinaceae
be paraphyletic, with Anagallis, Trientalis, Glaux, and gain further support, and the aberrant chromosome numbers
Asterolinon being specialized ingroups. The genus Glaux of the Theouhrastaceae reflect their uosition outside of the
was found to be the sister group of Asterolinon, which is other two families. It is also noteworthy that the chromosome
interesting since both genera show a reduction in petal size. number in Maesa (x = 10; e.g., Gajapathy 1962; Faure
In Asterolinon the petals are minute and inconspicuous, 1968: Paiva and Leitao 1987) is different from those found
whereas Glaux is completely apetalous. in thk Myrsinaceae proper but agrees well with those of
The Primuleae clade was diagnosed by the following many Primulaceae (see, e.g., Fedorov 1974, for further
characters: basal rosulate leaves, absence of secretory cell references).
cavities, and umbellate inflorescence subtended by a whorl In many characters Maesa differ from the fairly homo-
of bracts. The position of the scape is hard to assess, but the geneous Myrsinaceae: the leaves lack immersed glandular
ancestral condition can be hypothesized to be a laterally axil- hairs, the inflorescence is not fascicled or pseudoumbellate,
lary position, as in Ardisiandra. There is strong support for the flowers are perigynous, the pedicel has a pair of bracte-
a sister-group relationship between Dodecatheon and Cycla- oles subtending the calyx, the corolla is campanulate or
men, which is expressed by a striking similarity in the shortly tubular, the stamens are adnate to the corolla at about
general aspect of the flowers. The strongly reflexed corolla the middle or higher, the anthers are not sagittate, the gyno-
lobes are actually one of the synapomorphies uniting Dode- ecium has somatic nectaries, the fruit is inferior, many-
catheon and Cyclamen, but features like absence of articu- seeded, and formed by the ovary as well as the surrounding
lated hairs, acute petals being longer than wide, and punctate tissue, the ovules are densely set on the placenta and have an
or truncate stigma are other character states uniting these inner integument with a tapetum, and the seeds are sectoroid
genera. Furthermore, Dodecatheon and Cyclamen belong to without depressed hilum area and provided with rhomboid
a group within the Primuleae that is supported by features crystals in the testa.
like flowers without nectaries, sagittate anthers forming a Three options are available to resolve the situation with
Anderberg and St%hl

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1 Qiu, Y.-L., Kron, K.A., Rettig, J.H., Conti, E., Palmer, J.D.,
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illustrations, and to Else Marie Friis and Stefan Vogel for Karol, K.G., Clark, W.D., HedrCn, M., Gaut, B.S., Jansen,
R.K., Kim, K.-J., Wimpee, C.F., Smith, J.F., Furnier, G.R.,
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tion tests, to Anna-Lena Anderberg for technical assistance, Eguiarte, L.E., Golenberg, E., Learn G.H., Jr., Graham, S.,
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1, farinose
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0 , absent
1, in layers or bundles
Appendix 1 2, scattered
Characters used for the cladistic analyses of the Primulales. Prismatic foliar crystal druses
0 , absent
1. Habit 1, present
0, trees or shrubs Inner wall of leaf epidermis cell
1, dwarf shrubs 0, not gelatinized
2, suffrutices or perennial herbs 1, gelatinized
3, annual herbs Inflorescence
2. Growth form 0, unbranched
0, not pachycaulous (branched) 1, branched
1, with pachycaulous growth form 2, fascicled
3. Rhizomes Inforescence
0, not long and slender 0, cymose
1, long and slender 1, racemose
4. Leaves Flowers
0, alternate 0, neither solitary nor arranged in umbels or
1, opposite or whorled pseudoumbels
5. Leaves 1, arranged in umbels, generally subtended by a whorl of
0, neither rosulate nor pseudoverticillate bracts
1, basal, rosulate 2, arranged in condensed racemes, pseudoumbels
2, terminal, pseudoverticillate 3, solitary
6. Leaf margins Inflorescences
0, entire 0, lateral or axillary
1, variously serrrate or dentate 1, terminal
Can. J. Bot. Vol. 73, 1995

Appendix 1 (continued). 41. Petals

0, longer than sepals or subequal
Bracts 1, much smaller than sepals
0, persistent at time of flowering 2, missing
1, soon caducous 42. Petals
Pedicel 0, broadly ovate-rotund, shorter or about as long as wide
0, without a pair of bracteoles 1, lanceolate-ovate, more or less acute and usually
1, with a pair of bracteoles distinctly longer than wide
Flowers 43. Adaxial petal surface
0, hypogynous 0, without capitate trichomes (granules)
1, perigynous 1, with capitate trichomes (granules)
Flowers 44. Petal epidermis cells
0, homostylous 0, rounded, more or less isodiametric
1, heterostylous 1, elongated, about twice as long as broad
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Flowers 45. Flowers

0, unisexual 0, without nectaries and oil (pollen flowers)
1, bisexual 1, with nectar-producing trichomes
Flowers 2, with oil-producing trichomes
0, polystemonous 3, with somatic gynoecium nectaries
1, diplostemonous to triplostemonous
46. Anther filaments
2, haplostemonous with the functional stamens opposite 0, without long septate trichomes
the corolla lobes
1, with long septate trichomes
47. Anther filaments
0, 5-merous
0, free from each other
1, 4-merous
2, 6-merous 1, fused into a more or less pronounced ring
3, usually 7-merous 48. Anther filaments
0, attached at base of the corolla tube
For personal use only.

0, lobes free or almost free at the base 1, attached at about the middle of the corolla tube or
1, distinctly sympetalous higher
Corolla 2, filaments or filament tube fused to and decurrent on
0, open, more or less rotate lower part of corolla
1, campanulate to deeply bowl-shaped 49. Anther filaments
2, with short narrow tube 0, eglandular
3, with long tube, more or less hypocrateriform 1, glandular
Corolla 50. Anther filaments
0, without staminodes 0, longer than the anthers (i.e., anther shorter than its
1, with staminodes distance from the receptacle)
Corolla aestivation 1, shorter than anthers (i.e., anther longer than its
0, imbricate or quincuncial distance from the receptacle)
1, twisted 51. Anthers
2, valvate or valvate-involute 0, longitudinally dehiscent, extrorse
Corolla 1, longitudinally dehiscent, introrse
0, not constricted at the throat 2, poricidal
1, constricted at the throat 52. Anthers
Corolla throat 0, broadest at the base, sagittate, conspicuously triangular
0, without scales and sometimes acuminate
1, with scales 1, oblong rounded at apex and broadest at the middle, not
Corolla texture sagittate
0, thick
53. Anthers
1, thin, delicate
0, longer than wide
1, shorter, or about as long as wide
0, more or less free to base
1, united, often cup-shaped (synsepal) 54. Anthers
Petals 0, versatile
0, erect to spreading, not reflexed 1, not versatile
1, strongly and abruptly reflexed 55. Anther thecae
2, evenly recuwed, but not abruptly reflexed 0, not septate
Petals 1, septate
0, entire 56. Anthers
1, emarginate 0, not curved after anthesis
2, fringed 1, curved after anthesis
Anderberg and Stahl

Appendix 1 (concluded). 74. Ovules

0, in two or more series, usually many
57. Anthers 1, in a single series, few or very few
0, not forming a cone 75. Seeds
1, initially forming a cone, but eventually spreading 0, ellipsoid, without depressed hilum area
2, forming a cone throughout anthesis 1, subglobose to obtusely angled, without depressed
58. Anther connective hilum area
0, without secretory cavities 2, subglobose, with a depressed hilum area
1, with secretory cavities 3, sectoroid, more or less angled, without depressed
59. Anthers hilum area
0, without large apical appendage 4, laterally compressed, often sickle-shaped (e.g.,
1, with large apical appendage Roosmalen 1985)
60. Anther thecae 76. Seed coat
0 , without calcium oxalate crystals 0, not sclerotic, or with few scleric cells
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1, with calcium oxalate crystals in upper and lower part 1, sclerotic with several layers of scleric cells
61. Pollen 77. Cotyledons
0, 3-, 4-, or 5-colporate, or colporoidate 0, not foliaceous in seed
1, zonocolpate 1, foliaceous in seed
62. Style 78. Testa
0, included, shorter than, or slightly longer than the 0, without rhomboid crystals
anthers 1, with rhomboid crystals
1, exerted, protruding far beyond the anthers 79. Endosperm cell walls
63. Style 0, smooth
0, shorter or as long as ovary 1, pitted
1, longer than ovary 80. Inner integument
64. Style 0, with tapetum
0 , more or less deeply cleft 1, without tapetum
For personal use only.

1, entire 8 1. Embryogeny
65. Stigma 0 , of the solanad type
0 , punctate or truncate 1, of the caryophyllad type
1, capitate or subcapitate, sometimes slightly lobed 2, of the onagrad type
82. Endosperm formation
66. Fruit
0, cellular
0 , a berry
1, nuclear
1, drupaceous, more or less fleshy
2, a capsule
3, dry or fleshy, formed by the ovary and surrounding
tissue Appendix 2
67. Fruit
Material used for the anatomical study of seeds (specimens in
0 , normally many-seeded
Swedish Museum of Natural History (S), unless otherwise
1, normally one-seeded
68. Fruit opening - -

0, by irregular disintegration of the fruit wall Sapotaceae

1, with teeth or valves Manilkara zapota (L.) van Roy. (Lundell and Contreras
2, with a circular lid 19114)
69. Fruit Monotheca blcxifolia (Falconer) A.DC. (Hedge et al. W7429)
0, ovoid to ellipsoid or cylindrical Ebenaceae
1, globose or subglobose Diospyros tetraspema Sw. (Stearn 68)
2, very elongated Diospyros icrenensis Britton (Broadway 6586)
My rsinaceae
70. Placenta
Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco (Brass 25462)
0, not free central
Ardisia pusilla A.DC. (Maximowicz s.n.)
1, free central
Conandriurn polyanthum (Laut. & K . Schum.) Mez (Brass
71. Ovules 25475)
0, densely set on placenta Conornorpha pseudo-icacora (Miq.) Mez (Prance and
1, well spaced on placenta Pennington 1725)
72. Ovules Corelliana multiflora (A.C.Sm.) D'Arcy (Frame et al. 179)
0, unitegmic Embelia ribes B u m . (Tsang 21967)
1, bitegmic Grammadenia assymetrica Mez (Neil1 and Palacios 7660,
73. Ovules AAU)
0, not immersed in the placenta Heberdenia bahamensis (Gaertn.) Sprague (Mand6n 177, Stihl
1, immersed in the placenta et al. 801)
Can. J. Bot. Vol. 73. 1995

Appendix 2 (concluded).

Labisia pumila (Blume) F.-Vil. (Rahmat Si Boeea 6986)

Maesa alnifolia Haw. (Hilliard and Burtt 16756)
Maesa lanceolata Forssk. (Bernardi 11070)
Maesa rufescens A.DC. (Wall s.n.)
Myrsine afn'cana L. (Armitage 21822)
Oncostemum sp. (Nicoll et al. 538)
Parathesis belizensis Lundell (Contreras 7957)
Tapeinosperma clavatum Mez (A. C. Smith 5379)
Wallenia laurifolia Swartz (Ekman 1047).
Clavija eggersiana Mez (Knudsen 105, GB)
Clavija lancifolia Desf. ssp. chermontiana (Standl.) St&]
Can. J. Bot. Downloaded from by UNIV CHICAGO on 02/16/13

(Foster and Terceros 13447)

Jacquinia armillaris Jacq. (Glaziou 12933)
Jacquinia arborea Vahl (Webster and Wilson 5231)
Jacquinia nitida Stihl (Moreno 23478, GB)
Jacquinia umbellata A.DC. (Stihl 155, GB)
Theophrasta americana L. (St&] and Lindstrom 178, GB)
Anagallis monellii L. (Anderberg 7278)
Androsace m i m a L. (Steinitz 307)
Androsace obtusifolia All. (Grenier s.n.)
Ardisiandra sibthorpoides H0ok.f. (Schlieben 4806)
Asterolinon linum-stellatum (L.) Duby (Anderberg 1143)
Centunculus minimus L. (Houfek 317)
For personal use only.

Coris monspeliensis L. (Ross 182)

Cortusa matthioli L. (Aitchinson 725)
Cyclamen coum Miller (cult., Stockholm)
Dionysia balsamea Wendelbo & Rech.f. (Rechinger 18918)
Dodecatheon frigidurt~ Cham. & Sch. (Spetzman 3092)
Douglasia nivalis Lindl. (Sandberg and Leiberg 545)
Glaux maritirna L. (Stihl and Knudsen s.n.)
Lysimachia ciliata L. (Biltmore 3477b)
Lysimachia clethroides Duby (Murata and Shimizu 1302)
Lysimachia glutinosa Rock (Sparre H 34)
Lysimachia insignis (Cavalerie 2721, K)
Pelletiera verna St. Hil. (Sparre 179)
Primula farinosa L. (Wanntorp s.n., SUNIV)
Primula veris L. (Wall s.n.)
Samolus valerandi L. (Samuelsson 1043)
Soldanella alpina (Anderberg and Anderberg 73 10)
Trientalis europaea L. (Anderberg and Anderberg s.n.)

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