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What is an induction ceremony?
➢An induction ceremony is a ceremony where Adventist Youth
are admitted into the local Youth clubs and into the
fellowship of the world wide Youth clubs.
➢Youths and staff have the opportunity to publicly show their
commitment to the principles and objectives of Youth clubs.
➢Promises are made and principles are recited, at
the end – Youths, staff and church members, leave with a sense
of commitment and purpose.
After the recitations, anthems and devotion the induction
• The Inducting Officer shall match smartly to the front and
gives the brief introduction of the program and also declares
the induction ceremony in order as he lights the Spirit of
Adventist Youth Ministry
• The Inducting officer says the following words as he lights
the Spirit, “For the light of our program we turn to the Spirit
of Adventist Youth Ministry. It is the Spirit of Fellowship,
Worship, Learning, Discipleship, Togetherness, and above all
it is the Spirit of Service for God and man from which all the
four Ministries get their power.
• Therefore, I will now be calling the Directors to come and
start conducting the Induction ceremonies for their Clubs.
• Materials needed:
1. Table
2. Adventurer Emblem
3. Adventurer Burner
4. Adventurer Flag
5. National Flag
6. Candles
✓One (01) big White Candle
✓Six (06) Adventurer Classes Candles colored according to their classes
✓One (01) Candle for Pledge
✓Ten (10) Candles for the Law
NB: The total number of candles for this club is Eighteen (18)
✓ Place a table in front of the Church. Put a large Adventurer
Emblem directly behind the table, with a Adventurer Pledge
banner on the right of the emblem and Adventure Law banner to
the left of the emblem.
✓ In the center of the table directly in front of the Adventurer
emblem place a White big candle to represent the spirit of
Adventurer Club. In front of this candle put six (06) candles that
represent the Classes according to their colors.
✓ On the right of the Spirit candle place One (01) candle to
represent the Adventure Pledge and Ten (10) candles on the left
to represent the Adventurer Law.
✓ Display the National Flag to the right (as you face the audience)
of the table and a Adventurer Flag to the left of the table.
• The Adventurer Director will march smartly and get permission from
the Officiating Officer (Inducting Officer)
The Director..
“The Inducting Officer Sir/Madam, permission to conduct the Induction
Ceremony for the Adventurers Sir.
After permission is granted, the Director takes position in front of the table
and declares the ceremony in order;
“I declare the Induction ceremony for the Adventurers now in order”
While lighting the Spirit of Adventurer Club candle, the Director says the
following words:
“For the light of our program we turn to the Spirit of Adventurer Club.
This is the spirit of reverence, training, adventurer, fun, learning, and
above all it is the Spirit of awareness and awakening to God and man.”
This light on its own is not sufficient or complete, therefore, we will call
on the Deputy Adventurer Director to come and light the complementary
The Deputy Director matches smartly C and gets permission from the Director.
The Deputy Adventurer Director;
“The Director Sir/Madam, permission to light the complementary lights
After permission is granted, the Deputy Director takes position in front of the
table to the left side of the Director as he/she faces the audience.
The deputy proceeds in lighting the six Adventurer classes one by one while
explaining them;
The candle I now light represents;
1. Little Lamb Class – This is the class where we learn and discover the joy
found in obeying Jesus. It is the class where you find young people of four
(04) years old and the class is represented by the color light Blue.

2. Eager Beaver Class – This is the class where we learn to
explore the love that pours forth from Jesus Christ and the
family. This class is for young people of five (05) years old
and it is represented by the color Green.
3. Busy Bee Class – This is the class where we learn how to
stay “bizzzzy” working for Jesus. The color represented by
this class is Yellow and its for young people of six (06) years
4. Sun Beam Class - This is the class where we learn courtesy
and practice how to shine for Jesus everyday. The color
represented by this class is Orange and this is where you
find young people of seven (07) years of age
5. Builder Class – this is the class where we focus on how to build a
Christian character and keep our bodies strong for Jesus. The
class color is Blue and the age group is eight (08) years
6. Helping Hand Class – This is the class where we learn how to
lend a hand in service to Jesus at home, school and in the
community. This class is represented by the color maroon and is
for young people who are nine (09) years old.
The Adventurer Director…
After the completion of lighting the candles for the classes, the
Director says the following:
“The Spirit of Adventurer Club candle represents good things in the
Adventurer program. It represents the high ideals for which the
club stands and the growth that each Adventurer will make as a
club member
• We will now call on the Adventurer to come and light the
Pledge Candle.
Sir/Madam the candle I now light represent the adventurers
pledge which says,
“Because Jesus loves me, I will always do my best”
The Deputy Adventurer Director..
On behalf of the ________Adventurers, I accept the candidate’s
vow to live by the Adventurer Pledge.
Will now proceed in lighting the candles for Adventurer Law.

Sir/Madam the candle I now light represents the Adventurer Law which says

1. BE OBEDIENT: Which means that I will obey God’s laws and cheerfully do what my parents
and teachers ask me to do.

2. BE PURE: Which means I understand that my body is the temple of God, so I will keep it clean.
I will not swear, smoke, drink alcohol, do drugs, or do any other thing God says is disgusting.

3. BE TRUE: Which means that I will always tell the truth and never try to deceive–even if I may
get in trouble for it.

4. BE KIND: Which means that I will look for ways to make other people happy. I will never hurt a
person or animal intentionally.

5. BE RESPECTFUL: Which means that I will be courteous to those whom God put in authority
over and to those who are younger and weaker than me.

6. BE ATTENTIVE: Which means that I will listen when someone is talking to me at home, at
school, and at church. I will especially listen for God to tell me what to do with my life.
7. BE HELPFUL: Which means that I will look for ways to help
my family at home, teachers and friends at school, and other
people from other places and I will also help God.

8. BE CHEERFUL: Which means that I will not grumble or

complain when I don’t get my way or when I have work to do. I
will remember that God made me and that makes me happy.

9. BE THOUGHTFUL: Which means that I will make courtesy a

habit, both in words and actions. I will look for ways to be nice
to people. I will not be rude or irritating.

10. BE REVERENT: Which means that I will listen carefully to

God, His word, and His messengers and I will never make fun of
holy things.
Deputy Adventurer Director
On behalf of the ______ Adventurers, I accept the candidates’
vow to live by the Adventurer Law.
The Adventurer Director
The Inducting Officer Sir/madam ceremony completed,
permission to carry on sir/madam
Then the Director, the Deputy Director and the Adventurers
matches out and takes position in the audience as they wait
for the final charge.

• Materials needed:
1. Table
2. Pathfinder Emblem
3. Pathfinder Banners
4. Pathfinder Flag
5. National Flag
6. Candles
✓ One (01) big White;
✓ Six (06) Pathfinder Classes candles colored according to classes;
✓ Eight (08) candles for Law;
✓ and Seven (07) candles for Pledge.
NB. The total number of candles is Twenty-Two (22)
✓ Place a table in front of the Church. Put a large Pathfinder
Emblem directly behind the table, with a Pathfinder Pledge
banner on the right of the emblem and a Pathfinder Law banner
to the left of the emblem.
✓ In the center of the table directly in front of the Pathfinder
emblem place a White big candle to represent the spirit of
Pathfinder Club. In front of this candle put six (06) candles–blue,
red, green, silver (black), burgundy, and gold, which represent
the six Pathfinder Classes.
✓ On the right of the Spirit candle place Seven (07) candles to
represent the Pathfinder Pledge and Eight (08) candles on the left
to represent the Pathfinder Law.
✓ Display the National Flag to the right (as you face the audience)
of the table and a Pathfinder Flag to the left of the table.
✓As the program starts, the Director, the Deputy and the
Pathfinders match to the front in two files smartly. Then halt
at least five (05) meters away from the table. The Director
will advance and gets permission to conduct the induction
from the Chief Marshal (Inducting Officer).
Note: The Pathfinders for Pledge will be to the right and
those for the Law will be to left as they face the table.
✓The Director stands to the right of the table and the Deputy
Director stands to the left of the table as they face the
(The Deputy Director and the Pathfinders get permission from the Director)

• The Inducting Officer Sir, permission to conduct the induction ceremony
for the Pathfinder Sir!
• After permission has be granted, and the director gives a brief on the
pathfinder Club, and pronounces the induction ceremony in order for
the club:
• “I hereby declare the induction ceremony of the ______________
Pathfinder Club now in order.”
• The director lights the “Spirit of Pathfinder Club” candle while saying:

• “For the light of our program we turn to the Spirit of Pathfinder Club.
The candle that I now light represents this spirit. It is the spirit of
Adventure, Fun, Learning, Comradeship Awareness, and Awakening,
and above all, a spirit of Reverence and a Spirit of Service to God and
man. This light is of itself not complete or sufficient. To introduce the
complementary lights we call on our Deputy Director.”
(If possible mention his/her name)
• While lighting each candle, the Deputy Director defines the six
(06) Pathfinder Classes as follows:
(Six (06) Pathfinders may present the following as well.)
The Candle I now light represents:
• Friend Class is a course of study in learning, skills, and physical
fitness that will help one to be a better neighbor now and a friend
of God throughout eternity.

• Companion Class is a course of study in learning, skills, and

physical fitness that will give more meaning to life and a
companionship with Jesus Christ every hour of the day.

• Explorer Class is a course of study that will help one to find new
adventure in exploring God’s world to secure true and genuine
• Ranger Class is a course of study that will open up new areas
of discovery in the natural and spiritual world to secure true
and genuine happiness.

• Voyager Class is a course of study in physical, mental,

cultural, and spiritual development that challenges the teen
to develop a wholesome self-concept and Christian life-style.

• Guide Class is a course of study that emphasizes personal

growth and spiritual discoveries and prepares the Pathfinder
for development of new skills in leadership and survival
• When the six Pathfinder Class candles have been lit, the director then
explains to the candidate that the large candle is symbolic of the
Pathfinder program, emphasizing the high ideals for which the club
stands and the growth that the Pathfinder will make as a club member.

• He then calls upon the Eight (08) Pathfinders one by one to proceed with
the ceremony of lighting the Pathfinder Law candles.

• In turn, each of the eight Pathfinders marches smartly to the front,

salutes the director with a hand salute, and lights one of the Pathfinder
Law candles.

• After the Pathfinder lights the candle he again salutes the director and
repeats, “Sir, I represent the candidate who hereby vows to: (repeats one
of the following definitions according to the candle he has lit.”
• “Keep the Morning Watch,” meaning I will have prayer and
personal Bible study each day.

• “Do my honest part,” meaning by the power of God I will

help others, and do my duty and my honest share, wherever I
may be.

• “Care for my body,” meaning I will be temperate in all

things and strive to reach a high standard of physical fitness.

• “Keep a level eye,” meaning I will not lie, cheat or deceive,

and will despise dirty talk or evil thinking.
• “Be courteous and obedient,” meaning I will be kind and
thoughtful of others, reflecting the love of Jesus in all my
association with others.

• “Walk softly in the sanctuary,” meaning in any devotional

exercise I will be quiet, careful, and reverent.

• “Keep a song in my heart,” meaning I will be cheerful and

happy and let the influence of my life be as sunshine to

• “Go on God’s errands,” meaning I will always be ready to

share my faith and go about doing good as did Jesus
• When the Pathfinder Law candles have all been lit, the
Deputy Director declares, “On behalf of the worldwide
Pathfinder Club I accept the candidate’s vow to observe the
Pathfinder Law.”
• The same procedure as used in the lighting of the Pathfinder
Law candles is followed by seven Best Pathfinders to light the
candles for Pledge.

• After each candle is lit, the Pathfinder repeats to the
director, “Sir, I represent the candidate, who pledges
(repeats one of the following points according to the candle
he has lit).”

1. “By the grace of God,” meaning that only as I rely on God
to help me, can I do His will.

2. “I will be pure,” meaning I will not only be considerate and

kind to my fellow men but also to all of God’s creation.

3. “I will be kind” meaning that I will rise above the wicked

world in which I live and keep my life clean with words and
actions that will make others happy.

4. “I will be true,” meaning I will be honest and upright in

study, work and play and can always be counted upon to do
my very best.
5. “I will keep the Pathfinder Law,” meaning I will seek to
understand the meaning of the Pathfinder Law and will
strive to live up to its spirit, realizing that obedience to law
is essential in any organization.

6. “I will be a servant of God,” meaning I will pledge myself to

serve God first, last and best in everything I am called upon
to be or do.

7. “I will be a friend to man,” meaning I will live to bless

others and do unto them as I would have them do unto me.
• At the completion of the lighting of the Pathfinder Pledge
candles, the Deputy Director declares, “On behalf of the
worldwide Pathfinder Club I accept the candidate’s vow to
live by the Pathfinder Pledge.”

• The Director then asks the candidates to stand at attention

and gets permission from the Inducting Officer to go and
take position in the audience as they wait for the final charge.

• Preparations
Materials needed:
1. Table
2. Ambassador Emblem
3. Ambassador Banners
4. Ambassador Flag
5. National Flag
6. Candles
✓ One (01) big White;
✓ Four (04) candles for module elements
✓ Seven (07) candles for Ambassador Program Foundations;
✓ And One (01) candles for Ambassador Pledge.
NB. The total number of candles is Thirteen (13)
✓ Procedure
✓ Place a table in front of the Church. Put a large Ambassador
Emblem directly behind the table, with an ambassador Pledge
banner on the right of the emblem to the left of the Ambassador
✓ In the center of the table directly in front of the Ambassador
emblem place a White big candle to represent the spirit of
Ambassador Club. In front of this candle put four (04) candles–
which represent the four elements of Ambassador Classes
✓ On the right of the Spirit candle place Five (05) candles to
represent the Ambassador Pledge and Seven (07) candles on the
left to represent the foundations of the Ambassador program.
✓ Display the National Flag to the right (as you face the audience)
of the table and an Ambassador Flag to the left of the table.
✓As the program starts, the Director, the Deputy and the
Ambassadors match to the front in two files smartly. Then
halt at least five (05) meters away from the table. The
Director will advance and gets permission to conduct the
induction from the Chief Marshal (Inducting Officer).
Note: The Ambassadors for Pledge will be to the right and
those for the program foundations will be to left as they face
the table.
✓The Director stands to the right of the table and the Deputy
Director stands to the left of the table as they face the
(The Deputy Director and the Ambassadors get permission from the Director)
• I hereby declare the Induction Ceremony of the
_________Ambassador Club now in order.
• For the light of our program, we turn to the Spirit of
Adventist Youth. The candle which I now light represents
this Spirit. It is the Spirit of adventure, fun, learning,
comradely, awareness, and awakening, and above all, a spirit
of reverence and a spirit of service to God and man. This
light is of itself not complete or sufficient. To introduce the
complimentary lights, we call on our the Ambassador Deputy

The Deputy Ambassador Director will march smartly and gets
permission from the Ambassador Director and thereafter takes
position in from to the left side of the Director.
The Ambassador Deputy Director says the following:
The Ambassador Club is an organization of the Seventh-day
Adventist Church dedicated to meeting the Spiritual, Social and
lifestyle needs of the youths between the age of 16 and 21.
The name ambassador itself suggests that they are representative of
the Heavenly Kingdom. Therefore, the Ambassador program
gives the Youths opportunity to learn, experience and share the
relationship they have with Jesus to the world.
To accomplish the Club’s objectives, the Ambassador program is
based on Seven (07) foundations each presented into modules
whose focus is based on Four (04) Elements
The candles I will now light represents these Elements
The candle I now light represents the first elements which
focuses on
1. The concept of Spiritual Companion
This is the element whose concept encourages Ambassadors
to have a friend who is a Spiritual Companion for the
duration of the module. This is in order for the two to
encourage and support each other in their role and growth as
an Ambassador. This also builds the concept of
interdependence and accountability into the ambassador
The candle I now light represents the second element which
focuses on
2. The Individual Discipleship Plan (IDP)
This is the element which encourages each Ambassador as a
participant to make a plan on how they would want to grow
spiritually and acquire practical competence in the area of
the upcoming module. Their Spiritual Companions will be
there to help them accomplish these plans

The candle I know light represents the third element which
focuses on
3. The Project
This is the element which helps participants to integrate the
core concept of the module into the serving learning activity
focusing on helping others. This also gives opportunity for
the Ambassadors to work together as a whole.

4. The Social Activities

This is the element which focuses on social activities at least
once a month. It provides participants with opportunities
for good and wholesome fun for their age group.
We will now call on the Ambassadors to come and light the
candles that represent the foundations of the Ambassador
Sir/Madam the candle I now light represent the foundations
which says:
1. A Christ-Centered Discipleship Plan
This is the course of study where Ambassadors learn that the
power of an Ambassador is only found in the character of
Jesus Christ being reflected in them as they become a living
sacrifice and be baptized by the Holy Spirit
It also helps them understand that the role of an Ambassador is
to represent the Kingdom of God on earth.
2. Christian Leadership
This is the course of study where we learn the Biblical view of
leadership which gives opportunities to experience Servant
Leadership and also to lead. This is where we also learn that
everyone is a leader
3. A Personal, Small Group Based and Public Evangelistic
Mission Lifestyle
This is the course of study where we learn how to grow spiritual
and evangelize and also use this opportunity to share about
Jesus and His plan of salvation. This is where we learn and
understand the essence of the Seventh-day Adventist message
and its contribution to the world. This course helps us
understand that this message must be take now to the world
through our lifestyle and public evangelism
4. Character and Personality Development
This is the course of study where we learn how to develop a
Christian Character and personality and also engage in
activities that build them.
This is where we also learn skills to process life experience for
holistic growth
5. Lifestyle Vocational/Career Development
This is the course of study where we learn how to expand our
skills to serve and become proficient enough to teach them to
other people

6. friendship and Relationship skill Development
This is the course of study where we learn how to develop
communication skills and be able to maintain friendship and
relationships and also how to lead our friends into a saving
relationship with Christ.
This is where we also learn how to understand and reconcile
Biblical views
7. Community Outreach Development
This is the course where we learn how to actively serve the
community as Ambassadors for Christ in variety ways.
After lighting the candles, Deputy Ambassador Director
declares, “On behalf of the worldwide Youth Club I accept
the candidates to live by the foundations of the Ambassador
The Deputy Ambassador Leader
• We will now call on the Candidates to come and light the
candles that represent Senior Youth Pledge.
• The Senior Youth Pledge Says, “Loving the Lord Jesus, I
promise to take an active part in the work of the Adventist
Youth Society, doing what I can to help others and to finish
the work of the gospel in all the world.”
• This introductory thought directs our minds toward the
motto of Adventist youth. It is the impelling force of the
pledge and the movement of Adventist youth.
• The value of service for the Master is measured by the love
and dedication with which Adventist youth serve Him.
Sir/Madam, on behalf of the candidates, I dedicate myself to the
commitments of the AY Pledge.

1. Loving the Lord Jesus.

This introductory thought directs our minds toward the motto
of Adventist youth. It is the impelling force of the pledge and
the movement of Adventist youth. The value of service for the
Master is measured by the love and dedication with which
Adventist youth serve him. Does the Lord Jesus completely
direct the life?

• Sir/Madam, on behalf of the candidates, I dedicate myself to
the commitments of the AY Pledge.
2. I promise.
• Promise means that I will not be dominated by someone else,
but rather I am ready and willing to follow the Lord’s
leading. I understand that I have a purpose to which I must
commit myself.
• This means that I will be available for action, and will decide
for the best in my life.
• I will follow the proposed path with determination and will
keep my eyes fixed on the goal.
• I know that our Master Guide Jesus counts on me to fulfill
my promises completely.
• Sir/Madam, on behalf of the candidates, I dedicate myself to
the commitments of the AY Pledge.

3. To take an active part in the Adventist Youth Ministry

• This means to be involved in the activities of the AY Society,
including the meetings and witnessing outreach. I will always
be ready to help someone, and will support the AY Society
and church in various activities.

• Sir/Madam, on behalf of the candidates, I dedicate myself to
the commitments of the AY Pledge.
4. Doing what I can to help others.
• This is a commitment that denotes readiness and dedication
on behalf of others. It means to do one’s best for a cause, and
• represents the greatest effort to help in every phase of
activity within the organization of the Adventist Youth
Society and
• in the church. The true Adventist youth is always ready to
take advantage of every opportunity to serve.
5. And to finish the work of the gospel in all the world.
This is part of the Adventist Youth pledge that urges the youths
to think of the AYS aim. It represents the extension of the
divine mandate of our Lord Jesus in a universal scope. It is a
challenge to the youth to understand the divine command.
Adventist youth can help in four different ways to finish the
ask: Living consecrated lives, making themselves available
for every opportunity to serve, praying for the Lord’s work
both locally and worldwide, and giving sacrificially of their
own financial means to spread the gospel and finish the
Lord’s work. Thus they enter into true stewardship, giving
their time, their talents, their means, and themselves.
• At the completion of the lighting of the Ambassador Pledge
candles, the Deputy Ambassador Director declares, “On
behalf of the worldwide Youth Club I accept the candidate’s
vow to live by the Ambassador Pledge.”

• The Director then asks the candidates to stand at attention

and gets permission from the Inducting Officer to go and
take position in the audience as they wait for the final charge.

• Materials needed:
1. Table
2. Senior Youth Emblem
3. Senior Youth Banners
4. Senior Youth Flag
5. National Flag
6. Candles
✓ One (01) big White;
✓ One (01) candle for Aim
✓ One (01) candle for Motto
✓ Eight (08) candles for Adventist Youth Modules;
✓ And One (01) candles for Senior Youth Pledge.
NB. The total number of candles is Twelve (12)
✓ Procedure
✓ Place a table in front of the Church. Put a Senior Youth Emblem
directly behind the table, with an Senior Youth Pledge banner on
the right of the emblem to the left of the emblem.
✓ In the center of the table directly in front of the emblem place a
White big candle to represent the spirit of Senior Youth Club. In
front of this candle put two (02) candles–which represent the
Adventist Youth Aim and Motto.
✓ On the right of the Spirit candle place One (01) candle to
represent the Senior Youth Pledge and Seven (08) candles on the
left to represent the Adventist Youth Modules
✓ Display the National Flag to the right (as you face the audience)
of the table and Senior Youth Flag to the left of the table.
✓As the program starts, the Director, the Deputy and the
Ambassadors match to the front in two files smartly. Then
halt at least five (05) meters away from the table. The
Director will advance and gets permission to conduct the
induction from the Chief Marshal (Inducting Officer).
Note: The Senior Youth for Pledge will be to the right and
those for the modules will be to left as they face the table.
✓The Director stands to the right of the table and the Deputy
Director stands to the left of the table as they face the Youths

The AY Leader

• I hereby declare the Induction Ceremony of the

_____________ Adventist Youth Club now in order.
• For the light of our program, we turn to the Spirit of
Adventist Youth. The candle which I now light represents
this Spirit. It is the Spirit of adventure, fun, learning,
comradely, awareness, and awakening, and above all, a spirit
of reverence and a spirit of service to God and man. This
light is of itself not complete or sufficient. To introduce the
complimentary lights, we call on our Youth Associate
The Associate Youth Leader
• The candle I now light represents Senior Youth Leadership
• Senior Youth Leadership Award is a course of study
designed to train Youths who have a burden for the Senior
Youth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They may have
been asked to lead out in local church AY Societies.
• These are the people who embraces the challenge of
leadership training and are happy to contribute to the
spiritual welfare of the youth in general in their local
• Adventist Youth Leader –
• The Spirit of Adventist Youth candle represents the good things in the
Adventist Youth program. It represents the high ideals for which the club
stands and the growth that each Young Adult will make as a club member.

• We will now call on the candidate to come and light the candle which
represents Adventist Youth Aim

• Sir/Madam, I represent the candidates whose Aim is,

“To take the Advent message to all the world in my generation”.

✓ How universal and at the same time how definite is this Aim!
✓ “The message” is that which the youth will take.
✓ “To all the world” is where the youth will take the message.
✓ “In this generation” tells us when it will be taken..
• Adventist youth should not only know the Adventist message, they must know
that Jesus will soon return and their lives must also give evidence that they
really believe this m.
• Sir/Madam, I represent the candidates, whose Motto is,

“The love of Christ compels us.”

• Inspired by this motto, Adventist youth all over the world, in

harmony with the marvelous aim, move forward in the conquest
of souls for the kingdom of God.

• The motto, based on 2 Cor. 5:14, is the motivating force in the

Adventist youth movement. Without love there is only formation
and certain failure. With the love of Christ success is sure,
because it is a love that never deceives us. This is the love that
always triumphs. It advances in the face of any difficulty, until
the task is done, the conflict won, and the victory achieved.
• Sir/Madam, the candle I now light represents the
Organization AY Module.
1. Organization Module is the module which presents the
history and organization of youth ministry in the Seventh-
day Adventist Church. The strong emphasis is based in the
local Church. This module also deal with the responsibilities
of Youth Leaders at the local Church.
2. Leadership module is one of the modules which
incorporates the aspects of training and actual practice of
activities required for senior leadership. This module
emphasizes on the qualities of idea leadership, the
psychology of leadership, leadership styles and its functions.
The practical matters such as how to chair a meeting is also
taught under this module.
3. Commitment Module is one which revolves around those
activities and programs that are devotional in nature, and
that provide for special affirmation and celebration
opportunities. Such activities are; “Weeks of Prayer”
“Weeks of Spiritual Emphasis” “Bible Conferences”
“Morning Watch.” It also talks about the time of
reaffirmation of Youth’s continuing faith and confidence in
God like the induction ceremonies. This is the module which
dedicated to strengthening the spiritual life of youths and
their leaders as they participate in such activities

4. Discipleship module is the module which teaches youths on how
to become good disciples and stay committed in that way of life.
In this module the extensive presentation on psychological
aspect of youth leadership is given. The spiritual well being of
all members is emphasized in order for all member to be good
disciples. The ultimate objective of this module is to disciple
others to the Lord and to equip them to share in this new
5. Worship Module. This is the module which helps youths to
understand that worship is not merely attending church. They
understand that religious exercise of worship includes learning
to live in God’s presence, and integrating those things learned at
church into one’s daily living. This is the module which helps
Adventist Youth discover the joy of worship, and how to adopt a
worshipful spirit while attending church.
6. Witnessing Module is the module which enables Youths
share their own individual experience in the Lord. In this
module, Adventist Youth discuss effective witnessing and
how it might be accomplished within the Society.
7. Fellowship Module is the module designed to guide Youth
Leaders in finding resources to help provide meaningful
recreation for the AY Society. In this module Youths learn
how to deal with their leisure time. This is module provides
and adopt recreations and entertainments that reflect the
Adventism lifestyle.

8. Empowering Youth Module. This is the module that
summarizes the whole purpose of Youth Ministry in the
Seventh-day Adventist Church. Salvation and Service
focused Youth Ministry through Discipleship, Leadership,
evangelism. Service or Mission empowers Youths to be
strong Christians and participant in the mission of the
church. This is the module which combines the eight
modules into four strategic themes of Youth Ministry in the
Seventh-day Adventist Church
After lighting the modules candles, the Associate Leader
declares, “On behalf of the worldwide Youth Club I accept
the candidates to live by the Adventist Youth Ministry
The Associate leaders
Sir we will now proceed to light the candle which represent the
Senior Youth Pledge
Youth Representative
Sir/Madam the candle I now light represent the Senior youth
Pledge and it says;
“Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the
work of the Adventist Youth Society, doing what I can to
help others and to finish the work of the gospel in all the
After lighting the Pledge candle, the Associate Leader declares,
“On behalf of the worldwide Youth Club I accept the
candidate’s vow to live by the Adventist Senior Pledge.”
• To affirm your dedication to the high principles of the AY
Club, we ask you to join us and repeat the AY Aim, Motto,
Pledge and Legion of Honor in unison.
• I hereby declare the candidates, accepted in to the fellowship
of the____________ AY movement of the Copperbelt Zambia
Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church.

After all the Clubs have completed their inductions, all the youths are to
be asked to come and stand in front. Extend the invitation even to
those who did not feel in the forms but want to join the movement
At this time all the youths should affirm their dedication to the high
principles of the Adventist youth Ministry by doing the recitations of
the Adventist Youth Aim, Motto, Laws, Pledges and the Legion of
Then all the Youths are presented with candles, which they may light
from the Spirit of Adventist Youth Candle.

Sing the songs (this little light of mine, SDAY the great association) as the
lights are turned back on…

Then the Induction officer will give a charge and after a charge,
dedicatory prayers to pray that God gives the youths
strength to live up to the high ideals of Adventist Youth
Ministry and to be a faithful and loyal members.
(Note: Dedicatory prayers can be given by any spiritual elderly
person but preference is given to the Pastor, Admin Elder,
Elder-in-Charge respectively)


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