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Grade – 3

1. What is double 35?

2. Mary picked 5 apples and Bill picked 9. How many did they
both pick together?
3. List here the even numbers from 10 to 20.
4. Find the difference of 75 and 90.
5. Ed had saved $16. Then grandma gave him $10.Now how
much money does he have now?
6. 13+ ? = 21
7. 90- ? = 83
8. 6 tens 2 hundreds 7ones = (in number?)
9. Skip count by tens… 268,578, ? , 598, ? , ? , ?
10.100-5-3 (?) 98-6 (Choose <,> or =)
11.Half of 800 (?) 399+5 (Choose <,> or =)
12.224+458 = ?
13.438+17+293 = ?
14.61-37= ?
16.Jennifer bought two vacuum cleaners for $152 each. What
was the total cost?
17.How many inches are there in 1 foot?
18.7 x 7 = ?
19.6 x 8 = ?
20.The distance from Mark's home to his grandma's house is 218
miles. How many miles long is a round trip?
Grade - 4
1. 962-383=?
2. 7002-4526=?
3. 82+5539+1254+278=?
4. 535-(430-173) =?
5. Jason bought a $185 camera and a $32 camera bag. How much
money did he get back if he pays $300?
6. A store received 10 boxes, which each had 8 light bulbs. How
many light bulbs did the store receive?
7. 2+(5+4) x 2=?
8. Each table in a restaurant has four seats. There are 20 tables. How
many seats are there in the restaurant?
9. It’s 11:00 AM now. What is the time 25 minutes later?
10. It’s 2:30 PM now. What is the time 10 minutes before?
11. The TV show starts at 6:10 PM and ends at 7:10 PM. How
long is it?
12. A rectangle has 3 cm width and 5 cm length. Find the area?
13. Write in order from smallest to biggest unit: cm km m mm
14. The pencil is 14 ______ long. (Choose cm km m mm)
15. 17 ÷ 2 = _____, R ____
16. 47 ÷ 7 = _____, R ____
17. 100-5-3 (?) 98-6 (Choose <,> or =)
18. Half of 800 (?) 399+5 (Choose <,> or =)
19. 42 x 6 =?
20. 200 ÷ 5 =?

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