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Lola is a nightclub singer, and sings at the Flamingo Club

three nights a week. She usually finishes work at (a)

………………, and always takes a taxi home. She plays tennis
with her best friend three times a week, but loses every
time! She goes to the seaside (b)……………… a year, and stays
in a hotel called The Sea View.

(a) What time does Lola finish work?

- Lola usually finishes work at 3:00 p.m.
(b) How often does she go to the seaside?
- She goes to the seaside once a year.

Molly is a student, and goes to university four days a week. On

Wednesday evenings she always (c) ………………… . She meets
her new boyfriend for lunch every day, and plays tennis with
her best friend (d) ………………….. times a week (Molly always

(c) What does Molly always do on Wednesday evenings?

- Molly always goes to her dance class.
(d) How often does she play tennis with her best friend?
- They play tennis three times a weak.

Tim and Karen own The Sun Cafe in the centre of town.
They get up early every morning (except Sundays) and
always open the cafe at (e) …………… o’clock. They go on
holiday three times a year, and usually stay in (f) ……….…… .

(e) What time do Tim and Karen open the cafe?

- Tim and Karen always open de cafe at 7 o’clock.
(f) Where do they usually stay in holiday?
- They usually stay in The Sea View hotel.

Paul works for a computer company, and meets his new

girlfriend for lunch in The Sun Cafe every day. When he’s
at work he e-mails her (g) ……………….. times a day! They
go out together every night except Wednesday, and
usually go to (h)…………………. .

(g) How often does Paul e-mail his girlfriend?

- He e-mails his girlfriend twelve times a day.
(h) Where do they usually go to together every night?
- They usually go to the Flamingo Club.
Bill is a taxi driver, and he usually works at night. On
Sundays he always gets up at (i) ……………………… . In the
afternoon he usually watches football on TV. His sister is
a dance teacher, and he sees her (j) …………………….

(i) What time does Bill always get up on Sundays?

- Bill always gets up at about lunch time.
(j) How often does Bill see his sister?
- He sees his sister at about once a weak.

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