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Rats are highly intelligent and social rodents that have a long history of interaction with humans.

While some people might associate rats with negative stereotypes, such as pests in urban
environments, others keep domesticated rats as pets. These two categories, wild rats and pet
rats, are quite distinct.

In the wild, rats are highly adaptable and can be found in various ecosystems worldwide. They
play essential roles in ecosystems as scavengers and prey for predators. However, they can
become problematic in urban settings due to their rapid reproduction and ability to adapt to
human environments.

On the other hand, domesticated or pet rats are different from their wild counterparts. They are
often bred for specific traits and raised in controlled environments. Pet rats are known for their
intelligence, affectionate nature, and social behavior. They can form strong bonds with their
owners and enjoy interactive play. Pet rats are kept in clean and enriched environments, and
responsible owners ensure their well-being through proper care and attention.

In scientific research, rats are commonly used in laboratories due to their cognitive abilities and
the physiological similarities they share with humans. Despite the negative connotations
associated with wild rats, pet rats have gained popularity as unique and loving companions for
those who appreciate their charming personalities.

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