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C S Shriram Jayanth +91 9865355999 Kangeyam, Tamil Nadu

@ShriramJayanth ShriramJayanth ShriramJayanth

CGPA - 8.6 / 10
B.E Computer Science Engineering (CYBER SECURITY)
2022 - 2026
Chennai Institute Of Technology, Chennai , Tamil Nadu
HSC , Sri Chaitanya Techno School 2020-2022

SSLC , Sainik School Amaravathinagar 80.2%

Internship Experience

GetMax Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Nov 2023 - Dec 2023

Chennai, India
Backend Developer Intern (Remote)
Worked in both the website and admin panel of GetMax Solutions
Implemented a responsive design that ensured the web application was accessible on all
devices and worked in API endpoints as well.
Collaborated with cross-functional teams to identify customer requirements and develop
technical solutions

1. DevaRaga (A social media web app for musicians) Dec 2023

MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.Js, React.Js, Node.Js)
DevaRaga is a social media web application React as frontend and nodeJs for backend. It is specifically
designed for musicians as target audience allowing every user to share their work with like, follow and
comment options with a simple design.

2. Upside Down Sep 2023

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJs
It is an online python compiler which compiles the given code using the local python compiler. It is done
using an NPM package called child-process. It can be modified and used for any college level coding


The complete 2023 web development bootcamp - UDEMY

Introduction to CyberSecurity -CISCO
CyberSecurity Essentials- CISCO

Skills Achievements
C++ MySQL LeetCode : 130+ Problems Solved
MERN stack FireBase
HTML, CSS, JavaScript

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