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Body 1:

Câu 1: In 2000, the number of overseas Vietnamese students (số lượng du

học sinh VN) in France was largest, standing at over 3.5 million (trên 3.5
triệu), which was slightly higher than ( cao hơn một chút so với) that of
Russia and more than twice as many as that (gấp 2 lần so với) of America,
at 3 million and 1.5 million respectively.(lần lượt)
Câu 2: Over the following five years (trong 5 năm tiếp theo), the number of
Vietnamese students studying abroad in France and Russia decreased by 1
million, whereas (trong khi) that in America saw a rise to 2 million (tăng
lên) students.
Body 2:
Câu 1: From 2005 onwards, the figure for America rose dramatically (tăng đáng kể)
to 5 million students in 2015, surpassing (vượt qua) that of France to become the
Câu 2:
Similarly (tương tự), the number of Vietnamese students in French schools remained
unchanged ( không thay đổi) at approximately 2.5 million students until 2010, before
increasing by over 2 million in 2015.
Câu 3:
Meanwhile, although decreasing to the lowest point of under 2 million students in
2010, the figure for Russia then rose gradually to 2.5 million, which was the lowest,
at the end of the period.
The line graph compares the average number for daily travel (đi lại hằng ngày) by
workers in the UK using three different transports over a period of 60 years.
It is clear that the car is by far the most popular means of transport for UK

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