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(Verse 1)

In the forest of dreams, where the trees have their say,

A place where reality tends to drift away.
With a hat full of stars and a mind quite untamed,
I wandered through shadows, where Discworld's magic reigned.

Oh, the Nac Mac Feegles danced in the moonlight,
While the Unseen University whispered secrets out of sight.
In the heart of the forest, where the Wyrd takes its stand,
I'm hallucinating, in a Discworld wonderland.

(Verse 2)
The Librarian swung from branches high,
Saying, "Ook!" as the mushrooms caught my eye.
Hex hummed softly, a spell in the air,
As Granny Weatherwax braided spells with care.

Oh, the Nac Mac Feegles danced in the moonlight,
While the Unseen University whispered secrets out of sight.
In the heart of the forest, where the Wyrd takes its stand,
I'm hallucinating, in a Discworld wonderland.

The Luggage trundled, a faithful guide,
Through the twisted woods, where reality hides.
The shades of the forest, both lively and strange,
In Pratchett's realm, where everything can change.

(Verse 3)
Centaurs and trolls joined the woodland parade,
As the forest whispered secrets in the magic it made.
With Rincewind's luck and a hint of octarine,
I embraced the hallucination, a Discworld scene.

Oh, the Nac Mac Feegles danced in the moonlight,
While the Unseen University whispered secrets out of sight.
In the heart of the forest, where the Wyrd takes its stand,
I'm hallucinating, in a Discworld wonderland.

So in the surreal haze where reality bends,
I'll journey through the forest where Discworld transcends.
In the mind's twisted dance, where dreams are unfurled,
Hallucinating in the forest, in Terry Pratchett's world.

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