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Hello, I'm Hemia Manel, and you're watching BBC channel .

Our top story tonight is the

origins of football, what has changed since the 80’s and the tragic event of 1989.
Football has such a rich history that goes way back to the working-class communities
in the 19th century. occurred primarily in industrial England, the sport was popular
among the laboring class It was an affordable hobby and a moment of sharing. At first
football was a game played on a makeshift fields with a rudimentary equipment the
game reflected the working class. In 1914 during the Great War the United Kingdom
was a part of the Triple Entente, all the men was called to the front for fighting, indeed,
women were sent instead for working in factory to produce ammunition These women
played a crucial role in supporting the war effort. They too, found an escape in football
There were different teams for each factory, and a lot of matches were contested,
football was a way to escape the routine of their work and The atrocities of war.
when the war ended , they were no longer allowed to play and were banned from
the fields.
Time goes on and The game, once synonymous with affordability and
inclusivity, witnessed a shift. with Rising costs, for build stadium infrastructure,
led to an increase in ticket prices. Becoming too expensive, the working class
could no longer afford it football began to transform from a community activity
into a commercialized and professionalized spectacle. on April 15, 1989 The
Hillsborough tragedy that occurred during a semi-final match of the FA Cup
between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest was a devastating event. The
overcrowding in the Liverpool supporters' stand led to a dangerous situation
due to poor crowd management and facility configuration. Unfortunately, 96
people died and injured many others. This event has left an indelible mark in the
history of football.
As we wrap up,The evolution of football reflects broader societal changes it's
clear that Football has undergone many changes, it is no longer the modest
game it once was Clubs were formed, competitions expanded, and players
started to be compensated for their talent.This created a football industry, with
sponsors, lucrative contracts, and player transfers at exorbitant prices. While
the sport's essence as a unifying force endures. It was hemia manel Thank you
for joining us tonight on the BBC channel . We'll be back tomorrow with more
updates and stories

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