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The Day of the dead celebrations date back to the Olmec, Zapotec, Mixtec, Mexican or
Aztec, and Totonac. The day of is celebrated on November 2. November 1 is the day of the
children and All Saints Day. November second is all Souls Day or “The day Of The dead”.
During the day of the dead, the family often takes the opportunity to visit the gravesite,
clean any debris and decorate the graves of loved ones. often candles, flowers and the
favorite foods of the deceased are placed on the grave and the family visits, eats, sings
and tells favorites about those who have passed.
The day of the dead is a true celebration of life, “Remembering our dead and loved ones is
a tradition that we do whit love and respect honoring their memories”.
It is a very beautiful tradition as it demonstrates the true union of Mexican families.

José Alfredo Mendoza Vázquez
Sergio Hernández Maldonado
Miguel Antonio Mora Calvillo
Iván Calletano Sánchez

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