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“Miss Phathupats”

1. What was Miss Yeye’s occupation at the beginning?

-Miss Yeyeng always went carrying a basket on her head as she peddled Ginatan or Bitso-bitso
around gambling areas.

2. Based on the story, who served as the first teacher’s under American rule?

-The teacher-soldier was so impressed with Yeyeng’s progress that he recommended Yeyeng to
be appointed as a teacher.

3. How did Yeyeng become Miss Phathupats?

-People knew her scoffed and laughed at her when they heard about her linguistic amnesia. They
changed her name, dubbing her a loud and stinking “Miss Phathupats”.

4. Why did she stop using Kapampangan?

-Miss Yeyeng hardly spoke Kapampangan anymore. She claimed that she had forgotten how to
speak Kapampangan. She explained that Kapampangan was too difficult compared to English.
That was why she lost her ability to speak Kapampangan.

5. What is Colonial Mentality as shown in the story?

-Notice how he developed the character of Yeyeng who transformed into Miss Phathupats as the
poster girl of colonial mentality.

6. Give other examples of Colonial Mentality?

-In the aforementioned story, soto used historical facts to present his story about a peculiar
Filipino character and about the creeping Colonial Mentality during his time.

7. What alternative title can you suggest for the story?

-Kapampangan Girl.


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