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PEGA Interview Questions and Answers

1. How would you fetch Object List to clipboard from Database table without using Activities?
By using List Data page
2. From what all different sources we can fetch data in Data Page?
You can fetch data in a Data Page in Pega from various sources, including API, REST
endpoints, databases, data transforms, connectors, robotic automation, and robotic desktop
3. What is the use of Post Load Processing Activity, which will be available in Data Page rule?
The Post Load Processing Activity in a Data Page rule in Pega is used to perform additional
processing after the data is loaded into the Data Page. It allows you to manipulate the data,
perform validation, and add messages to the Pega Clipboard.
4. What is the use of 'Pages & Classes' tab, which will be available in almost all rules in Pega?
The 'Pages & Classes' tab in Pega rules allows you to define the pages and classes that will be
accessed or updated during the execution of the rule. It helps in setting up rule prompting,
configuring rule validation, and applying the default class for list elements.
5. How do you save a data to Database table without using activities?
1 by using Savable datapage

a. In the flow rule-we have advance shape- Save data pages.

b. In the flow action rule-action tab post processing.

c. Activity Method-(save-datapage) method. Note: If data page mode is savable :

d. We have scope is Thread or Requestor.

In Pega, you can save data to a database table without using activities by using the Data
Transform rule. Data Transform rules allow you to define the mapping between properties
and columns in the database table. By configuring the Data Transform rule, you can populate
the properties with values and then use the "Save" option to persist the data to the database

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