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Assembly Script: Spreading Smiles, Not Tickles

 Hitha: Energetic and kind girl.
 Bala: Playful boy, initially misguided.
 Rahul: Blind man, needing assistance.
 Rishitha: A girl carrying heavy bags.
 Anwika: Special awareness presenter.
 Yatiswar: Presenter for new words.
 Omesh: Quote presenter.

Hitha: Good morning, everyone! Today, we embark on a journey not across physical
lands, but through the magical realm of kindness! Our destination? Happiness!

Bala: Hitha, how do we get there? By tickling everyone? (Tickling Abdul)

Hitha: Bala, my friend, tickling might bring giggles, but true happiness lies in acts of
selfless giving and compassion!

Bala: Hmmm, sounds complicated. Show me!

Hitha: Buckle up, then! Lights, camera, ACTION!

Narrator: See that kind soul, a blind person, trying to cross the road? His sight may be
dimmed, but his spirit shines bright!

Hitha: You see that blind person?

Bala: I see him! Wait, he needs help?

Bala helps Rahul by guiding him to cross roads.

Narrator: Bala extends a helping hand, and not just a tickle! Rahul's smile says it all –
happiness delivered!

Narrator: Now, witness Rishitha, burdened by heavy weights. Her strength deserves a
helping mate!

Rishitha: Oh, dear child, you're a blessing!

Bala: Just spreading smiles, ma'am! See, happiness shared is happiness doubled!

Bala: Wow, Hitha, you were right! Helping others feels way better than a tickle!

Hitha: Now, let's explore more ways to spread smiles!

Anwika: Today's special awareness. Today, January 29, 2024, is Indian Newspaper
Day, which commemorates the beginning of newspapers in India. The day aims to raise
awareness of Indian newspapers. On January 29, 1780, the first Indian newspaper was
published. The first weekly publication was called the "Hicky's Bengal Gazette," also
referred to as the "Calcutta General Advertiser."
The only form of communication that wasn't prohibitively expensive and carried useful
information was print. The first newspaper printed in Asia was Hicky's Bengal Gazette. It
was published on January 29, 1780, in Kolkata, the nation's capital at the time.
Newspapers altered the way things worked when news took days to reach the intended
audience. However, because the British were aware of the harm the newspapers could
do to their government, they decided to stop publishing them in 1782.

This month is also known as Human Trafficking Prevention Month, which aims to
educate the public about human trafficking and how they can help prevent and respond
to it. Let's embrace differences and make kindness our common language! Let's all be
like Bala! Spread kindness and make the world a happier place.

Yatiswar: Expand your vocabulary! Our new word of the day is Pollyanna, a Pollyanna
is persistently cheerful and optimistic.

Omesh: A quote to carry in your heart: "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is
ever wasted." Remember, even the smallest gesture can blossom into a garden of

Hitha: Stay tuned for news updates that spread smiles! We'll share stories of everyday
heroes who are making the world a kinder place!

Hitha: Remember, friends, happiness is not found in tickles, but in the warmth of giving
and the joy of seeing others smile! Let's be beacons of kindness, making every day a
celebration of compassion!

Hitha: And now, it's time for a very special segment in our assembly today. Someone
who guides us every step of the way, someone who embodies kindness and inspires us
to be our best selves. Please welcome our beloved teacher, Sarayu Ma'am!

Hitha: Together, we can paint the world with the vibrant colours of kindness! Let's go
forth and spread smiles, one act at a time!

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