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During this term one of the subjects, I remember best was on the Obsolete series.

I really
enjoyed, the group piecing together the story of it. However, to be frank for a big part of it I
felt rather lost, as my episodes didn’t tie too much plot wise with the grand scheme of things
(mine were about ambush in some dragon valley, and the other started on the military training
ground with robots tied to the ground). Even though it was hard to add much in discussion it
was a nice challenge to follow the plot and I really liked the discussions that followed.
Especially the one about the possibility of having the action of the series set in Poland
because, as I remember limestone quarries are located here.
Another discussion I quite enjoyed was on F1 races, or rather the little competition we had
afterwards. Someone proposed to check our reflexes on that website with race starting lamps.
So much fun. It was a small thing, but for some reason that’s what I thought of first now. Oh
and You impressed me soo much when You remembered someone’s highscore 2 weeks later.
Now that I think about it, that’s kinda suspicious hmmm…

One of the presentations I had the opportunity to listen to was about Mentorship presented by
my friend Paweł Łasica. I remember really enjoying the story he gave during the speech, but
unfortunately now looking at his slides I can’t really remember much about it. I think some
more pictures or text would help me greatly. Another slide that I think was the most
important is the way the mentors can be discovered by us. Unfortunately, I believe most
likely to get close to a good one is to actually get very lucky and get for example born already
related to one. In my opinion their actual value and impact on our lives is often neglected.
Many people nowadays mentor others into being self-reliant (what a paradox...), which
makes me even more glad That Paweł chose this as his topic. As always, he delivered on the
delivery of what he had to say about it, which maybe the discussions even more appealing to

My last presentation was about was on the chapter “What will they think” of the book
assigned to us. The chapter was a pretty good read, it touched on some topics I already was
debating about and kinda struggled to find the best answers to. It provoked me especially to
think how our decisions when reaching our goals change every time what the actual goals are
without us really noticing it. It wasn’t really what the chapter was about.
Reading it was one thing, but preparing to present it was a whole other one. I had such a blast
working with ChatGPT to prepare the illustrations. It quickly went cray cray when generating
them. I think my favourite was:

The tree fascination was also fun, but it quickly turned annoying. I’m glad others wanted to
participate in discussing some of the topics.
As a final note it just hit me that this is likely the last ‘school’ assignment I will ever write. It’s a bit
weird of a feeling. For whatever reason, a mix of relief and stress. I used to dread doing this, so I’m

even more glad this one is for one of the courses I enjoyed the most in my carrier 😉.

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