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Name: __________________________________

MUSI 3250 – Fall 2020

Comeau – Chapter 2

1. According to Comeau, what are the names of the three major music educators who devised
different methodologies/approaches to teaching music?
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________

2. What did 3 things did Dalcroze discover about his students when teaching at the Geneva
Conservatory of Music?
a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________
3. What was Dalcroze’s sixth sense?

4. Dalcroze believed it was important to develop a link between the _______________ ____
_____ __________ and ___________________ ____________________.

5. What is eurhythmics? (look up online)

Carl Orff:
6. In addition to developing ideas about music education, on what other aspect of music did Orff

7. What is the name of the five-volume set of music that Orff and Keetman wrote for their
approach for teaching music to children?
8. What did Orff feel was wrong with how music was being taught in the schools?

9. Orff founded his approach based on the three areas of _______________________,

_____________________ and ______________________________.

Zoltan Kodaly
10. Before becoming involved with music education, Kodaly’s career as a musician focused on two
a. ____________________________________
b. ____________________________________

11. After becoming interested in music education, Kodaly composed music for children that
focused on ________________ __________________, _____________________ _____
___________________, and ___________________ _____ ___________________

12. What did Kodaly discover about his students’ musical ability when teaching at the Academy of
Music in Budapest?

13. Kodaly had two goals when establishing his methodology:

a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________

14. What is the important common point that can be found among the three different individuals
and their methodologies that discussed in this chapter?

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