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7th grade SS People, Places, and Change

Preview of Chapter 5, Section 1 (p107-109)

1. What is the title of this section? _____________________________________
2. (think question) What do you think the word phosphates means?
3. Check out the map on the bottom of page 107.
a. Which countries border the Mediterranean Sea?
b. What are the main rivers and waterways shown?




How does the size of this region compare to the United States?
What do the colors on the map indicate? (hint: Look at the legend on the lower left
hand corner of the map)
List the headings and subheading in this section. (pages 106-109).
Chapter Title:_________________________________________
A. Section 1: ________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________
b. __________________________________________
c. __________________________________________
C. ________________________________________________
D. ________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________
b. __________________________________________
Look at page 108. Read the caption under the banner Our Amazing Planet.
a. What is the physical feature the section is discussing?
b. How large is it? ___________________________________________________
c. What makes it unique? ____________________________________________
d. Look at the pictures located on page 108 and 109. What can you tell about the
country just by looking at the pictures? ________________________________

7th grade SS People, Places, and Change

Model: As we read: Echo read or read aloud and model thinking as you answer
1.Give one interesting fact about Turkey from On Two Continents.
2.Give three facts you learned from Hills, Valleys, and Plains.
Guided: As we read: Read and ask students to answer questions.
3. Read section River and Sea and list important facts from the section.
4. List one fun fact from River and Sea.
Assisted: Be available as students read and answer the questions. (give help if required)
What type of weather would you expect if you visited this region?
What is the average rainfall in the Syrian Desert?
What are the three types of climate discussed in this section?

7th grade SS People, Places, and Change

Independent: Allow students to work on their own.
What resources are available in this region of the eastern Mediterranean?
What are some uses of the resources?
Complete the questions from section review.

The Mediterranean climate is characterized by no freezing temperatures in winter and dry summers.
Euphrates River
Jordan River
Tigris River
Suez Canal
Red Sea
Gaza Strip
Phosphates- a mineral that is used to make fertilizer
Ridges A range of hills or mountains, a raised strip (as of plowed ground)

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