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Engelska åk 7 The piper, p 76-77


A. Expressions
Find the English equivalent expressions in the text

1. Ren och skär fantasi _____________________________________

2. För några år sedan __ __________________________________

3. Ännu idag ______________________________________

4. För hundratals år sedan ______________________________________

5. Tröttnat på ______________________________________

6. Om och om igen _______________________________________

Use 3 expressions in sentences of your own




B. Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks according to the prompts
Sometimes when I was little, I imagined that I was _______________ (kunglig) and lived in a
grand ______________ (slott). I _____________ (vägrar) to give up the idea completely, and
I ______________ what life would be like as a princess. Perhaps I would not _____________
(njuta av, tycka om) it, and like to __________________ (återvända) to my ordinary life. Life
does not always work out _____________ (som planerat), but the ___________________
(sanning) is that if you do your best you will have nice _______________ (minnen) to look
back at when you are old. There are many places to ________________ (besöka), so just
________________________ (ge dig iväg) on a great journey!
C. Complete the sentences
I. What is the meaning of the words written in bold?
1. _______________________ 4. _______________________
2. _______________________ 5. _______________________
3. _______________________ 6. _______________________

II. Complete the sentences according to your own opinion

1. I have gotten tired of _____________________________________________________
2. I have decided to ________________________________________________________
3. I was shocked to hear that ________________________________________________
4. My earliest memory is when _______________________________________________
5. My dream-holiday would be _______________________________________________
6. No matter what anybody says, I refuse to _____________________________________

D. Fill in the crossword puzzle

E. Synonyms
Synonyms are words with the same meaning. Find a synonym to the following words in the text. You
already have a few of the letters.
1. Frightening S_A__
2. Weird S_R___E
3. To begin to S _ _ _ T
4. To end to S T _ _
5. To come back to R E _ _ _ _

F. Antonyms
Synonyms are words with the opposite meaning. Find an antonym to the following words in the text.
You already have a few of the letters.

1. Husband W___
2. Low H___
3. King _U__N
4. To open to S _ _ _
5. Hopeless HOPE___
6. Up D___

G. Lock Ness
People believe that a monster is hiding in the lake of Loch Ness. Do you believe it is true?
A. If you believe it, what is your explanation to why there is a monster there? Who is Nessie, as he is
B. If you don’t believe it, what is your explanation to why people have talked about this legend for so


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