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NAME:________________________ SEC:__________ ROLL:___________ DATE:____________

I.Fill in the blanks:

1. The three kinds of volcanoes are __________________________________________,

_________________________________and ______________________________________.

2.It is dangerous to live near a volcano because volcanoes can destroy the entire _________,
and ___________________ when they _________________.

II. Write True or False:

1.Deadvolcanoesarealsocalledsleeping volcanoes. ______________________

2. Volcanoes are measured on richter scale. _______________________

III. Definethefollowings:
1. earthquake:__________________________________________________________________
2. core:________________________________________________________________________
3. epicentre:____________________________________________________________________
IV. Draw ,label andcolour an active volcano:
Class III English Language( Parts of Speech) Revision #3

Name__________________________________________________ Section ______________ Roll _______

1. Write the types of noun:
1. Sara: _____________________________________.2. lawyer: ___________________________________.
3. clutch of eggs: ______________________________.4. imagination: ----------------------------------------------
5. Salmon’s car: ______________________________.6. a few books: _______________________________.
7. 5 kg of rice: _______________________________.

2. Write the types of pronoun:
1. He, She, They, We: ________________________.2. it, us, them:_______________________________.
3. myself: __________________________________.4. mine: ___________________________________.
5. This is my car._____________________________.

3. Write the types of verbs with examples:
1) ________________________. 2) ______________________________. 3) ___________________________.
4) __________________________________. 5) ___________________________________________.

4. Write examples of the adjectives: 1. Quality: ………………………………………………………………
2. Quantity: ……;……………………Possessive: …………….………….......4.Demonstrative………………

5. Write examples of the adverbs:
1. Adverb of place: ___________________________2. Adverb of time: …._____________ 3. Adverb of
manner: ________________________________

6. Conjunction: FANBOYS
7. Preposition: 1. Time: __________ 2. Place: ……..________. Direction: ……………................................
8. Interjection : Write 5 expression with Exclamation mark (!).

Class-III: Science(Atmosphere and Pollution) Revision #3

Name: ___________________________ Roll: __________ Sec: __________ Date: ___________________

1. Fill in the blanks:

a. When ____________air rises its place is taken by ________________ air. When this happens
________________ begins to blow.
b. The _________________ of air surrounding the ________________is called the atmosphere.

2. Write True or False:

a. Smoking can seriously damage the lungs and can cause cancer. ________________
b. When the wind is light and gentle, it is called gale. __________________

3. Answer the following questions:

a. What do you understand by polluted?
Ans: ____________________________________________________________________________
b. Name any two gases.
Ans: ___________________________________________________________________________

4. Draw and colour five seasons:

Class III Computer(The Internet) Revision #3

Name: __________________________________ Roll: ___________ Section: _________ Date: _____________

Write ‘True’ or ‘False’:

1. Address bar is the area where the URL is entered. _________

2. URL is the address of the website. _________
3. The full form of ISP is Internet Service Protocol. _________
4. The full form of WWW is world web wide _________________

Answer the following questions:

1. What is website? How many ways you can browse web?

2.Define URL

3.What is net surfing?

4.Write 4 uses of internet.

6.Write the names of 3 search engine.

Fill in the blanks:

1. The INTERNET is a huge __________________________ of several millions computers.

2. ____________________ Can contain text, graphics, sound, video,
3. ________________ ___________________________ is a software that searches the internet for the information
4. _____________________ Search Engine is the best search engine in the world
5. The process of searching for information over the internet is called _______________ __________________
Class III . 2020 English Literature Revision III
A Tree’s Childhood

Name: _____________________________ Roll: ______ Sec: _______________ Date: ___________

Revise everything from A Tree’s Childhood

(Write down answer no A & B on loose sheet)

A. Answer the following questions in detail:

What is necessary for the forest creatures to live peacefully with each other?

B. Answer the following questions briefly

Who was Bansuri?
What does Gajraj do to the tree when it’s head and back itches?

C. Write down the appropriate word for the following phrases / words:-
1. freedom - ___________________
2. breaking apart - _______________________
3. unnecessarily - _______________________
4. chirping - __________________________
5. silent; unable to speak - ________________________

D Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from A Tree’s Childhood :-

1. If I made them ____________________ they could ___________________ me easily.
2. I speak to the little _________________ that live in the jungle ______________ to me, and sometimes I even
make ______________________ with the large animals.

E. Write the correct adjective of comparison from the adjective given in the brackets to complete the following

1. My brother is ________________________ than me. (short )

2. English is __________________ than Bengali, but Science is the _______________ subject for me. ( easy )
3. The weather is _____________________ today, but it was _______________________ yesterday. ( warm )
4. Raja Birbal was the _____________________ courtier of Emperor Akbar’s court. ( wise )
তৃতীয় শ্রেণী বাাংলা ২ পত্র পুনরাবৃওি – ৩

নামঃ .................... ররা঱ঃ ....... লাখাঃ............ তাওরখঃ.........

(ক) এক কথায় প্রকাল করঃ

১। অ঵ংকার করর রয = _______________________________

২। উপায় রনই যার = _______________________________

৩। আল্লা঵র প্রওত ওবশ্বা঴ যার = _______________________________

৪। পা রথরক মাথা পযন্ত

঄ = _______________________________

৫। আওমর঳র অভাব = _______________________________

৬। ওদরনর রল঳ ভাগ = _______________________________

৭। ওদরনর প্রথম ভাগ = _______________________________

৮। যা মাটি রভদ করর রের঱ উরে = _______________________________

৯। রঘাশার ডাক = _______________________________

১০। ঵াওতর ডাক = _______________________________

১১। ওযওন অল্প কথা বর঱ = _______________________________

১২। উপকারীর উপকার স্বীকার করর রয = _______________________________

১৩। রয ছওব আঁকরত অতযন্ত পিু = _______________________________

১৪। যার মৃত রনই = _______________________________

১৫। ওযওন রবলী কথা বর঱ন= _______________________________

(খ) ঴মাথক
঄ লব্দ ও঱খঃ ( দুটি করর)

১। আনন্দ = .......................... , ............................২। মানু঳ = ............................ , ............................

৩। ঵াওত = ..................... , ..........................৪। ঴ূয ঄= ...................., ..................................

৫। পা঵াশ = ................. , ...................৬। বস্ত্র = ........................ , ..................

CLASS-III Moral Science Revision Worksheet # 3

(Read the chapters “The Biggest of All”, “Happy Diwali” and “Someone is Watching” then do this worksheet.
The worksheet should be properly stored in your folder)
Name: _______________________________ Sec: _____________ Roll: _______Date: ____________

1. Circle the correct answer:

(a) At a party Bobby wanted the biggest balloon / biggest slice of pizza.

(b) Just before dinner / lunch , Anuj went to market to buy some candles.

(c) Anuj’s mother made a tray full of sweets / pastries.

(d) One day Bobby took a big bite of burger / soap.

(e) Hari and his uncle were rich / poor.

(f) At the end of the road there was an old / new building.

(g) Hari’s uncle / aunty told him to steal from the shop.

(h) Diwali is a time for being happy / unhappy and making others happy.

(i) Hari lived in a hut / mansion with his uncle.

(j) Bobby always wanted the smallest / biggest share of everything.

2. Unscramble the scramble words:

(a) nwatde = _______________________

(b) tpyar = _______________________

(c) ntspare = _______________________

(d) mtkare = _______________________

(e) nthoes = _______________________

(f) tchwa = _______________________

(g) gnihtyna = _______________________

(h) ropo = _______________________

Class III Mathematics (Fractions) Revision #3

Name : _________________________sec :______ Roll : ______date: ______

( # 1 to #3 should be done in the cw copy , or on loose paper)

7 3
1) Jack needs to walk kilometers to his school. He has already walked kilometers.
10 5
How far he has to walk more now ?
1 1
2) The Penguin Nursery is open two times a day: 3 hours at noon and 2 hours in the
3 6
afternoon. How long is the penguin nursery open every day?
3 7 5
3) Arrange the fractions in descending order : , ,
. (Using symbol)
8 12 16
4) Simplify the fraction in lowest term :

5) Convert the following fractions into mixed fractions.

65 69
a) = b) =
12 8

6) Convert the following mixed number into improper fraction.

5 4
a) 6
= b3
7) Which of these fractions are proper frasctins?
69 17 11 9 15 77
a) , 𝑏) , 𝑐) , 𝑑) , 𝑒) , 𝑓)
28 8 20 8 12 100

𝟑 𝟓 𝟒 𝟐
9) Add 2
+ 1
10) Subtract 3
-- 1

___________________________ _____________________________
___________________________ ______________________________
__________________________ ______________________________
__________________________ _____________________________
___________________________ ______________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________

__________________________________ ______________________________________

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