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NAME :.........................................
SCHOOL : .....................................

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Name ___________________________________ stream ___________
1. The movement of people and their goods from one place to
another is called __________________________________________
2. Name any two types of transport.
3. Write one mean on each type of transport.
a) Road transport __________________________
b) Water transport __________________________.
c) Air transport __________________________.
d) Railway transport __________________________.
4. Match correctly.
driver bicycle
pilot ship
cyclist car
Ship captain aeroplane
5. Write out places where we find means of transport.
a)Airport __________________________
b)School __________________________.
c) Bus park __________________________.
d)Ruler __________________________.
6. Draw these means of transport.

car boat train aeroplane

7. Give any two uses of transport.

8. Mention any two things transported by Lorries.
9. Write any two means of transport used for carrying people.
10.Name the holy symbol.
Name ________________________________ __ stream ___________

1. ____________are things we make out of local materials.

2. Write down any two examples of thins we make.
a. ___________________
b. ___________________
3. Draw these things we make.

hat pot basket

4. Match these materials to their sources.

Sisal banana plant

Clay palm tree

Banana fibers swamp

Palm leaves forests / bush

5. Give the use of each of these crafts.

a. pots __________________________________________________
b. mats __________________________________________________
c. balls __________________________________________________
6. Mention any two ways of making crafts.
a. __________________
b. __________________

7. Write any two materials used for playing with.

a. ______________________
b. ______________________
8. Pots are made by _________________________________________
9. Name these things we make.

10. What does the name Emmanuel mean?


11. Where do we find these holy symbols?


Name _________________________________ stream_____________
1. What is environment?
2. Mention any two components of the environment.
______________________ _______________________
3. Things that have life are called. ____________________________
4. List two examples of non-living things.
5. Write any two things living things do.
6. Name the two groups of living things.
7. Draw these examples of plants.

sugarcane plant banana plant

8. How do we call plants which bear flowers?

9. Give any two uses of plants to us.
10. Name the main parts of a plant.

a a ______________
b ______________
b b c ______________

11. Name these animals

12. Mention any two sources of water.

13. How is water useful to us? (Give two reasons)
14. Tick activities that spoil the environment.
a)Cleaning the compound
b)Cutting down trees
c) Watering plants
Name __________________________________ stream _____________
1. ________________is living in harmony without fighting and
quarrelling with one another.

2. Write any two factors that promote peace and security at

i) ____________________________
ii) ____________________________
3. Draw these people who promote peace and security at
4. Underline the causes of insecurity at home.
a) Fighting
b) Playing with one another
c) Stealing
5. Mention any two factors that promote peace and security at
6. Name any two people who promote peace and security at
________________________ ______________________
7. Write out two causes of insecurity at school.
i) Sharing ii) fighting iii) playing together
iv) not respecting teachers.
8. Write true or false.
a) Guards promote peace and security at school __________
b) Fighting is good. ____________
c) It is good to listen to our teachers and elders. __________
9. Give two examples of people who promote peace and
security in our community.
10. ____________________is living with protection ad freedom with
one another.
11. Tick the causes of insecurity in our community.
a) Quarrelling with one another.
b) Sharing with others.
c) It is good to listen to our teachers and elders.
12. How can we prevent insecurity in our community?
(Give two ways)
i) _________________________________________________________
ii) _________________________________________________________
13. Write two things that God wants us to do.
i) _________________________________________________________
ii) _________________________________________________________
Name __________________________________ stream ____________
1. Name these means of transport.

2. ________________is the movement of people and their goods

from one place to another. (school, transport)
3. Make words:

ei (i) ________________
ni ght (ii) ________________
li (iii) _______________
4. Match correctly
trains park
aeroplanes harbor or port
bus railway station
ship airport

5. Write the words correctly.

rrloy usb noeca

___________ _________ ______________

6. Find the four correct words related to transport from the
a) ……………………………
t r a i n b
b) ……………………………
b i o r x o
u c a r w q c) ……………………………
s t y z n t d) ……………………………

7. Make sentences using these words.

8. Re-arrange the words to make correct sentences.
a)Riding a bicycle Ben is.
b)Brought eight mangoes Mother.
c) A black coat Dad has.
9. Read and draw.
a)Tom is sailing a boat

b)The aeroplane is flying over the church.


Name ___________________________________ stream__________

1. Read and draw things we make at home.

mats balls baskets

2. Fill in the missing letters.

a) r___pes (c) c___ps
b) pl___tesd) (d) b___skets

3. Answer correctly.
a)What are these?

b) Are these baskets?

c) Are these pots?

4. Circle words with sound “r” in the sentences.
a) It is raining.
b) Mary has a red dress.
c) Rita is in the bathroom.

5. Study the substitution table about things we make and

answer the questions.

clay banana fibres Palm leaves

pots baskets mats
cups mats door mats
plates dolls table mats
dolls ropes hats
Answer the questions:

a)Mention any three things we make from clay

i) _____________________ (iii) ______________________
ii) _____________________
b)Mention any three things made out of banana fibres.
i) _____________________ (iii) ______________________
ii) _____________________
c) We make many things from palm leaves. Draw and name
any two you know.

____________________ _____________________
d)Where do we get clay?
Name _____________________________________ stream________
1. ___________________are things around us.
2. Write the words.
a)mentroneivi _______________________
b)versri _______________________
c) kesla _______________________
d)malani _______________________
3. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.


Environment is the things around us like animals, plants,

water, people, houses, lakes, mountains, land etc.
Plants give us food, medicine, firewood, shade etc. From
lakes we get fish ad water.
People sleep in houses to protect themselves against wild
animals. Some animals give us food, manure, hides and skin
and transport. People grow crops and graze animals on
Answer the questions;
a)What is environment?
b)Name any four things around us.
c) What do plants give us?
d)From lakes we get _______________ and _____________.
e) Where do people grow crops and graze animals?

4. Name the parts of the plant below.

A ______________

B _______________
C ______________
D _______________

5. Fill in the gaps correctly.

a)The ____________________hold the plant firmly in the soil.
b)The _______________takes water from the roots to the
c) The _________________make food for the plant.
d)They also help the plant to breathe. We can make juice
from ______________________ .
6. Fill in the missing letters.

a) pl___nts
b) an___mal
c) env___rnment

Name ______________________________________ stream ________

1. Circle words with sound “tion” in the sentences.
a)Mother uses flowers for decoration.
b)Children go for immunization.

2. Arrange words to form meaningful sentences.

a) goad is a kid A young

b) skipping The ropes pupils are
c) Law and order keep Policemen.
d)Buys food Father the family for.
3. Form small words from big words.

a)Protection ___________________
b)Policeman ___________________
4. Answer correctly.
a) A ______________treats sick people.
b) A _________________ keeps law and order.
c) Our parents keep peace and security at _______________ .
d) Our teachers and prefects provide peace and security at
___________________ .
e) Bad people in the community are called _______________ .
f) A ____________________ preaches the word of God to
people in the community.
5. Underline words with sound “oa”
a) book ship soap

b) pen boat paper

c) plant animal goaf

6. Join and form words.

Edica (a) _____________________

Decora tion (b) _____________________

Sta (c) _____________________

Loca (d) _____________________

7. Form words of sound “oa” from the puzzles.

b o a t r x c
a b c d o y o
g o a t a z a
w x y z d t t

a) _________________
b) _________________
c) _________________
Name _______________________________________ stream _______
1. Name the objects.

2. Write the words correctly.

Sketba epro airch

___________ _________ ____________

3. Complete these sentences correctly.

a) A cow is to kraal as a lion is to _______________________

b) A driver is to car as a ______________ is to an aeroplane.

c) Leaf is to _________________ as shelf is to shelves.

d) Monkey is to __________________ as donkey s to donkeys.

4. Match words with the same meaning.

money right

fast cash

correct quick

sick ill
1. Give the plural form of the underlined nouns.
a)The cat caught a mouse. ________________
b)Mr. Mukasa is a strong man. ________________
c) An ox is used for ploughing. ________________
d)A goose is sitting on the tree. ________________

6. Construct meaningful sentences about the pictures.




7. Ring the odd word only.

car ship yellow duck
railway boat shirt lion
bus ferry blouse crane
van train skirt peacock
Name _______________________________________ stream _______
School _______________________________________________________
1. Fill in the missing letters.
bi___ycle (b) tra___sport
2. Complete the sentence with the correct word.

A _______________ of flowers.

3. Use the given words correctly.

a) He ______________under the tree yesterday. (sit)
b) The teacher __________the books in the shelf last week. (put)
c) My father ______________to Nairobi last year. (drive)

4. Write as instructed.
a) Musa went to the airport. He did not see the aeroplane.
(Join the sentences using: ……but….)
c) The bird is flying in the air. The aeroplane is flying in the air.
(Join the two sentences using: ……………and…………..)
5. Write one word for the underlined group of words.
a) Mr. Mukasa bought a blanket, bed sheets, a pillow and
a bed. _______________
b) We have red, blue green, and yellow t-shirts. ___________
c) The carpenter made chairs, tables, desks and benches.
6. Make sentences using the following words.
a) right
b) write
7. Choose a correct word to complete the sentences.
a) A _________________sails on water. (sheep, ship)
b) We get _________________from animals. (meat, meet)
c) My grandmother always ______________on the mat.
(seat, sit)
8. Give the singular noun.
a) teeth __________________
b) oxen __________________
c) children __________________
d) women __________________

9. Complete the sentences by filling in the correct word.

a) Mark is _________________than Molly. (short)
b) Here is a _______________ruler. (short)
c) Namuli is the _______________girl in our class. (fat)
Name _______________________________________ stream _______
1. Name these pictures.

2. Form small words from the long word.

a)Transport, ______________, ________________
b)Donkey _______________
3. Use the words given in the table to complete the sentences.
(mine, ours, hers)
a)That is Martha’s dress. It is ______________________
b)Those are my books. They are ________________
c) This is our classroom. It is _____________________
4. Write the plural form for the words in the brackets.
a)These are ____________________________(bench)
b)We have four ___________________in our kitchen. (knife)
c) Mr. Musoke bought six _______________last year. (lorry)
5. Make these correct sentences from the table.
They do my home work daily.
Tom does neat work always.
I his class work so well.
c) _____________________________________________________
6. Complete the sentences correctly.
a)This water is as cold as _______________________
b)Y blouse is as ______________________as snow.
c) Our chalkboard is as black as ____________________
7. Punctuate these sentences correctly.
a)Is this your book
b)My father went to Japan last year.
c) Mariam has a dress shoes bag and a skirt.
8. Complete the table correctly.
_______________ Shorter shortest
Thin ________________ Thinnest
Smart smarter _________________
____________ Hotter hottest
Name _______________________________________ stream _______
1. Make small words from the big words.
a)Policeman _____________________
b)Environment _____________________
c) Against _____________________
2. Re-arrange these letters to make correct words.
a)ntainmou _____________________
b)ntspa _____________________
c) kela _____________________
3. Change the female noun to male noun.
a)The _____________________of Buganda is very rich. (queen)
b)The _____________________is brave. (lioness)
c) We get meat from a _____________________(cow)
4. Join the following sentences using…….”but”…..
a)James fell off is bicycle. He was not hurt.
b)My mother has a car. She cannot drive it..
5. USe …”because”…. To join these sentences.

c) Musa did not go to school. He woke up late.

d)Nakato missed the train. She had little money.
6. Write the short form of the underlined words.
a)My father was born in September. ________________
b)Thursday is the fifth day of the week. _______________
c) Jonah cannot play with me.. ______________________
7. Give the full form of the following.
a)Let’s ______________
b)Dec. _______________
c) Won’t _______________
8. Match correctly.
Female Male
bitch tiger
princess he
tigress dog
she prince
9. Arrange the words to make correct sentences.
a)parachute is The man flying.
b)sailing a ship The captain is.
My name is____________________________________________ Stream:
1. Add correctly

(a) 2L + 5L = ______ L (b) 10L + 7L + 2L = ______ L

(c ) 3L (d) 1 2L
1L + 7L
+6L ______

(e) 3 0L
+2 6L

2. Read and work out

(a) Four litres plus five litres equals ________________
(b) Dan has 12 litres of milk. Suzan has 13 litres of milk. How many litres do
they have altogether?
(c) There are 50 litres of water in tank A and 30 litres in tank B. How many
litres are in both tanks?
3. Compare using holds more, holds less.
A cup and a jerrycan

(a) A cup_________________________________
(b) A jerrycan_______________________________
(b)Which container holds more or less?

pot tin (a) A___________ holds more water.

(b) A____________ holds less water.

4. Subtract / take way

(a) 8L - 3L = _______ L (b) 9L – 5L = ______L

(c ) 1 0L (b) 4 5L
- 6L -2 0L
_______ _______
(e) Mummy boiled 12 litres of milk. She served 6 litres to the visitors. How
many litres were not served?
(f) A trader had 60 litres of oil. He sold 30 litres. How many litres did he
remain with?

(a) What is 16 litres take away 10 litres?

(b) Ten minus zero gives _________________________________________

Draw these containers we use to hold liquids.

Pot Bucket Kettle

(a) How many mugs of 1 litre fill a basin of 5 litres?
(b) How many bottles of ½ litre fill a pot of 2 litres?
My name is____________________________________________ Stream:

1. Add
(a) Shs. 100 + Shs. 100 =__________ (b) Shs. 50
+ Shs 50
(c) Shs . 300 (d) Shs. 200
+Shs .200 + Shs. 50
__________ __________
1. Match words with figures correctly.
Shs. 200 Five hundred shillings.
Shs. 50 One hundred shillings.

Shs . 100 Fifty shillings.

Shs. 500 Two hundred shillings.

2. (a) How many coins of shs. 50 make shs. 100?

(b) How many coins of shs. 100 make shs. 500?

(c) Shs. 300 = Shs. _______ + Shs. _____ + Shs________

(d) Shs. 200 = Shs.________ + Shs__________

3. Subtract / take away
(a) Shs. 200 (b) Shs. 350
-Shs. 100 -Shs. 50
__________ ___________

(c) Shs. 4 5 0 (d) Shs. 7 0 0

- Shs. 2 0 0 -Shs. 5 0 0
_____________ __________

4. Read and work out correctly.

(a) Joy had shs. 300. Molly had shs. 400.
How much money do they have altogether?
(b) Tom had shs. 200. Mummy gave him more shs. 100.
How much money did he have altogether?
(c) Kato had shs. 600. He used shs. 400. How much did he remain
(d) You have shs. 500. You have spent shs. 200. How much is left?
5. Study the price list and answer the questions below.
paw paw An egg An apple
Shs. 600 Shs. 200 Shs. 500

(a) How much will you pay for an apple?

(b) What is the most expensive item?

(c) What is the cheapest item?

(d) How much will you pay for a pawpaw?

(e) Find the total cost of an egg and an apple?

My name is____________________________________________ Stream:

1. Multiply
(a) 2 X 3 =_____________ (b) 4x3=__________

(c) 2 2 (d) 1 0
x 3 x 3

_______ ________

(e) Seven times three equals __________________

(f) Put 3 eggs on each plate. How many eggs are there on 5


2. Form groups of threes.

(a) = _________ threes
= _________ threes

3. What pairs of numbers add up to 6?

(a) _______________ + _______________ = 6

(b) _______________ + _______________ = 6

4. Add correctly
(a) 1 2 eggs (b) 3 6 pencils
+ 8 egss + 8 pencils
___________ _____________

(c) 2 7 books (d) 4 4 cakes

+1 5 books +1 6cakes

_______________ ______________

(e) Peter had 26 hens. John had 9 hens. How many hens did they have

(f) Mummy bought 15 kilograms of suger. Daddy bought 18 kilograms of

sugar. How many kilograms did they buy altogether?

(g) Find the total of 5, 2 and 7, _________________

(h) What is the sum of eight and two?

5. Divide / share equally.
(a) 6 ÷ 3 = _______ (b) 12 ÷ 3 = _________

(c) 3 9 (d) 3 21

(e) Share fifteen cakes equally among three girls. How many cakes
did each girl get?

(e) Nine divide by three equals________________________

(g) Mummy had 18 sweets. She shared them equally among 3 boys.
How many sweets did each boy get?

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