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The Springfield Primary School, Al Wakra

Revision Worksheet - 4, February (2023--2024)

Subject: (English)
Grade: III
Name: _________________________
Class : _____ Division: _____ Date: ________________
Pathway: ( Lesson: 8, 9 , 10 & 11)

I. Circle the correct word from the given options:

1. (i) Successful (ii) Succsseful (iii) Sueccssful

2. (i) Rsepect (ii) Respect (iii) Respcet

3. (i) Traesure (ii) Treasure (iii) Teasure

4. (i) Ceiling (ii) Cieling (iii) Celiing

II. Write the meaning of the following words

1. Canvas - _______________________________

2. Across - ________________________

3. Queer - ________________________

4. Patient - ________________________

5. Conducted - ________________________

III. Write the opposite of the following words

1. Giant X ________________

2. Precious X ________________

3. Respect X _________________

Departmental Vision:"Sufficient
"Sufficient time and realistic expectations are the key to fostering language development in
immigrant learners"
‫الوقت الكافي والتوقعات الواقعية هي المفتاح لتعزيز تطوير اللغة لدى المتعلمين المهاجرين‬
‫ ""الوقت‬:‫رؤية القسم‬
IV. Frame sentence from the words given below:
1. Drifted -
2. Friendly -
3. Dessert -
4. Precious -
V. Answer the following questions:
1. What did Otto Lilienthal make?


2. What did Abu Ali’s friends tell him?


3. What was Ost’s habit?



4. Why did Icarus fall into the sea?



Departmental Vision:"Sufficient time and realistic expectations are the key to fostering language development in
immigrant learners"
"‫ "الوقت الكافي والتوقعات الواقعية هي المفتاح لتعزيز تطوير اللغة لدى المتعلمين المهاجرين‬:‫رؤية القسم‬

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