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Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College

Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City

Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 1

Topic: Listening Tips and Public Speaking Tips

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Comprehension Questions: Answer the questions precisely.

1. From the listening tips that you have just comprehended, what is the most valuable tip? Why do
you say so?




2. As a student, do these listening tips help you become a better listener? Why or why not?




3. What are the factors that make every public speaking activity a success? Are these factors
important in doing public speaking? Why or why not?




4. How will these public speaking tips help improve your communication skill as a student?



English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 1

Topic: Narrative Poem- “Through Ages and Ages Eternal” by Conrado V. Pedroche

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Comprehension Questions: Answer the following questions precisely.

1. What is the main point of the last three lines of the poem?



2. What is the mood and tone of the poem?



3. Present the theme of the poem through a poster. Place your answer inside the box provided.

English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 1

Topic: Grammar Awareness- Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Writing Composition.

A. My Personal Commitment Chart. Complete the statement in each box below to show
your personal commitment to help reduce pollution. Explain why you are making such
commitment. Use reflexive and intensive pronouns correctly.

My Reflexive Commitment My Intensive Commitment

1. I will _______________ myself 1. I myself will

2. I will _______________ myself 2. I myself will

3. I will _______________ myself 3. I myself will

4. I will _______________ myself 4. I myself will

5. I will _______________ myself 5. I myself will


B. My Essay. Using the factors or guidelines to consider in public speaking and the sets of
commitments you have written, write a three-paragraph essay that will convince your
audience to believe the health hazards brought about by pollution. Write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper.
(The presented activities under this evaluation sheet are taken only from the textbook of English 10 Connections from Rex Bookstore).

English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 2

Topic: The Ethics of Public Speaking

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Writing Composition.

C. Construct situations that would violate the ethics of public speaking.

1. Show respect for your audience.


2. Prepare very well.


3. Ensure your objective is ethical.


English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 2

Topic: Novel- The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Complete the table.

D. Fill in the table with the correct answer based on the novel entitled “The Good Earth”.

1. Major Characters

2. Setting

3. Plot of the story

4. Theme of the story

English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 2

Topic: Grammar- Formal and Informal Word Usage

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Sentence Construction.

E. Construct correct sentences using the following formal and informal words.

1. Transmit (formal)


2. Establish (informal)


3. Proceed (formal)


4. Buy (informal)


5. Utilize (formal)


6. Happen (informal)


7. Anticipate (formal)


8. Attach (informal)


English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 3

Topic: Five Essential Techniques for Effective Public Speaking

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Short Explanation.

F. Answer the given question precisely.

9. What do you think is the most essential technique among the five techniques for effective
public speaking? Why?



10. What is the least essential technique among the five techniques for effective public speaking?




11. Do we need to follow these techniques to improve our public speaking skill? Why?




English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 3

Topic: Sound Devices in Poetry

Poem: “Break,Break,Break” by Lord Alfred Tennyson

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Writing Composition.

A. Compose your personal poem regarding “Pro-Environment” as one of the core values of the
institution. Make sure to follow the sound/tonal effects of sound devices in poetry. Use separate
sheet of paper to write your poem.

Please be guided of this rubric for your output;

4 3 2 1
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Presents some
Presents creative Presents titles
creative titles There are no
Title of Poem title related to the with little
related to the clear titles
poem creativity
Follow Poetry All poems are Most poems are Some poems are Little or no
Directions written correctly written correctly written correctly evidence of
(sound/tonal according to according to according to following poetry
effects) directions directions directions directions
All are very Has many Has some
Shows little or
Creativity creative ideas creative ideas creative ideas
no creativity
and illustrations and illustrations and illustrations
Little or no
Evidence of Evidence of Evidence of evidence grade-
strong grade- adequate grade- limited grade- level
level grammar, level grammar, level grammar, expectations in
capitalization, capitalization, capitalization, grammar,
punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and capitalization,
spelling spelling spelling punctuation, and
The Some Most The poem
ideas/thoughts ideas/thoughts ideas/thoughts presented is
Originality and
are strongly are taken from are taken from plainly copied
composed other other from other
personally. composition. composition composition.

Total Score= 20 points

English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Oral Recitation.

B. Then, perform the poem that you have made. Video yourself while performing the poem. Follow
the correct sound system of sound devices in poetry. Submit your output through my g-mail
account .

Please be guided of this rubric for your output;

4 3 2 1
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

Student is completely
prepared and has Student is prepared The student is somewhat
obviously rehearsed. and has obviously prepared, but it is clear Student does not seem at
The student does not rehearsed. However, that rehearsal was lacking all prepared to present.
Preparedness completely rely on the the student relies and the student is almost The student reads
poem for prompting, heavily on the poem completely dependent on straight from the poem.
although may refer to it for prompting. the poem for prompting.
from time to time.

The student
The student most
attempted a change
effectively used Changes in tone of voice
Tone in tone of voice to
variations in volume, were rarely used OR the
effectively convey Tone of voice was not
/verbal tone and word emphasis emotion it conveyed
emotions. used to convey emotion.
interpretation to convey emotions, often did not fit the
Student successfully
attitude and theme of content.
read the poem with
the poem.

Pauses based
on punctuation were
Pauses were almost
intentionally used, but
Pauses were always always effectively
were not effective in Pauses were not
effectively used based used
improving meaning or intentionally used, and
Fluency on punctuation or to based on
dramatic impact. The bore little to no
/phrasing improve meaning punctuation,
student either over relationship to the
and/or dramatic or to improve
- punctuation in the poem.
impact meaning and/or
dramatized the poem or
dramatic impact.
-dramatized the poem.

Speaks clearly and

Speaks clearly and
Speaks clearly and Distinctly less than 80% of
Distinctly throughout the time.
more than Often mumbles or cannot
the entire presentation Mispronounces words
Speaks Clearly and mispronounces
80% of the time, and
with such consistency
be understood.
mispronounces few
none of the words. that distracts from the

Facial expressions Very little use of facial

Facial expressions and Facial expressions and
and body language expressions or body
body language generate body language are used
sometimes generate language. Did not
a strong interest and to try to generate
Enthusiasm enthusiasm about the
a strong interest and
enthusiasm, but seem
generate much interest in
enthusiasm about the the poem being
poem in others. somewhat faked.
poem in others. presented.

Total score= 20 points

English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 3

Topic: Formulating Statements of Opinion and Assertion

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Writing Composition.

C. Write a statement of assertion (proposition) for each of the given issue.

1. Cyber bullying



2. Blended learning (modular/distance/ online class)



3. Health crisis



English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 4

Topic: Direct and Indirect Signals

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

D. Concept map. Compare and contrast direct signal from indirect signal using Venn diagram.

E. Explanation. Answer the following question precisely.

1. Why do we need to apply direct and indirect signals in speaking?


2. How could direct and indirect signals develop your communication skill as a student?



English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 4

Topic: Parts of the Plot

Literature: “Hunger in Barok” by N.V.M Gonzales

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________


F. Answer the following question precisely.

3. Why is it important to know the plot of the story? What is its essence?



4. Why does the story entitled, “Hunger in Barok”? What is the connection of the story to its



5. How does the message of the story affect you as a student?



6. What positive value that you can get out of the story? How can it develop you as a Vincentian
and as a youth in your community?



English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 4

Topic: Words that Emphasize Your Points

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Sentence Construction.

G. Construct sentences correctly based on a certain point.

7. Adjectives that accentuate nouns. (1 sentence)

Flat: ______________________________________________________________________

Forceful: _______________________________________________________________

8. Adverbs that highlight verbs and adjectives. (1 sentence)

Ordinary: _______________________________________________________________

Vigorous: _______________________________________________________________

9. Reflexive pronouns that echo the action of the noun. (1 sentence)

Pale: ___________________________________________________________________

Powerful: _______________________________________________________________

English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 4

Topic: Stating Opinions and Assertions

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Sentence Construction.

H. Following the guidelines on how to state opinion and assertion properly, write a statement of
opinion or assertion for each of the following issue;

10. Nature and Animal Conservation


11. Climate Change and Global Warming


12. Lack of Education


13. Malnourishment and Hunger


14. Social Violence


English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 5

Topic: Subordinating and Coordinating Conjunctions

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________


I. Coordinating Conjunctions and their uses. From the previous persuasive essay that you have
written (lesson 3), write as many sentences that illustrate the following relationship. Write your
answer in the blanks provided.

15. Additional Ideas




16. Contrasting Ideas




17. Alternative Ideas (choices)




18. Causality (Reason)



English 10 Sir JM Congreso


19. Resultant Idea (effect)




English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 5

Topic: Tone and Mood of Literary Text

Essay: “People and People” by Godofredo Rivera

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

J. Concept Map. Present the comparison and contrast of Tone and Mood by using Venn diagram or
other diagram, in your own understanding. Then, provide samples for better comprehension.
Place your answer inside the box.

20. Tone and Mood

English 10 Sir JM Congreso

21. Identification and explanation. Identify the theme or message of the essay. Then, give a
precise explanation about it. Put your answer in the space provided.








22. Explanation. How does the theme of the essay develop the core values of the institution? As
a Vincentian, how will you use and influence it to your fellow Vincentian?






English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 5

Topic: Modal Verbs

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________

Writing Composition.

Essay writing. Compose a short persuasive essay based on the theme of the essay “People and
People” by Godofredo Rivera. Then, identify and extract the modal verbs used in the essay and
put the exact expression. Place your answer inside the box provided.

A. Your essay.

English 10 Sir JM Congreso

B. Identified and extracted modal verbs and its function.









English 10 Sir JM Congreso

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College
Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Basic Education Department-Junior High School (JHS)
School Year 2020-2021


English 10
First Quarter -Lesson 5

Topic: Persuasive Essay

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: _____________


Answer the following questions precisely.

1. Why is there a need to have initial plan in writing a persuasive essay?




2. In writing an essay, does it need to be edited and proofread? Why or why not?




3. Does the techniques in writing a persuasive essay a must? Why or why not?




English 10 Sir JM Congreso

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