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In this sequence diagram, we have the following actors and interactions:

User: Represents a user interacting with the expense tracker website.

Website: Represents the website itself, handling user requests and interactions.
Database: Represents the database storing expense records and other relevant data.
The sequence of interactions is as follows:

The user logs in to the website.

The website validates the user's credentials.
The website sends the login status (successful or unsuccessful) back to the user.
The user views their expense records.
The website retrieves the expense records from the database.
The website sends the expense records back to the user.
The user adds a new expense record.
The website adds the expense record to the database.
The website sends the add status (success or failure) back to the user.
The user updates an existing expense record.
The website updates the expense record in the database.
The website sends the update status (success or failure) back to the user.
The user deletes an existing expense record.
The website deletes the expense record from the database.
The website sends the delete status (success or failure) back to the user.
The user generates an expense report.
The website generates the report based on the expense data.
The website sends the generated report back to the user.
The user logs out from the website.
The website invalidates the user's session.
The website sends the logout status back to the user.
This sequence diagram provides a high-level overview of the interactions between
the user, the website, and the database in an expense tracker website. Note that
this is a simplified representation, and the actual interactions and steps involved
can vary depending on the specific implementation and features of the expense
tracker website.

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