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In this activity diagram, we have the following activities:

User Interaction: Represents the overall interaction of the user with the expense
tracker website.
Login/Register User: Represents the activity of the user logging in or registering
on the website.
Dashboard: Represents the main dashboard page where the user can access various
View Expense Records: Represents the activity of the user viewing their expense
Add Expense Record: Represents the activity of the user adding a new expense
Update Expense Record: Represents the activity of the user updating an existing
expense record.
Delete Expense Record: Represents the activity of the user deleting an existing
expense record.
Generate Expense Report: Represents the activity of the user generating an expense
Logout: Represents the activity of the user logging out from the website.
This activity diagram illustrates the flow of activities and user interactions in
an expense tracker website. Users can log in or register, access the dashboard,
view, add, update, or delete expense records, generate expense reports, and finally
log out from the website. Note that this is a simplified representation, and the
actual activities and functionalities of an expense tracker website may vary
depending on the specific requirements and implementation.

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