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Answer Key
Part 1
1. Fits the VSB criteria – CORRECT: Executive Brown has decided
to hire Penny after reviewing her resume.
2. All necessary expertise – CORRECT: Penny has been
encouraged to be willing to learn and grow.
3. Impressive – CORRECT: Because of her resume, she is being
hired so it must be intense.
4. True – CORRECT: Penny begins work on Monday.
5. A bank – Hunter Brown is on the executive board at the Value
State Bank.
6. Keeping an open mind – CORRECT: Penny should have the
willingness to grow.
7. How pleased you were with my application – CORRECT:
Executive Brown was impressed with Penny’s resume.
8. Bank teller – CORRECT: Penny has been hired by Value State
9. Being open to change – CORRECT: Executive Brown
encourages Penny to be adaptable.
10.Grow into new possibilities – CORRECT: Value State Bank
encourages growth.
11.Advice – CORRECT: Executive Brown gives Penny advice for
her future career.

Part 2
HZad Education Inc.

1. toxic (all descriptions were negative).

2. was not able to contain (one of the headlines mentions “protests out of
control” which means the police couldn’t control them. “Failed” is too
broad and it is not as speci c as the “was not able to contain” option).
3. foreigners (we are still talking about the part with the protests and how
they were sparked by foreign investments).
4. to own houses (the high interest rates and in ation are pricing new
house owners out of the market so Juan and Michelle would be lucky
if they already owned a house).
5. Ms. Claire (whistleblowers can be real people. The mayor didn’t reveal
any hidden company secret, but Ms. Claire did which makes her the
6. tries to be positive (he mentioned: “On another note, and this is me
trying to look at the glass half full”).
7. usually don’t look at the news (Juan mentioned: I think we should
continue to avoid reading newspapers).
8. philosophical (they are talking about various topics and headlines which
means option 4 is incorrect. Also, they are talking about how news can
be optimistic or negative, with reasonings behind it. This makes it a
deeper conversation with more meaning to it).

Part 3
HZad Education Inc.

1. C “All dollars are not worth the same amount either.”

2. B “Most countries control the production of their own form of
3. E Not Given – Each currency must be used in their respective
4. A “Currency, in short, is money – both paper money, like bills,
and coins.”
5. E Not Given – Euros are controlled by the European Central
Bank and used in several European countries.
6. D “It can be di cult to remember what money is used where
and when on vacation or while doing business travel, so people
have to remember that all money forms are not equal.”
7. A “Currency, in short, is money – both paper money, like bills,
and coins.”
8. C “The exchange rate is in ux and changes daily.”
9. C “Other countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
Singapore, and Hong Kong all have dollars as their main form of

Part 4
HZad Education Inc.

1. C: Found something that required expert opinion – CORRECT:

The geologists called in Jeremy Peterson and his team.
2. B: Preserved dinosaur remains – CORRECT: Sap preserved
dinosaur remains and “as the sap started to decrystallize, the
dinosaur began to move ever so slightly.”
3. B: Researching these creatures is worth exploring – CORRECT:
Dr. Peterson says, [they’d] really like to complete much more
4. B: Reassures readers that there’s nothing to worry about –
CORRECT: “It is likely that nothing will come of this research
besides a few updated textbooks…”
5. A: True – CORRECT: “With current DNA, cloning, and wildlife
technologies, we have the capability to create new versions of
these prehistoric beasts.”
6. Found a living dinosaur – CORRECT: “Geologists have recently
unearthed some strange ndings which they believe to be
preserved dinosaur remains… The di erence here is that as the
sap started to decrystallize, the dinosaur began to move ever so
7. Dinosaurs here again – CORRECT: The rst line reads “Though it
might seem impossible, there is a chance that dinosaurs are
making a comeback.”
8. Testing if they were alive – CORRECT: The scientists noticed the
dinosaurs were moving a little.
9. Reintroducing an extinct species – CORRECT: “we have the
capability to create new versions of these prehistoric beasts”
10. Are responsible with their discoveries – CORRECT: Dr.
Peterson’s comments deter us for thinking they will quit
research altogether.

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