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Names: INDEXS:


Table of Contents

Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................ii
Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................iii
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................1
2. background: (River Nile and tributaries, Ports).......................................................................................2
3. Juba Shipyard Visit:..................................................................................................................................3
3.1 Men loading and unloading boats.....................................................................................................3
3.2 Insulated (Boxes for preserving fishes' temperature)........................................................................3
3.3 Vink Energy........................................................................................................................................3
3.4 Shipyard store....................................................................................................................................3
3.5 how to choose the river port.............................................................................................................4
3.5.1 Things to consider when selecting a port:..................................................................................4
4. Juba Harbor Visit:....................................................................................................................................5
4.1 Safety and security (Safety measures at the harbor).........................................................................5
4.2 Jetty details........................................................................................................................................5
4.3 things to considered when selecting a port.......................................................................................5
5. Environmental considerations.................................................................................................................6
6. Engineering Aspects:...............................................................................................................................6
7. Comparative Analysis:.............................................................................................................................7
8. Conclusion:..............................................................................................................................................7

Executive Summary
This report provides a comprehensive overview of a recent field visit to a Juba shipyard and Juba
harbor. The purpose of the visit was to observe and understand the operations and facilities at
these locations.
The shipyard visit revealed the diligent work of men involved in loading and unloading ships,
showcasing the efficient nature of the shipyard. Additionally, specialized boxes for preserving
fish temperature and the innovative use of solar-powered freezers were observed, highlighting
sustainability efforts in the industry. The shipyard's store was also examined, serving as a
convenient source for necessary supplies.
At the harbor, a 35-meter jetty built in 2007 and commissioned in 2008 was encountered. Plans
for its expansion to 75 meters indicated the harbor's growth and increasing capacity. Safety
measures were emphasized, with swimming skills and adherence to the port master's instructions
being prerequisites for entry onto the river or ships.
The report concludes by highlighting the importance of both the shipyard and the harbor in
supporting the local and regional economies. The shipyard contributes to employment and ship
production, while the harbor serves as a trade hub. Overall, the visit provided valuable insights
into the maritime industry and emphasized the significance of such firsthand experiences.

1. Introduction
The maritime industry plays a vital role in global trade and transportation, facilitating the
movement of goods and people across vast distances. As such, understanding the operations and
facilities within this industry is crucial for gaining insight into its intricate workings. This report
aims to provide a comprehensive overview of a recent field visit to a shipyard and harbor,
shedding light on the various aspects and activities observed during the visit.
The purpose of the visit was twofold: to witness firsthand the day-to-day operations of a shipyard
and harbor, and to gain insight into the economic and environmental impact of these facilities.
The shipyard visit allowed us to observe the efficient loading and unloading of ships,
highlighting the important role played by skilled individuals in ensuring smooth operations.
Additionally, we had the opportunity to explore specialized boxes used for preserving fish
temperature, showcasing the industry's commitment to quality control. Furthermore, the
innovative use of solar-powered freezers demonstrated the shipyard's dedication to sustainable
The visit to the harbor provided insights into the infrastructure necessary to accommodate
vessels of varying sizes. Particularly, we examined a 35-meter jetty, constructed in 2007 and
commissioned in 2008, which served as an essential mooring point for ships. Plans for expanding
the jetty to 75 meters emphasized the harbor's growth and increasing capacity to handle larger
vessels. Safety measures were also emphasized during the harbor visit, highlighting the
importance of adherence to regulations set forth by the port master.
Through this field visit, we aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the maritime industry's
significance in supporting local and regional economies. By witnessing the operations at the
shipyard and harbor, we aimed to appreciate the efforts made by individuals and organizations
within the industry to facilitate trade and ensure the smooth flow of goods.
This report will present a detailed account of the observations made during the visit, providing a
comprehensive analysis of the shipyard and harbor's operations, infrastructure, and their
respective contributions to the maritime industry. It will also include a comparative analysis of
the key findings, allowing for a better understanding of the similarities and differences between
the two sites and their respective functions. Overall, this report seeks to provide valuable insights

into the world of shipbuilding and trade, underscoring the importance of firsthand experiences in
comprehending the complexities of the maritime industry.

2. background: (River Nile and tributaries, Ports)

The inland way is about 1436 Km from Juba to Joda.
The River Nile has two tributaries, Sobat river which is 750 km and Bahr El Ghazel
tributary is 716 km.
There are 16 ports along the River Nile in the South Sudan, they are categorized into two
main categories as follows:
 Major river ports
 Minor river ports

Major river ports are:

 Juba river port
 Mangala river port
 Bor port
 Mingkaman port
 Dhiam-Dhiam port (Jonglei)
 Shambe port
 Adok port
 Bentiu port
 Malakal port
 Melut port
 Renk

Minor ports are:

 Jameza port
 Terkeka port
 Tally port

 Pariak port

3. Juba Shipyard Visit:

3.1 Men loading and unloading boats

Upon entering the shipyard, we noticed a bustling atmosphere with men diligently loading and
unloading boats. This demonstrated the active nature of the shipyard, indicating frequent
movement of cargo and goods. It was impressive to witness their efficient workmanship and the
synchronized coordination involved in handling large vessels.

3.2 Insulated (Boxes for preserving fishes' temperature)

Moreover, one particularly interesting feature we discovered was the presence of insulated boxes
(specialized boxes designed for preserving fish temperature). These boxes ensure that the fish
remains fresh and chilled throughout transportation, maintaining their quality and preventing
spoilage. The modern types of boxes costs USD $5000. The insulated boxes are shown in figure

3.3 Vink Energy

Another noteworthy aspect of the shipyard was the utilization of "Vink Energy," a machine used
as a freezer. What made it unique was its reliance on solar energy as a power source, indicating a
commitment towards sustainable practices. This innovation not only reduces carbon emissions
but also provides an efficient solution for frozen storage.
Components of Vink energy are:
 Cold store
 Freezers
 Ice machines
 Solar power
 Engineering
 Cold chain support

3.4 Shipyard store

Additionally, wehad no the chance to visit the shipyard's store, where various supplies and
equipment related to shipbuilding and repair were available but the shipyard master explain to us
briefly about the shipyard store.
The store played a vital role in meeting the shipyard's requirements, providing easy access to
necessary items for smooth operations.The store was built in 1925 which indicate that this port is
the oldest port in the country. The picture below (figure 1.b) is the picture indicating where the
port master was explaining to us when Juba shipyard was opened and how insulated boxes

3.5 how to choose the river port

3.5.1 Things to consider when selecting a port:
 Special economic zone
 Port should be connected to other infrastructures e.g., roads railway, etc.
 Nature base solution
 Dimension of river plate is considered during the design and improvement of the river
 Depth of the river
 Space availability
 Connectivity: Network connection for communication
 Recreation

(a) (b)

Figure 1. showing boats and insilated boxes

4. Juba Harbor Visit:
4.1Safety and security(Safety measures at the harbor)

Safety and security are also important considerations for ports and harbors. Safety risks can arise
from the handling of hazardous materials, crane accidents, or vessel collisions, therefore
adequate training, safety equipment, and emergency response plans are necessary. Security risks
include theft, piracy, terrorism, and smuggling, which requires the implementation and
enforcement of security measures such as access control, surveillance systems, and security

Safety measures were given significant importance at the harbor. We have learned from the
harbor master that anyone entering the river or embarking on a ship must possess swimming
skills and adhere to instructions from the Port master. This precautionary measure ensures the
well-being and security of individuals, reducing the risk of accidents or incidents.

4.2 Jetty details

Moving on to the harbor, we first encountered a jetty extending 35 meters into the water. It was
constructed in 2007 and commissioned in 2008, serving as a crucial infrastructure for docking
and maneuvering vessels. Notably, plans are underway to expand the jetty's length to 75 meters
in the near future, indicative of the harbor's growth and increasing capacity. The figure 2.b is the
picture of the jetty in Juba Harbor.
Before South Sudan got independent Juba port was getting 3000 metric tons per a day. Now
South Sudan is still getting commodities from the neighboring states though not 3000 tons as it is
indicated in the picture below (fig.1.a) where boats are loaded with the drums.
According to Juba Harbor master, each boat carries the capacity equivalent to what 40 track can

4.3 things to considered when selecting a port

Following are considered when selecting a port:

 environmental impact assessment.
 Stakeholders’ engagement.
 geological consideration/investigation.

(a) (b)

Figure 2. showing boats and jetty in Juba Harbor

5. Environmental considerations
Environmental considerations when selecting a port include the impact of the port on the local
ecosystem, water quality, air quality, and noise pollution. Ports can generate large amounts of
pollution from shipping vessels, cargo handling equipment, and transportation vehicles.
Therefore, an environmentally responsible port should have measures in place to minimize these
impacts, such as utilizing low-emission equipment, installing dust suppression systems,
implementing waste management programs, and using renewable energy sources when possible.

6. Engineering Aspects:
Engineering aspects of ports or harbors include the design, construction, and maintenance of the
physical infrastructure needed to accommodate shipping vessels and cargo. This includes the
dredging and maintenance of shipping channels, the construction and maintenance of docks and
piers, and the installation of navigation aids such as buoys and beacons.
According to the shipyard master at Juba Shipyard the river is silted and it need dredging to
maintain the width and depth of the river at that particular side.
It is also mention in 4.2 that plans are underway to expand the jetty's length to 75 meters in the
near future.

7. Comparative Analysis:
The Juba shipyard and the JubaHarbor share a common objective of facilitating maritime
activities, but they differ in terms of their functions and operations. The Juba shipyard is silted
with less activities and the river is not too deep and is narrow and the boats we saw were smaller
compared to the ones in Juba Harbor. The siltation of the river occurs due to surface runoff.
while the Juba harbor is busier with a lot of activities e.g., loading, and unloading of cargo. Also,
in Juba Harbor River is wide and is too deep and boats in this port are too big.
Despite their differences, both the shipyard and the harbor play essential roles in the local and
regional economies. The shipyard supports the growth of the maritime industry by providing
employment opportunities and contributing to the production of ships. Similarly, the harbor
serves as a hub for trade and transportation, stimulating economic activity through the efficient
movement of goods.

8. Conclusion:
In conclusion, our visit to the shipyard and harbor was enlightening and provided valuable
insights into the maritime industry. Witnessing the diligent work of men in the shipyard, the
innovative technologies employed, and the safety measures implemented at the harbor
highlighted the significance of these facilities.
Experiencing firsthand the vital role these locations play in supporting economic growth and
trade reinforced their importance in the region. The field visit served as a reminder of the
intricate operations and the people behind them, further emphasizing the value of such visits in
understanding real-world environments.
Overall, we are grateful for the opportunity to explore the Juba shipyard and Juba Harbor, and
we believe that the knowledge gained will be invaluable in our career development and
understanding of maritime operations.

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