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Name - Hsu Thadar Ko

Section - (9)
Date - 18.1.2024
Lecturer Name - Tr. Theresa
Assignment Title - Chapter 4
Word Count - (863)

1. What type of personal sales call is primarily a fact-finding call usually made within a small
geographical area with a minimum amount of time spent on each call?

The type of personal sales call you're describing is often referred to as a "blitz" or
"quick reconnaissance" call, where the focus is on gathering essential information efficiently
within a limited geographic area.

2. What type of personal sales calls does the salesperson typically make a strong sales pitch,
overcome a decision-maker’s objections, and ask for the sale?
Personal sales calls involving a strong sales pitch, overcoming objections, and
requesting a sale are often categorized as "closing calls" or "closing appointments." These
calls aim to finalize the deal and secure a commitment from the decision-maker.

3. Kris has an account that is a large manufacturing firm with lots of separate divisions. Last
month she sold some meeting space to Steve, the head of the corporation's sales division.
Today, Kris called Steve and asked him for the names of people in other divisions who might
be interested in meeting space, food and beverage functions, and other hotel products and
services. What is this called?
This approach is known as cross-selling. Kris is seeking additional opportunities
within the large manufacturing firm by asking Steve for referrals to other divisions interested
in various hotel products and services.

4. What would salespeople typically use to gain a thorough knowledge of their own
Salespeople would typically use a property or product manual to gain thorough
knowledge about their own properties. This manual provides detailed information about
features, amenities, pricing, and any other relevant details, enabling salespeople to effectively
communicate with potential customers.

5. Why is it necessary to research your competition when preparing for a sales presentation?
Researching your competition before a sales presentation is crucial because it allows
you to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling points. This knowledge
helps you tailor your presentation to highlight your own product or service's advantages,
address potential objections, and position yourself more effectively in the market.

6. The nonthreatening area that is the greatest distance from a client is called __________
The nonthreatening area that is the greatest distance from a client is called "social
space." This concept is part of the proxemics theory, which studies the use of personal space
in communication.

7. An area 4 to 12 feet (1.2 to 3.7 meters) from a client is called his or her __________ space.
The area 4 to 12 feet (1.2 to 3.7 meters) from a client is called his or her "personal
space." This is a crucial consideration in interpersonal communication and varies among
individuals and cultures.

8. __________ involves two or more parties coming together to reach an agreement for their
mutual benefit.
The process you're describing is called "negotiation." It involves two or more parties
collaborating to achieve an agreement that is mutually beneficial to them.

9. Theresa is calling on Will Jones at the ACME Corporation. First she introduces herself and
identifies her property. Then she says, "I'd like to discuss your need for meeting facilities
today." This is called a__________ statement.
Theresa's statement is called an "agenda-setting" statement. It outlines the purpose of
the meeting and sets the direction for the discussion, focusing on the need to discuss meeting
facilities at the ACME Corporation.

10. "How many training meetings did you hold last year?" is an example of question.
Yes, "How many training meetings did you hold last year?" is an example of a closed-
ended question. It seeks a specific numeric answer and limits the respondent's options to a
finite set of choices.

11. Successful salespeople use remarks likes "I understand" to show agreement with a
prospective client. What type of remark is this?
The remark "I understand" is an example of an empathy-building statement. It helps
convey understanding and establish a connection with the prospective client, showing that the
salesperson acknowledges and comprehends their perspective.

12. A question or statement that asks for the sale is called a __________ close.
A question or statement that asks for the sale is called a "closing" or "closing
technique." This is where the salesperson seeks a commitment from the prospect to move
forward with the purchase.

13. In which stage in the selling process involves a salesperson asking a client for the sale?
The stage in the selling process where a salesperson asks a client for the sale is
typically referred to as the "closing" stage. This is the point where the salesperson seeks a
commitment from the client to make a purchase.

14. If a presentation sale calls results in a sale, what should the salesperson do?
If a presentation sales call results in a sale, the salesperson should promptly follow up
with appropriate actions, such as processing the sale, providing necessary documentation, and
ensuring customer satisfaction. Additionally, maintaining a positive relationship with the
customer for potential future business is crucial.

15. A new account with high potential is what level account?

A new account with high potential is often referred to as a "strategic" or "key
account." These accounts are considered valuable due to their significant potential for
business growth and long-term success.

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