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Homework Assignments

Reading guide: for class discussions

 Review with the main ideas of the text.

 Structure:
Introduction: author, title, abstract with the main idea/ purpose.
Body: main contributions, ideas, proposals. No need to give details, go
for the concepts, the thesis.
Conclusions, personal review, impressions.


Answer these questions of one of the first articles of the semester, G. Rubin´s.

Who is writing this article?

 What is she trying to explain?

 What is her main aim?
 What ideas, theories, is she presenting to support her proposal?
 What would you say is her standing point, her perspective?

Research project- Presentation in PPT or other format.

 Library and internet sources.

 Topic chosen from Syllabus. Other topics, agreed with instructor.
 The topic has to be related to sexuality and gender in Spain. It can be
comparative with the same topic in USA, but the main part has to be always
the Spanish case (50% at least)
 5 sources minimum, cited. 2 sources have to be academic, 2 of the sources
can be from syllabus.
 10 slides min.
 Structure:
Introduction to the topic. General state. Main thesis.
Body: Arguments, data, authors.
Conclusions, personal impressions.
 Write properly, this is an academic paper.


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