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Tenses and Word forms

Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.

1Journal writing is a type of expressive writing that has been utilised by scores of brilliant
thinkers and inventors. 2In fact, there has been increasing evidence to support the notion
that it has a positive impact on physical and mental well-being. 3Research has show that
journal writing is an effective remedy to anxiety. 4The act of expressing thoughts on paper
can helps lower the brain’s reaction and lessen the state of worrying and anxiousness.
5On top of that, journal writing is also recognised as an effective therapeutic tool for
trauma survive. 6Improvement in mood and reduce in stress hormone when dealing with
traumatic experiences are some of the effects observed in post-traumatic stress disorder
patients. 7Mental well-being aside, interest in the physical effects of journal writing has
risen dramatic over the last few years among researchers and clinicians. 8Currently, new
research suggests that expressive writing provided physical benefits to patients battling
terminal or life-threatening diseases. 9It has been found that writing about emotions and
stress can boost immunity in patients suffering from illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, asthma
and arthritis.

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