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My objective with this project is that i'm going to show you the discoverment of
the hand of god by the nasa:This phenomenon was discovered when NASA was
carrying out an x-ray test and they managed to capture this image

Location:About 150 light years away, it is known by the disturbing and

grandiose name of the "Hand of God." In reality, it is a nebula caused by material
ejected from a star that exploded and became a supernova.
One of the great mysteries of this object is whether the pulsar particles are
interacting with the material in a specific way to make it look like a hand, or
whether the material is actually shaped like a hand.
The NuSTAR image is providing new clues to the puzzle, as the hand in it looks
more like a fist, as seen by the blue color. The northern region, where the fingers
are located, is reduced more than the southern part, implying that the two areas
are physically different.

The Hand of God is one of the pareidolias - a phenomenon by which our brain
gives a recognizable identity to any form in nature.

The stellar corpse, called B1509, is a pulsar: it spins rapidly about seven times a
second, shooting a wind of particles into the material around it, material that
was ejected in the star's explosion. These particles interact with the magnetic
fields around the matter, causing them to glow with X-rays. The result is a cloud
that, in previous images, looked like an open hand.

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