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Black holes might be the most fascinating and mysterious objects in the whole universe as we
know it. They are pockets of space and time which exist outside of the laws of nature, and are
places where time and space as we know them cease to exist. What really happens on the
inside of one of these universal boundaries remains a mystery, but what are they in the first

How to track black holes?

Given that black holes are invisible, scientists can only detect and study them by observing their
effects on the surrounding matter. This includes monitoring phenomena such as accretion disks,
which form as gas and dust spiral into a black hole. Additionally, researchers study quasars,
characterized by jets of particles originating from supermassive black holes. Another intriguing
indicator is the behavior of stars that seemingly orbit around nothing, possibly due to the
gravitational influence of hidden black holes.

Falling into a black hole

If you were to enter the event horizon, your perception of space and time would completely
change. At the same time, the immense gravity of the black hole would compress you
horizontally and stretch you vertically like a noodle, which is why scientists refer to this
phenomenon as 'spaghettification.'"

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