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Fall 2023

Instructor: Maggie Minghui Cheng Time: Th 5:45PM - 8:15PM

Email: Classroom: MB 2.435 SGW
Special Zoom*: 867 4950 2337 Passcode: 756951
Office Hours: Email appt via Zoom
* Under special circumstances, classes might be offered virtually.

Course Description
This course will provide a conceptual and operational understanding of the key aspects of hu-
man resources staffing functions, including job analysis, recruitment, assessment, selection, and
performance evaluation. At the completion of this class, students should be able to design and
implement an effective and legally defensible staffing system tailored to organizational require-
ments. They should also be able to evaluate existing staffing programs for efficaciousness and legal

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Understand the basic processes and principles related to organizational staffing.
• Understand the Canadian legal environment as it relates to recruitment and selection of hu-
man resources.
• Understand the scientific foundation of recruitment and selection research and practice.
• Appreciate the contribution of recruitment and selection practices to organizational effective-
• Critically evaluate the recruitment and selection practices being used by organizations.
• Contribute to the improvement of an organization’s recruitment and selection practices.
• Improve personal performance in video interview through practice.

Required Course Materials and Readings

Required Textbook: Catano, V.M., Hackett, R.D., Wiesner, W.H., Roulin, R., & Belcourt, M.
(2021). Recruitment and Selection in Canada (8th edition). Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd.
Additional: Other readings will be disseminated electronically (via Moodle).

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MANA 446 Fall 2023

Pedagogical Principles - ”DISC”

This course is built on principles I have learned through trial and error over the years:

Distributed Effort:
In this course, the path to excellence is simple, but not easy. The majority of
the grades of this course are divided into weekly quizzes starting from Week 3.
Every week, students are expected to deliver tangible outcomes of both individual
and group assignments. There will be no mid-term or final-term examinations
that require ”cramming.”
Intuitive Learning:
See learning in a new way with interactive activities and intuitive explanations.
There is less emphasis on memorization, but more on learning how knowledge
can be actually applied. Students are expected to build a complete understanding
from the bottom up.

Self-Defined Outcomes:
The students are allowed to self-define their learning outcomes within a given
flexibility. The choices include selecting individualized ”questions,” approaching
”domain experts” in your network for ”answers”, the choice of topic for group
projects, and the commonly identified goal for group projects.

Concentrated Routines:
Instead of spending long hours reading every page of the textbook, this
course encourages students to maximize their learning outcomes from a high
level of focus and routinized scheduling.

Methods of Instruction
This course is delivered in person. See above for classroom location and other forms of
communication. Important information about the class, including this syllabus, additional readings,
and announcements will be made available via Moodle.
Under special circumstances (e.g. new Covid lockdowns), virtual interactive live sessions may
be held on Zoom in lieu of in-person sessions. During such special zoom sessions, students are
responsible for ensuring appropriate, properly functioning technology (webcam, microphone, ap-
propriate browser, and reliable Internet connection).
Students are encouraged to discuss issues arising from self-learning, individual assignment, and
group project as early as possible with the instructor. The instructor is available via Zoom during
office hours through email appointments.
Special Zoom lectures as well as the students’ video presentations will be recorded to be made
available on the Moodle course website via YUJA. Students are not allowed to share any of these
recordings. Any sharing may be found in violation of the law and applicable University policies
and may be subject to penalties.

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MANA 446 Fall 2023

Methods of Evaluation

Components Weight Dates

Individual Requirements (75%)
Quizzes (5% each * 9) 45% See Class Schedule
Class Participation 10% Throughout the semester
Video Chats (20%)
- Video Chat 1 - ”My Question” 2% Oct. 19 by 10 p.m.
- Peer Responses to “My Question” (Written) 3% Nov. 16 by 10 p.m.
- Video Chat 2 - ”My Answer” 15% Dec. 4 by 11:59 p.m.
Group Project (In groups of 5, 25%)
- Proposal & Planning 5% Sept. 28 by 10 p.m.
- Group Project Written Report & Self/Peer Evaluation 20% Nov. 2 by 10 p.m.
Total 100%

Details of Evaluation Components

The course requirements listed below provide some details about assignment requirements. Ad-
ditional instruction and clarification about requirements and assessment information will be pro-
vided in class and/or on Moodle.
Individual Requirements (75%)
All individual work should be done independently in accordance with academic integrity.
1. Quizzes (45%) There are nine Moodle quizzes (5%) throughout the semester starting from
Week 3 (see Class Schedule). Each Quiz consists of 10 Multiple-Choice questions and will be 17
minutes long. Quizzes are not proctored, however collaboration during the quiz time is strictly
banned (see Academic Integrity). There will be a policy of zero-tolerance against cheating on
Each quiz will be delivered immediately after the lecture/in-class activities and will end within
the duration of the class. There will be no mid-term or final exam for this course. The purpose
of the Chapter Quizzes is to reinforce key course concepts and to help you to stay engaged during
class. Please view the slides and textbook chapters before each class. Short cases, exercises and/or
critical thinking questions will be discussed in class and such content may also be included in the
Chapter Quizzes.
Students may choose to use an Infinity Stones System® to maximize their performance. There
are two types of gems: Time Gem® and Power Gem® . The rules of earning and deploying the gems
are listed below:
Time Gem® :
• Every student will be equipped with 1 Time Gem only for the whole semester.
• Time Gem can be used to alter the time of 1 quiz to a later time slot up to 6 days after the
quiz (by the following Monday at 10:00 pm).
• To use the Time Gem, you need to inform the instructor by email to choose an alternative
time slot.

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MANA 446 Fall 2023

• Once the new time slot is confirmed by the instructor, the Time Gem is considered destroyed,
and you will not be able to use it again.
• After your Time Gem is destroyed, missing a quiz will result in a 0% on the quiz.
• Religious and/or disability accommodations would be processed in accordance with univer-
sity policy (see Accommodations) and will not cost any Time Gems.
Power Gem® :
• Students can earn up to 2 Power Gems by completing Power Gem Tasks specified by the
instructor throughout the semester.
• A Power Gem can be used for one of the two purposes: a Second Chance during the semester
OR a 75% Protection at the end of the semester.
• When equipped with a Power Gem, you can apply for a Second Chance on a specific quiz
within 48 hours of the quiz attempt. The Second Chance must be used before the following
Monday at 10:00 pm. The higher score of the two attempts will be recorded.
• At the end of the semester, unused Power Gems will be automatically deployed to boost your
two lowest quiz scores under 75% up to 75%.
• Power Gems can only be used on attempted quizzes. Read details of “Time Gem” rules if
you miss a quiz.
• You cannot use a Power Gem if you are not equipped with one.
• You can only use 1 Power Gem for 1 Quiz. But you may combine 1 Time Gem and 1 Power
Gem for 1 Quiz.
The instructor reserves the right to further explain and modify the rules of the Infinity Stones
System® .
2. Class Participation (10%) The grade for class participation will be assigned based on your
attendance, active participation, and the quality of your contributions (including, but not limited to,
surveys, class discussions, zoom polls, Moodle discussion forums, and other activities assigned by
the instructor). It is noteworthy that disruptive behaviors influence participation scores negatively.
Notably, in ALL online activities (e.g., surveys, Zoom login, assignments, and forums) use your
full name. Avoid using nicknames as you will lose participation mark.
3. Video Chats (20%)
Video Chat 1: My Question (2%): In ”My Question” part, students are expected to pick an
interesting topic/experience which will make everyone think/question their own thinking, develop a
specific and interesting question, and record and share their thought-process describing the question
and why they are interested in the question to the rest of the class. The description will be recorded
in the format of a video via Zoom or any other software of the students’ own choice. The final
video should be 2-5 minutes in length and will be submitted through Moodle and later shared with
the rest of the class in YUJA. A written summary of Video Chat 1 must be submitted to Moodle
Workshop upon submitting the video to start the Peer Responses exercise.
Peer Responses (3%): Each student will be assigned ”My Questions” from 3 peers and post a
response to them on Moodle Workshop. Students are encouraged to give comments or ask questions
that reflect deep/critical thinking of the topic.
Video Chat 2: My Answer (15%): Students will expand on ”My Question”, respond to ques-
tions/comments from the instructor and from their peers. Video Chat 2 should be around 10 minutes
(max. 12 minutes). Further instructions and grading criteria will be disseminated on Moodle during

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the semester.
Group Project (25%)
In groups of 5 students, you will research a real-world problem in recruitment and selection
common across industries, demonstrate your critical thinking abilities, and apply what you have
learned in class to a current problem facing HR professionals and hiring managers. This term’s
topics will be announced by the instructor later in the semester once the groups are formed.
Note: Students are encouraged to form their own groups to complete this Group Project. You
must remain with the same person/people throughout the entire assignment. Everyone in the group
will receive the same grade for each part of the assignment, unless there are significant extenuating
circumstances that may be considered at the instructor’s discretion. The overall grade for the Group
project will be broken down into the following components:
1. Group Project Proposal & Planning (5%): Max. 300 words. Due on Sept. 28
2. Group Project Written Report & Self/Peer Evaluation(20%): Max. 2500 words. Due on
Nov. 2
Please note that you will be asked to complete an individual-based self/peer evaluation after the
group project is submitted. Grades for the group project may be adjusted based on the results of
the peer evaluation. Students who do not complete the self/peer evaluation will have their personal
overall grade on the project reduced by 5%. More details about this assignment will be distributed
on Moodle.

Email Policy
To obtain a timely response from your instructor, please clearly state the course code, section
number, and the subject of your email in the title. E.g. MANA 446 Office Hour Appointment.
Your emails will normally be processed within 24 hours during the weekdays.
Emails requesting an extension on assignments or a make-up quiz will NOT be processed.
While emails would be tracked more constantly around assignments’ due dates or exam periods,
there might be a few factors that would lead to delayed responses:
• Email titles without a course code and a section number. Those emails will be filtered to a
less prioritized folder thus delayed response time will be expected.
• Emails very close to the end of the day before weekends or holidays. The instructor will
respond as soon as possible on the next working day.
In rare occasions due to a large volume of emails at times, if you do not receive a response
within the next working day, please send a follow-up email in case of an unexpected delay.

Late Assignments
All individual and team assignments are due at 10 pm on the class day as specified in Class
Schedule unless otherwise stated. Late submissions are subject to a penalty of 10% per day.

Students who need religious accommodations must inform the instructor in writing at the be-
ginning of the semester. Late notice could result in academic delays or other inconveniences for
the student based on university policy.

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For students with disabilities, accommodations would be granted automatically based on com-
munication from the Access Centre for Students with Disabilities.

Academic Integrity
The Code of Conduct (Academic) at Concordia University states that the “integrity of Uni-
versity life and of the degrees, diplomas and certificates the University confers is dependent upon
the honesty and soundness of the instructor-student learning relationship, and, in particular, that
of the evaluation process. As such, all students are expected to be honest in all of their academic
endeavours and relationship with the University.” [Undergraduate Calendar Section 17.10 or Grad-
uate Calendar, Code of Conduct (Academic)] All students enrolled at Concordia University are
expected to understand the contents of this Code. You are strongly encouraged to check the current
section in Undergraduate Calendar, which will give you lots of useful information about proper
academic conduct.

Disclaimer and Potential Modifications

The instructor and university reserve the right to modify elements of the course during the term.
The university may change the dates and deadlines for any or all courses in extreme circumstances.
If either type of modification becomes necessary, reasonable notice and communication with the
students will be given with an explanation and the opportunity to comment on changes. It is the
responsibility of the student to check their emails and course websites weekly during the term and
to note any changes.
In the event that the University is unable to provide services or that courses are interrupted
due to events beyond the reasonable control of the University, including classroom disruptions, the
University reserves the right to modify any element contained in the course outline including but
not limited to the grading scheme and the weight accorded to exams or assignments.

List of Students Resources and Services

Concordia Library Citation and Style:
Student Success Centre:
Counselling and Psychological Services:
Health Services:
Financial Aid and Awards:
Academic Integrity:
Access Centre for Students with Disabilities:
CSU Advocacy Centre:
Dean of Students Office:
International Students Office:

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MANA 446 Fall 2023

Class Schedule

Week Date Topic Chapter Notes

Virtual Learning Survey
Course Intro & Information due by 10 pm*
1 Sept. 7 -
Session *Extended for students with
late registration status
Introduction to Recruitment Practice Quiz in class
2 Sept. 14 Chapter 1
& Selection Drop/Add by Sept. 18
Quiz 1 in class
Job Analysis and
3 Sept. 21 Chapter 4 Project Team Formation on
Competency Models
Quiz 2 in class
4 Sept. 28 Recruitment Chapter 6 Group Project Proposal
by 10 pm
Selection I:
5 Oct. 5 Chapter 7 Quiz 3 in class
Applicant Screening
6 Oct. 12 Reading Week (No Class)
Selection II:
7 Oct. 19 Chapter 8 Quiz 4 in class
Testing and Other Assessments
Quiz 5 in class
8 Oct. 26 Selection III: Interviewing Chapter 9 Video Chat 1 ”My Question”
due by 10 pm
Measurement: Reliability Quiz 6 in class
9 Nov. 2 Chapter 2
and Validity Group Project due by 10 pm
Recruitment & Selection and
10 Nov. 9 Chapter 5 Quiz 7 in class
Job Performance
Quiz 8 in class
11 Nov. 16 Legal Issues Chapter 3 Video Chat Peer Response
due by 10 pm
Strategies for Making
12 Nov. 23 Chapter 10 Quiz 9 in class
Selection Decisions
Potential Guest Speaker & Video Chat 2 ”My Answer”
13 Nov. 30
Video Chat Final Wrap-Up due by Dec. 4 at 11:59 pm

Recruitment & Selection (R &S) Practices R & S Theories

In Class Quizzes (45%) Group Project (25%) Video Chats (20%)

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