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1. What trio of vampires interrupts the Cullen baseball game?

A. Zafrina, Senna, Kachiri

B. Edward, Emmett, Jasper

C. James. Lauren, Veronica

D. James, Laurent, Victoria

2. When was Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” first published?

a) 1838

b) 1840

c) 1845

d) 1850

3. How many acts are in Romeo and Juliet?

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

d) Five

4. At the first ball in Pride and Prejudice, what does Elizabeth overhear Mr Darcy saying about her when
Mr Bingley suggests that Mr Darcy should ask her to dance?

a. ‘She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me’

b. ‘She is pretty enough, but not nearly as beautiful as your partner, Jane.’

c. ‘She is pretty enough, but quite obviously no one else wants to dance with her.’

d. ‘She is quite tolerable, you are right. I shall indeed ask her to dance.’

5. Edward Cullen is physically how old in the Twilight series?

A. 15

B. 16

c. 17

D. 18

6. In what Harry Potter book is this line said?

“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”

a. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

b. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

c. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

d. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

7. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes made his first appearance in print with which novel?

a) The Sign of the Four

b) The Valley of Fear

c) The Hound of the Baskervilles

d) A Study in Scarlet

8. The book series A Song Of Ice And Fire was adapted into what TV series?

ANSWER: Game of Thrones

9. In the novel 'Romeo and Juliet', who is Romeo's first love interest?

Answer: Rosaline

10. Who is the youngest of the March sisters in Little Women?

Answer: Amy


1. Who gives Katniss the mockingjay pin?


2. In the Twilight saga, who changed Jasper into a vampire?


3. In Norse mythology, where do the souls of Norse warriors go?


4. What disease does Augustus have in The Fault in Our Stars by John Green?

5. Who or what is Katniss named after?

A plant with edible roots

6. What happens when vampires are in the sun? Answer: They sparkle

7. He is the ancient Egyptian god of funerary practices and care for the dead. Answer: Anubis

8. What poet wrote the following lines: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I… I took the one less
traveled by”? Robert Frost

9. The Lion King is a movie loosely inspired by which of Shakespeare’s dramas? Hamlet

10. Santiago, a Shepherd boy, is the protagonist of which book written by Paulo Coelho?

The Alchemist


1. What disease was Edward dying of when Carlisle turned him?

Spanish flu/influenza
2. As the deceased travelled west, they eventually came to a labyrinth with many portals. Which
ancient text was said to contain spells which would help the deceased defeat such obstacles?

The Book of the Dead

3. Which classic novel is known for its opening line, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of
Answer: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

4. In the novel 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes', what is the name of the criminal mastermind
and Holmes' arch-nemesis?
Answer: Professor Moriarty

5. It is the first book published in the Philippines, was published in 1593

Doctrina Christian


1. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, what type of animal is Boxer? A horse

2. In A Christmas Carol, how many ghosts visit Scrooge? Four

3. Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code opens with a murder in which famous museum? The Louvre

4. What was Gulliver’s first name in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels? Lemuel

5. According to the well-known legend, who was King Arthur’s wife? Guinevere

6. To Kill A Mockingbird, a classic of modern American literature about the South which
won the Pulitzer Prize was written by whom? Harper Lee

7. What 1938 Daphne Du Maurier novel is about a woman who marries a wealthy
widower, only to find that he and his house are haunted by the titular dead wife’s
memory? Answer: Rebecca
8. What New England-born poet was famously prolific, but having written nearly 1,800
poems had fewer than a dozen published during her lifetime? Famous poems include
"Because I could not stop for Death" and "Tell all the truth but tell it slant." Answer:
Emily Dickinson
9. Whose judgment caused the Trojan War? Paris
10. Who is the Greek champion, the son of Telemon, who fought a duel with Hector that
ended in a draw and an exchange of of gifts? Ajax
11. Helen's father was Zeus, and he was said to have appeared to her mother, Leda, as a
swan. What color egg was Helen said to have been hatched from? Blue
12. Hector killed this Greek warrior, who was Achilles' best friend. Who was he? Patroclus

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