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1. Complete the words in the sentences.

1. Can you see the smoke at the top of the v _ _ _ _ _ _?


2. I don’t go swimming in the s _ _ during the winter because the water’s too cold.

3. My grandparents live down in the v _ _ _ _ _. It gets dark early there when the sun
goes down behind the hills.

4. It hardly ever rains in the d _ _ _ _ _ so there are no plants.


5. The water in the r _ _ _ _ near our house is really clean.


6. Ben wants to climb to the top of the m _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


7. The trees in the f _ _ _ _ _ are all really old.


8. How can you leave the i _ _ _ _ _ without a boat?!


2. Read the descriptions and write the name of the animal next to each one.

1. This animal is very intelligent, looks like it’s laughing and lives in the sea. dolphin

2. This big cat lives in Africa. They call it the king of the jungle. lion

3. This animal lives in the trees and is our closest relative. monkey

4. This black and white animal lives in China and eats bamboo. panda

5. This animal lives in Antarctica, where it’s very cold. It’s a bird but it cannot fly.

6. This animal is long and very thin and can be very dangerous. snake

7. This animal is very big and grey with big ears and a very long nose, called a trunk.

8. This big cat lives in Asia. It is orange and black. tiger


3. Choose the correct option for each verb.

a) verb of thinking b) verb of feeling c) verb of owning d) verb of sensing

1. hear

Answer: verb of sensing

2. hate

Answer: verb of feeling

3. belong

Answer: verb of owning

4. believe

Answer: verb of thinking

5. know

Answer: verb of thinking

6. like
Answer: verb of feeling

7. love

Answer: verb of feeling

8. need

Answer: verb of feeling

9. own

Answer: verb of owning

10. prefer

Answer: verb of feeling

11. see

Answer: verb of sensing

12. smell

Answer: verb of sensing

13. taste

Answer: verb of sensing

14. think

Answer: verb of thinking

15. understand

Answer: verb of thinking

16. want

Answer: verb of feeling

4. Make sentences. Use the correct present form of the verbs.

1. this book / belong / to you?

Does this book belong to you?

2. I / think / so leave me alone
I am / I’m thinking so leave me alone.

3. you / see / the park from your house?

Can you see the park from your house?

4. Dad / not believe / you

Dad doesn’t believe you.

5. How / you / feel / today?

How are you feeling / do you feel today?

6. this cake / taste / delicious

This cake tastes delicious.

7. What / you / think / of our new classmates?

What do you think of our new classmates?

8. we / not understand / the question

We don’t understand the question.


5. Listen and circle the th sounds. Write the words you hear.

1. /θ/ Earth /ð/ weather

with /ð/

2. /θ/ Earth /ð/ weather

thing /θ/

3. /θ/ Earth /ð/ weather

these /ð/

4. /θ/ Earth /ð/ weather

south /θ/

5. /θ/ Earth /ð/ weather

north /θ/

6. /θ/ Earth /ð/ weather
think /θ/

7. /θ/ Earth /ð/ weather

other /ð/

8. /θ/ Earth /ð/ weather

the /ð/

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