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Quarter 3 – Module 6:
Identifying Participles
What I Need to Know


Improving one’s grammar is an essential task for every student.

In order to enhance your skills in writing, speaking, reading, and
listening, you need to learn the different parts of speech and their
functions especially the participles.
In this module you will learn the function of participles in a
given sentence and how you will use it in order to improve your
grammar, reading, and writing skills.

Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

 Judge the validity of evidence listened to.
 K to 12 BEC CG: EN9LC-IVh-2.15

Learning Objectives:
1. determine the function of participles in a sentence, and
2. identify sentences that use participles; and
3. construct sentences using participles.
What’s New

Topic Identifying Participles

Study the following sentences based on the play you have read in this lesson. Pay
attention to the underlined word in each sentence. Be able to say how it
functions in a sentence.

1. A large-meshed veil hangs over her face.

2. Suddenly, a waitress approaches, wearing a soiled, dirty uniform—

evidently just coming off her shift.

3. I come here to sit because only here, can I be near the great, common,

throbbing heart of humanity.

Note that the underlined words – meshed, soiled and throbbing describe the

nouns that came after them. They function as adjectives.

What is the base word of each adjective? Note that meshed and soiled are the
past participle forms of mesh and soil while throbbing is the present participle of


These underlined words belong to a special group of words called verbals. The
verbals in the sample sentences are called participles.

What is a participle? What is the position of a one-word participle?

A participle is a verbal used as an adjective.

A participle may make use of the past participle of the verb or its present
participle (-ing form).
Participles come before the noun they modify while participial phrases precedes
I watched the dancing queen. (dancing- Participle)
Dancing with the king, the queen exudes her radiance and beauty.
(Dancing with the king - participial phrase)
Participles. They may be verbs, they may be adjectives, they may be perfect and progressive!
Is there anything they can’t do?

If you’re wondering what a participle does, you’re not alone. These mighty words take many
forms and can be tricky to master. Let’s explore the different types.

To start, participles are words derived from verbs that can function as adjectives or as
parts of verb phrases to create verb tenses. However, it is the latter that is the focus of this

A participle takes the form of a verb (running) but its role in the sentence is to modify or
describe. In the phrase running water, water is described as running or flowing. It means
that it is not stagnant. Hence, that participle (running) is describing the water and thus
performs the function of an adjective.

What is It

Exercise 1: Underline the participle used in each of the following sentences.

1. The crying baby had a wet diaper.

2. A shouting crowd greeted us.

3. The cracked vase cannot be repaired.

4. The burning log fell off the fire.

5. Smiling sweetly, she hugged the panting dog.

6. We remind him of his forgotten promise.

7. The overloaded car gathered speed slowly.

8. The plumber drained the clogged sink in the kitchen.

9. He held out his bitten finger.

10.The captured rebel died after a few days.

What’s More

Exercise 2.

From the previous one-act play, “While the Auto Waits,” list down 5 sentences
using participles then underline the participle used in each sentence.
What I Have Learned

Exercise 3: Complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate participle
from the cloud below.
1. I am so ___________ that I don't want to move.
2. I find horror films really ____________ and not fun to watch at all.
3. Sometimes I get really ____________ when I can't express myself well in English.
4. We were stopped by a man with a knife who took our money. It was __________.
5. The lesson was really _____________.
6. She was _____________ when everyone cheered and we gave her presents.
7. If I feel stressed, I find taking a bath is often __________ .
8. I'm really ________ . I think I'll go to bed.
9. He's very ____________ in history.
10. The trip was _____________, with so many things to do and it was all so new.
11. She is never ___________ with her work.
12. Cleaning is so _______ ! I think I’ll have a rest.
13. She thought the ride on the rollercoaster was ____________.
14. I was really ___________ when I saw you. I thought you were on holiday.
15. My grandmother was ____________ by the man's bad language.

relaxed thrilling tired

overwhelmed interested frustrated
shocked frightening tiring
terrifying surprised relaxing
interesting overwhelming satisfied


Exercise 4

Direction: Choose ten words from those listed below. Convert them into participles
and use them in meaningful sentences. An example has been done for you.

Example: The pouring rain forced us to stay indoors.

pour laugh amuse run

interest care learn talk
dance sparkle play try
Online Reference:
Group Inc., 2014
Almonte, L. R. et al. A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature. Vibal
Exercise 1
1. crying 6. forgotten
2. shouting 7. overloaded
3. cracked 8. clogged
4. burning 9. bitten
5. panting 10. captured
Exercise 2
1. You know, you’ve got to be the most stunning girl I’ve ever seen.
2. I come here to sit because here, only, can I be near the great, common,
throbbing heart of humanity.
3. Knitting his brow strangely. And red running gear?
4. Suddenly a WAITRESS approaches, wearing a soiled, dirty uniform—
evidently just coming off her shift.
5. The CHAUFFEUR exits and leaves the YOUNG MAN standing alone for a
moment as the lights fade.
Exercise 3
1. relaxed 6. overwhelmed 11. satisfied
2. frightening 7. relaxing 12. tiring
3. frustrated 8. tired 13. thrilling
4. terrifying 9. interested 14. surprised
5. interesting 10. overwhelming 15. shocked
Exercise 4
1-10. Answers may depend on the correct construction of sentence of the student
using the participial adjective.

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________

Grade/Section: _______________________________ Score:____________

Topic: Identifying and Using Participles

Most Essential Learning Competency: Judge the validity of evidence listened to.
K to 12 BEC CG: EN9LC-IVh-2.15

A. Write the correct participle to complete each sentence.

1. My nephew was ____________ (amused / amusing) by the clown.

2. It's so ___________ (frustrated / frustrating)! No matter how much I study I can't seem to
remember this vocabulary.
3. I'm feeling ___________ (depressed / depressing), so I'm going home, eat some
chocolate, and go to bed early with a good book.
4. I thought her idea was absolutely ____________ (fascinated / fascinating).
5. This math problem is so ______________ (confused / confusing)! Can you help me?
6. The teacher was really _______________ (amused / amusing), so the lesson passed quickly.
7. The journey was _____________ (exhausted / exhausting)! Twelve hours by bus!
8. The plane began to move in a rather _____________ (alarmed / alarming) way.
9. He was ____________ (frightened / frightening) when he saw the spider.
10. I was really ____________ (embarrassed / embarrassing) when I fell over in the street.
11. That film was so ___________ (depressed / depressing)! There was no happy ending for
any of the characters.
12. It's okay, it's only me. Don't be __________ (alarmed / alarming).
13. My sister is so ____________ (excited / exciting) because she is going on holiday tomorrow.
14. I hate long flights. I'm always ____________ (bored / boring).
15. She looked very _____________ (confused / confusing) when I told her we had to change
the plan.

B. Choose from the cloud below the correct participle for each sentence. Write only the

1. We went for a very long walk. It was very ______.

2. It’s sometimes _______when you have to ask people for help.
3. I’m starting a new job next week. I’m quite ________ about it.
4. The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages. It was really _______.
5. I enjoyed the basketball match. It was quite _______.
6. Are you _______ in tennis?
7. We were all ______ when we heard about the hurricane.
8. I had never expected to be offered a job. I was really _______ when it was offered to me.
9. Do you easily get _________?
10. It was a really terrifying experience. Afterwards everybody was very ________.
11. The children were __________ by the animals in the zoo.
12. Computers are __________ to Jennifer.
13. I am really ___________ by the news.
14. I get very __________ by traffic.
15. Traffic is very ___________ to me.

exciting embarrassing embarrassed

horrified excited amazed
disgusting tiring interested
interesting shocked surprised
frustrating fascinated frustrated

C. Construct your own sentence using the following participles.

1. shocking - __________________________________________________________________
2. surprising - _________________________________________________________________
3. terrified - ___________________________________________________________________
4. amazing - ___________________________________________________________________
5. interested -__________________________________________________________________
6. confused - ___________________________________________________________________
7. disgusted - __________________________________________________________________
8. fascinating - _________________________________________________________________
9. depressed - _________________________________________________________________
10. horrifying - _________________________________________________________________


1. amused 11. depressing 1. tiring 11. fascinated

2. frustrating 12.alarmed 2. embarrassing 12. interesting
3. depressed 13. excited 3. excited 13. surprised
4. fascinating 14. bored 4. disgusting 14. frustrated
5. confusing 15. confused 5. exciting 15. frustrating
6. amusing 6. interested
7. exhausting 7. horrified
8. alarming 8. amazed
9. frightened 9. embarrassed
10. embarrassed 10. shocked

C. Answers my vary.

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