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As a criminologist as well as a public servant, I will support law enforcement agencies to support their

efforts to maintain peace and order in the community. As a public servant I will also lead by example and
be the model for having a good behavior they want to see in the community. I will also treat others with
respect, following the law, and promoting peaceful conflict resolution.

Also, encourage community members to get involved in local initiatives and programs that promote
peace and order. This includes neighborhood watch programs, community policing, and other initiatives
that bring people together to work towards a common goal.

By taking these steps, I as a public servants can help in promoting peace and order in the community and
create a safer, more secure environment for all residents.

As a Criminologist and a teacher as well, I think the ethical challenges that I encountered are: First,
cheating, teachers must address instances of cheating, ensuring that students understand the
importance of academic integrity and the consequences of dishonest behavior. Second, curriculum and
content, teacher must ensure that the curriculum and content they teach are accurate, relevant, and
unbiased. And lastly, misconduct, teachers have a responsibility to report any instances of misconduct to
the appropriate authorities.

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