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Droplets From

Poetic Heart

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi
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Andrew Byrne

Published by

Carpé Diem Publishing

Printed by

Griffin Press

Copyright © 2006 Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

All rights reserved

ISBN: 978-0-9803058-0-7

Cover design by Andrew Byrne

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

I dedicate this book of poems to the great poet
Rabindranath Tagore who said “Has not the word come
to you that the flower is reigning in splendour among
thorns? Wake, oh awaken!”....

Tagore has always been my inspiration....

He said “Is there no joy in the deep of your heart? At

every footfall of yours, will not the harp of the road break
out in sweet music of pain?”....

So, here is the sweet music of pain and pleasure that

sprung forth from my heart for you to read and
About The Author
Ms Vishalakshi Pidaparthi is a Bachelor of Technology,
specializing in Computer Sciences, from Regional
Engineering College, a premier institute now known as
National Institute of Technology situated in Warangal
(A.P. – India)She worked in USA for several years and
now back in her home country – working in Bangalore.

She is fond of reading poetry written by poets of

yesteryears such as Late Rabindranath Tagore’s (Noble
Laureate in Literature) poetry and developed her hobby
in and enjoys writing poems. She still remembers writing
her first few poems and showing them to her friends in
college days. Her friends inspired her to write more

She sent her poems to International Library of Poetry and

they were published in International Anthologies. Her
poems got published in the anthology under the title “Best
Poems & Poets of 2003”. She was nominated ‘POET OF
THE YEAR 2003’ by International Society of Poets.

This year, 2006, she is nominated for inclusion in “Who

is who in poetry” – a publication of International Society
of Poets. She hopes to get selected with the best wishes
from her readers.

She would like to make friendship with her readers. She

can be contacted by the e-mail address below
08 I See Life
09 Message Of The Raindrops
10 To A Poet
11 Sunshine In My Heart
12 I Found Heaven
14 My Heart Drenched In Your Love
15 My Offering
17 Showers Of Joy
18 A Flower’s Story From Its Heart
19 To A Flower
20 In The Atrium
21 Another New Day
22 An Artist
23 God’s Love
25 A New Mother
26 My Offering 2
28 Bamboo Tree
29 Declaration Of My Freedom
31 O The Man!
32 I Feel Your Pain
33 Welcoming My Baby To This World
34 Reason To Live
35 My Strength
37 From The Heart Of A Poet
38 To A Friend
40 To A Flower 2
41 A Falling Leaf
42 A New Friend
43 My Heart’s Song My Life’s Rhythm
44 From The Top Of The Mountain To The Sea
45 Ambition
46 A Birthday Wish
47 The Sailor
48 Tree
49 Lost Dream
50 Appeal To The Almighty
52 Grandeur Of His Creation
53 Droplets From My Heart
Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

I See Life
Flowers are blossoming forgiving the cruel hands that
pluck them,
Wind is caressing the beauty of each flower in your
garden showing me the path that leads to heaven,
Roses are singing in joy in an attempt to cover up the
noise of the thorns.
When I look to you for the meaning of my life,
You give me strength to know that you are there,
And to help myself along the way to your abode.
In the midst of the darkness at night,
You show me the stars and make a promise to me,
That I will see the morning.
God, isn’t this life?

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

Message Of The Raindrops

Does any one of these raindrops have a message for me?
I hear the laughter of the raindrops
Falling into the lake and rejoicing;

I hear another raindrop

Falling on the most wondrous thing
Of all His creation,
Crying in joy from a place far away
Saying “I have given the
Promise of another new leaf to my host!”

I hear another one say

“I fell on the parched soil quenching its thirst
And giving it the smile it deserves
That is long awaited”;

Yet another one, coming down with a song

And vying with the purity of a child’s eyes

I reach out to the falling raindrops

Spreading my arms towards them,
That act making my life worth living
When the first one of them
That fell on my hand brings me a song
Deluged in your love for me.
Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

To A Poet
For a moment, I am you....
Your ecstacy when you saw your beloved’s face,
Your joy when you discover the world around you,
Your laughter and tears...
Come to me defying the constraints of time
Wrapped in this beautiful poem....
And my heart knows
The meaning of surpassing the limits of the impossible.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

Sunshine In My Heart
I reach out to the star…
I spread my wings
And chase it’s brightness,
Hoping to grasp it
And paint my picture with it
On my life’s canvas,
And write my poem with it
On this moment,
The drop of golden water in my hand
From the ocean of eternity,

The brightest star still eludes me

I stretch my hand further…
And lo!
There is light all around
And I grasp a fistful of sunshine
And pour it into my heart!
It’s morning again!

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

I Found Heaven
I ran,
Towards the sky hoping that I may become part of it
My body drenched in the holy waters,
Realizing the eagerness of each drop of water trying to
embrace me

With each ripple in the stream rushing towards me

To share the story of its life,
Living to the fullest extent,
Showing me the meaning of fulfilling God’s will
With the friendly sand holding on to my feet
Hoping to reach the sky

I ran, ran, and ran stretching my arms

Towards the ultimate vastness
Hoping to grasp a fistful of it

Is this the rock that was created

To stop me here and show me this flower?
My despair vanishes when I see this beautiful flower
At the tip of this plant that spread its roots
Deep inside the rocks.
I touch the flower with my weary hands and close my eyes
Knowing that it fills my heart with joy
And that it is the reward for my journey towards the sky

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

This flower so beautiful and majestic

Takes me to the heaven surpassing even the stars
Making them light up my way.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

My Heart Drenched In Your Love

You drenched my heart today
In indomitable happiness
And filled it with life….
Though knowing well
That you will always be with me
Till the end of the time,
My soul makes a fool of itself
Reveling in the depths of the ecstacy
That it feels at this moment,
Praying to God to allow me
To take this very heart
To the heaven with me
And keep it with me in my next birth
And a hundred more births to come….

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

My Offering
This flower!
This droplet in the ocean of beauty
That He sent to us
Each drop of it writing the poem of His love
Each crest and fall showing His invitation to the heaven
And the roar of which
Compels mankind to sing,

I long to hold it close to my heart

And grab it all
Embracing the whole of it
And become part of it
And also make it part of myself….

In my vain attempt
To grab the whole of it,
Grasping the rose and
The thorn along with it,
I left my blood rushing out
To show its eagerness to
Dance to the divine tune.

Knowing well that those

That complain about the bleeding hands
Are but fools,

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

I am pouring these droplets

Of my blood on this flower
Decorating it with the redness
That becomes a sparkle
Of the first ray of the sun
On the tides of the ocean of beauty.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

Showers Of Joy
Infused with joy,
I call upon the cloud above
That floats around
Holding all my dreams inside it.
I stretch out my hand
Asking it to shower all that it can,
My hopes, my dreams,
Fused with blesings from the above,
Making them raindrops.
Letting me touch each drop with joy
Multiplying each moment
And inviting the whole universe
To see me celebrate my life.
Here comes the rain….
Rushing a million raindrops to my heart,
And each one becomes a diamond
That radiates life all around.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

A Flower’s Story From Its Heart

As a tiny drop in the ocean of beauty pervading the
whole of the creation,
I opened my eyes as a bud revealing the creator’s
exultation that transformed itself into the colors I
was endowed with…
When I see the rapture in my beholder’s eyes,
I open up taking birth as a flower.
Blossoming slowly with the praise in my beholder’s eyes
fueling my growth….
One day I will be full-blown and have served my purpose
to my heart’s content,
Then I will shed each of my petals and send them forth
to places to illumine them leaving sparks of joy in each
heart that sees it overstepping the eyes.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

To A Flower
When the wind greeted you with love
And moved you with it gently,
You made your promise as a bud
To blossom into a flower
And celebrate your life to your heart’s content

Conversing with the wind and the sky above

And dancing to the tune
That they bring to your heart,
You speak with the nature around
Making it proud by being a part of it.

The vastness above does see you from there,

With a deep urge to run to you,
Sends you a raindrop in its ecstasy,
To add to your beauty.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

In The Atrium
O the beauty around me!
Ever growing, constantly renewing yourself;
Your message remains unexplained to my mind
Yet my soul recognizes the abundance of life around;

The new leaves, so tender and so firm in their belief

That life unfolds in them to teach the mankind
The meaning of hope;

They were in my dreams yesterday,

And are here today taking birth in this garden
And becoming the pride of the garden
In this tiny world where my soul feels
The connection with the nature around.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

Another New Day

It is a new sky again
And a new earth
After spending the night
In the lap of the deepest darkness
Curling up like a baby
In the vastness of the clusters of stars

I am thankful to the night

For bringing the darkness so deep
That brings the brightness
Of the distant stars to me,
And to the moon
For bringing a poem to my heart

The sun rises again

With a promise of a new day
Smiling at each new flower
Caressing them with the warmth of his rays
Making them rejoice for
They have taken birth
Into a world where they can see his grandeur
To their heart’s content.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

An Artist
The grandeur that your eyes witness;
The ecstasy of your heart blossoming into
A flower coming down from the heaven;
Your heart bathing itself in colors
Never known to you before;
They drench your imagination
With feelings unknown till this moment.

Unable to contain itself

Your heart throws itself onto the canvas
And fills it with pure joy
Dancing to the divine music
Till the end of the time.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

God’s Love
In this abundant beauty of your creation
Will my effort be fruitful, to manifest
The excellence you poured into my being?
Here I see a flower, a raindrop, a new leaf…
A tiny part of your creation…
Bringing a message of your love to me
I begin to wonder what you had in mind
Should I only rejoice And feel your love for me?
Should I bring your excellence
To the level of perfection
That will enchant you as much as I am
When I see the beauty around me
That brings ever-new messages from you?
God, here I am, a flower in your garden
Show me the path to the heaven of your dreams….
I will send my fragrance in that path in the little time
In this ephemeral life you have given me.
When my fragrance reaches you
Will your hand touch me with kindness
And assure me that the heaven of my dreams exists?
When I find that heaven,
When I pass through the toilsome night
And when your kindness dawns upon me
Stars will give way to the morning,
Sun will drench the sky in colors,

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

And light will come to me bursting forth.


Droplets From A Poetic Heart

A New Mother
The bride urged the night, the queen of darkness
To withdraw the darkness for a moment
To let a ray of light pass through
To let her see her face adorned for her wedding
With the best in the world ……
The queen would not give in,
And refuse to break the law of nature.

The stars sent their message

Twinkling incessantly and laying claim on
The return of their favour to night
For adorning the sky with heavenly light
Making themselves tiny
Letting a child’s eyes reflect the grandeur
Mixing in their purity.
The queen would not give in,
And refuse to part with the stars.

The new bud’s plea to see its first day

Is turned down pitilessly,
The queen is as hard-hearted as ever
To the grandest diamond eager to show
Itself to the world.

When the new mother urged the queen

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

To let her child out of the soft folds of darkness,

And let her have the first glance of her child,
The night sent its invitation to the morning
And the Sun hurried himself to the sky again
For himself to see the new mother’s delight
Her face glowing with the cheer of a million stars together.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

My Offering
I closed my eyes in rapture
And prayed for the best flower in His creation
Best of His love

The gardener heard my prayer

With his heart and dropped
The best flower into my praying hands

Overcome with joy,

I took it close to my heart
In a vain attempt to press it to my heart.

Lo, the flower disappeared

But when I went to His temple
I saw it at His feet and watched it to my heart’s content.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

Bamboo Tree
Adding to the beauty
Of the earth below
And the sky above
Along with the proud siblings
Of yours who pay their tribute together
To the silent music of the wind,
You stand with your head always held high
And your feet claiming ownership
Of the little space beneath them
Best deserved in God’s memory.

This little page in the book of

Nature’s education
will remain in my mind
As much as your beauty remains
In my heart.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

Declaration Of My Freedom
I spread my wings
And fly into the vastness above
Like a pigeon that learnt to fly
At the very moment it was born,
Devouring the beauty of the sky
As it is first seen and felt.

Not having the slightest idea

Where I am headed,
Whether the world around
Will invite me to its granduer
To be part of it,
Like a flower
That is sending its fragrance
In every direction
Even before it fully blossomed,
Or be hostile to me
Not letting me have a place
In this great creation
Denying the very fact
That I am part of it.

There I go,
Flying in joy and knowing that
That itself will take care of my life’s purpose.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

As I fly Higher and higher,

Each moment becoming more and more joyous.
Here I see a wonder of colors
Filling my heart with a million dreams.
They are calling it a rainbow…
On seeing it,
I thank God for my existence
Take my joy-filled heart into my hands
And offer it at His feet.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

O The Man!
O the Man!
The highest pride of God of all his creation is you,
He made you to be His masterpiece...
A heart to feel joy and sorrow,
A body to experience pain and pleasure,
A pair of hands to work and pray,
The ability to laugh and cry,
The ability to converse with the nature around,
These all tell you that you are a miracle of His creation.
Know that and you will realize God’s will
That is imperceptible to anyone other than you.
Use this life to pass through life
And add to His great poem
That He never stops writing.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

I Feel Your Pain

I saw you in pain
Trying to hold on to my hand…
My eyes filled with tears,
Yet knowing the helplessness I feel
When I pray to God to ease your pain…..

My tears rushing down from my eyes

Trying to reach your heart,
My pain overcoming my heart
Compeling it to feel it completely….

If these ever reach you,

You will know……
That I know your pain
Because I feel it in my heart.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

Welcoming My Baby To This World

Do you know that it is your name that is written all
over the sky
When I asked the stars to sing and dance for you?
Do you know that it is the promise of the stars
To sing in congruence and come together to bring the
morning to you?

Do you know that it is the stars

Coming down to the earth as raindrops
When God sent the rainbow to you,
Ashamed of themselves for
They cannot bring colors to you?

The stars, in their tryst with the beauty in His garden

Show themselves momentarily in the raindrops
On the petals and new leaves.
Lucky am I to see the stars smile at me
In the lifetime of each raindrop

How eager I am to treasure each one of them

The same way that I treasure the rainbows in your eyes
That shine with each of your smiles.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

Reason To Live
Like the first raindrop on the parched soil,
Like a new leaf bursting forth from a scorched trunk of a tree,
Like a kind word to the dreary heart,
Like a smile that is long awaited,

Like a toddler’s first steps,

Like a new concept becoming part of a child’s intellect
Like the arrival of light at the end of a tunnel
Like sunrise after a toilsome night,

God, let your kindness dawn upon me

And let me embellish this moment
With the trail of my footsteps on your canvas of time
That leaves an ever-new pattern always

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

My Strength
When I wanted to see the light
You filled my heart with the joy of finding it
The joy of seeing the beauty of your creation
The joy of finding the messages of your love
At each moment of my life
The joy of seeing the rainbow on a rainy day
The joy of beholding a flower while it is celebrating
Its short-lived existence to its heart’s content

When I wanted to find the way that leads me

To the final destination where I can offer
Myself to you with traces of my connection with
Your creation with each moment leaving its mark on my being,
You gave me my conscience that acts as a guiding light
And gives me the strength to know that I am holding
your hand
That guides me at every step.

When I wanted to protect myself along the way

You gave me my strength of character
To face and overcome the hostility and
Mend my way leaving each footstep of mine
That makes the trail better than before.

When I asked you for a map of my path,

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

Was it your love for me that makes me realize

One step at a time to give me the joy of thinking of you
And finding the joy of another fresh moment
That is welcoming each cell in my body
To fulfill the purpose you had in mind
When you sent me into this world?

You gave me the wisdom to realize every moment

That each living cell has a purpose
As each new moment unfolds before my eyes.
Thank you God, for I can see your messages of love
Reassuring me that you have not withheld from me
The strength to obliterate the evil and
Make the path easier for others who follow me.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

From The Heart Of A Poet

The dawning of the new idea,
Makes its indelible impression on my mind,
My soul rejoices in it but keeps the source unknown to me
Solely to bring me the joy that pervades my consciousness
That longs to hold on to the feeling;
The newness in my connection with the world outside of me
Perceived by the overjoyed self in me,
Finds a new being in me,
Stays in my heart becoming part of myself;
I cry out in joy like a child
That has seen the rainbow for the first time,
Saying “Here is something unknown to the world so far!”
Yet knowing that the world has seen it in umpteen colors.
My ecstasy makes me want to make it live forever;
I give it a form and adorn it with my dearest words
And say to the world “come, share with me
The joy of perpetuating my feeling
That has been unknown till this moment
But now the sole entity that my life force hinges on!”

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

To A Friend
The timing was perfect
When the rising sun saw you reach out to him
For a companion who stays with you
While you step out into the world
To add another day to your life

The choice was perfect

When you chose me for a friend who can enrich your life
By just living mine and having you rouse tears and
laughter in me
And by doing the same to you.

We walked together exploring the path

Neither of us knowing where it leads
Knowing only that we are required
To take the next step and keep moving.

You did not give me a plan

Nor did I to you
We only gave each other a hand to hold on to
And keep each other from straying away

I see the joy of coming closer to the final destination

Making itself known to me through you
When I watch you treading the path

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

Each step adding to our life.

My friend, here comes a day

When we have to take different routes
But the path that we treaded together
That is part of my life’s journey
Will always stay in my heart
Keeping it alive for the rest of my life.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

To A Flower
When I first saw you
I imbibed your beauty into my consciousness to my
heart’s content
My soul fills the whole world, dancing to the beautiful tune
That makes me hold on to the moment
And my heart longs to make the moment perpetuate itself
In the infinite span of the existence of His creation

Yet another flower,

Blossoming into the world with a promise of hope
That makes the life force within me rejuvenate my soul
My heart feels His presence that makes itself known
to my open eyes
Asking me only to keep my eyes open
To the abundant beauty that is seen before me.

At the end of the day, when I close my eyes and fall asleep,
The memory of your beauty fills my heart
Making me want to open my eyes in the morning into
a new day.
This moment may pass, I may not see you tomorrow in
the garden
But His message of love that you brought to me
Stays in my heart and compels me to live and rejoice.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

A Falling Leaf
The last touch of the branch
That had promised me athanasia
While I lived in the comfort of the assurance
That I felt with my compacture with it
Yet knowing that my life’s journey
Does not have a closure when I leave;

The farewell song of the new leaves

That are showing me in them
The meaning of my existence so far
When the tree sent me out
Filling my heart with its song of gratitude;
Compel me to leave with a tear of joy;

The wind that is carrying me away from my mother

Makes me feel its reluctance to detach me from my world
The only world that is known to me so far;
But the memory of the joy of my beholder
Grasping the meaning of his own existence
Lets me rest in peace when I reach the feet of my mother.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

A New Friend
Share the colors of the morning with me,
The colors that come to me bursting forth
Even when I am only collecting the sunshine
To set my heart ablaze for fulfilling the promise
That I made to the Sun
When I asked him to rise again and give me a new day;

I met you when my heart recognized you

To perfectly match the picture
That it had in it since the day
I opened my eyes to the first footprint of mine
On the path of my life’s journey

My friend, come share the joy of living with me;

To make my world invite a new poem
To enrich my life with the abundance of colors
Bringing me God’s love unceasingly.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

My Heart’s Song My Life’s Rhythm

Our souls conflate
Making our hearts beat together;
Our hearts sing in congruence
The song that was not known to us
Until the day we found each other in our hearts

My heart only knew to rejoice

And beat to the rhythm of God’s will
Never knowing the word ‘music’

But the confluence of the streams of our dreams

Taught my heart to sing
And find itself alive
Drenched with the song of your love

I am born again into a world

Where the heart speaks the language of music
Finding a new note
Every moment of my life
With you in my heart.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

From The Top Of The Mountain To

The Sea
I look upon the vastness underneath
From the highest point of the peak;
I revel in beholding the beauty of the earth below
And long to be with it
I send a song from the sky to it
Asking it to make me part of itself
And add to its beauty;

No sooner than the mountain stream gives me

Another wonder to gape at,
I join the stream and close my eyes in ecstasy
The dancing stream descends from the mountain
Rushing me to the foot of it;

My life is complete
When I leave the stream to join the river
Leaving the grandeur of the mountains behind
With a dream of a million more steps yet to take;

I sing and dance and converse with the world around me

Wherever the river takes me;
Finally when I join the sea
I am a new being narrating my story
And devouring the sky above every moment.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

You had it in your mind,
You saw it in your dreams,
You built it with all your passion;

You knew the meaning of joy

When you find a place in the world
To bring it to

You pluck a flower here

You gather some sand there
You pour your life into them to give it a form;

When your hands take pride

In giving their part of the effort
They also bring a song to your heart

When you build your castle inch by inch

That claims a place in the world,
Your mind rejoices in seeing it
Carving a place for itself before your eyes
And in knowing that it remains
Long after you are gone.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

A Birthday Wish
You wake up into a new day
With the same sunshine
Welcoming you to the world out there,
With a wish to celebrate the day
And all the years you spent in your world
That made you feel like a child
Playing in the home of us all,
With each year of your life adding to your feeling of oneness
With the world around you.

Your eyes wide open imbibing the beauty around with awe,
Extending your view as far as you can see
Yet realizing that you are part of it
Constantly growing and embracing the newness being
one with it.

You see as far back as you can

And thank God for all his love
That drenched you in itself
And made you the person you are today.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

The Sailor
The tempest
Was not unforeseen,
Yet the sailor’s
Heart’s desire is unshaken;
The mighty wind,
The thunderstorm,
The rising waves,
And the night that is deepest dark....
Fueled the sailor’s resolve
To reach his beloved’s abode.

If the tempest be
The one that you face....
May the sailor be the God in you.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

Some say that
It gives out oxygen
And we breathe its benevolence in....
Some others said that it gave them cool shade
To protect them from the
Sun’s unkind wrath in midsummer....
Yet others show their homes Made by their arid hearts
Taking shape as its dead trunk.
The bride thanked it
For the its gift for her wedding – the bridal bouquet
But I say that
It fills me with new breath
Everyday showing me
A tender new leaf each day.

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

Lost Dream
We dreamt together
Seeing the impossible
Coming true for us.
The rainbow that poured forth
The nectar of life into the trees
Alongside of our golden path
Has taken you into it now
Extending its loving embrace
That outweighed my love for you.

Here I am
Treading the path alone
Waiting to see the rainbow again
To implore it to give me my world
Back to me....
The world that has you, my beloved, in it
Because I lost my dream without you.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

Appeal To The Almighty

You gave us dreams
That showed us flowers
That drenched our hearts in colors.
You sent the moon
To ease the pain of
Spending the night
Waiting for the morning light.
You gave my heart
The joy of seeing the arrival of moon into the dark sky
Reassuring the Sun
Saying to him that
He will share the shine of silver dreams
With us, the mankind.

You gave us hope

That shines in the eyes of a laughing child.

In the midst of these hopes and dreams,

I am groping in darkness
To find your helping hand
To see my dreams and hopes coming true
In reality before my eyes.
And to bring solace to every weeping heart.

God, choose me to be part of

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

The endeavor that started

When you blessed us with
Life on this beautiful planet.

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

Grandeur Of His Creation

The moon becomes pale
And the stars blink feebly
For her at this moment to her dismay.....

Is the night sky losing its grandeur?

Are the stars taking leave
To reach another world
in a sulk for any flaw
In her praise of them?

Is the moon tired of radiating tunes for

the new song she finds everyday to sing for her child?
She wonders in silence....

But when she looks at

Her child’s eyes
Looking at the sky.....
And showing her innocently
The grandness above with its hand....

She finds the granduer above

vying in vain with the
First wonder in her child’s eyes
Showing her a million times
Worth the whole of the creation.
Droplets From A Poetic Heart

Droplets From My Heart

Little was known
When the garden
Was turned into a dreary dessert
Unable to see nothing but
The distant mirage
I looked around in hope
Of finding a drop of water
To water the withering plant of
Faintest hope in my heart.
When I caught a glimpse of the blue sky
The vastness above....
The grandeur beyond
Showered kindness in abundance
And my heart elevated itself
To the sky....
Sending forth rain from above

Here are the droplets from it,

Droplets of my very blood....
Rushing down to rejuvenate my garden
To my heart’s content
And seeking a place
In the ocean of eternity.

From the Heart of a Poet

The dawning of the new idea,

Makes its indelible impression on my mind,
My soul rejoices in it but keeps the source unknown to me
Solely to bring me the joy that pervades my consciousness
That longs to hold on to the feeling;
The newness in my connection with the world outside of me
Perceived by the overjoyed self in me,
Finds a new being in me,
Stays in my heart becoming part of myself;
I cry out in joy like a child
That has seen the rainbow for the first time,
Saying “Here is something unknown to the world so far!”
Yet knowing that the world has seen it in umpteen colors.
My ecstasy makes me want to make it live forever;
I give it a form and adorn it with my dearest words
And say to the world “come, share with me
The joy of perpetuating my feeling
That has been unknown till this moment
But now the sole entity that my life force hinges on!”

Droplets From A Poetic Heart

Vishalakshi Pidaparthi

ISBN: 978-0-9803058-0-7

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