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The socio-politico economic system prevailed in Europe during the middle ages is known as
feudalism . Feudalism was a kind of socio-political organisation which arose in medieval Europe
and was based on land tenure given by the Lord to the Vassels, who served their masters in
various ways.

The Feudal age in Europe extended roughly from sixth century to sixteenth century .It was during
this period’s Europe’s socio-economic forms were shaped

The word feudalism was emerged from the Latin word fief which means land. Land played an
important role in Feudalism. All social, political and economic life was based on land. It was the
basis of wealth One’s wealth was assessed on the basis of the land under possession.

Causes for origin

• Rise of Christianity in Europe

• Fall of Roman Empire
• The rise to power of the Barbarian Kingdoms and Fall and Division of Carolingian Empire

Fall of Western Roman Empire:

When the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 C.E., a state of chaos encompassed Western Europe for
many centuries. Robbery, instability and social disparity became orders of the day after the fall of
Roman Empire. Taking chance of this lawlessness, the foreign invaders looted different kingdoms of
Europe. This created utter helplessness among the subjects. Essentially, the people of
Western Europe needed some form of a political system to defend themselves.
Thus, feudalism developed.

The rise to power of the Barbarian Kingdoms and Fall and Division of Carolingian Empire

 The feudal system comes into focus during the 8th century, when the Carolingian dynasty is
expanding its territory.

 Charles Martel grants his nobles rights over tracts of land, to yield the income with which they
can provide fighting men for his army.

This act of generosity, ultimately for his own benefit, requires an oath of loyalty in return.

Thus there develops the relationship between lord and vassal which is at the heart of feudalism
 The Carolingian Empire (800–888) was a large empire in western and central Europe during the
early Middle Ages.

 It was ruled by the Carolingian dynasty,

 Charlemagne was the founder of the Carolingian Empire

 He is also known as Charles the Great

 First Stage- From 8th century to 12th century

 Second Stage- From 12th to 15th century

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