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Project Title: Monthly Expense Tracker


Create a simple Excel spreadsheet to track monthly expenses, calculate totals, and visualize the


 Data Entry:
 Create a table with columns for Expense Category, Amount Spent, and Date.
 Enter sample data for at least 10 transactions.
 Formulas:
 Use formulas to calculate the total amount spent.
 Implement an IF-ELSE statement to categorize each expense as "Essential" or
"Non-Essential" based on a predefined spending limit.
 Charts:
 Create a pie chart to visually represent the percentage distribution of essential
and non-essential expenses.
 Generate a bar chart to show the monthly expenses for each category.
 Data Presentation:
 Design a summary section that displays:
 Total amount spent.
 Percentage breakdown of essential and non-essential expenses.
 A dynamic message using IF-ELSE statement, e.g., "You are within
budget!" if expenses are below a certain limit, or "Watch your
spending!" if exceeded.
 Formatting:
o Apply formatting to make the spreadsheet visually appealing.
o Add conditional formatting to highlight essential expenses that exceed a certain
percentage of the total.
 Conclusion:
o Present your monthly expense tracker as a well-organized and visually
informative Excel spreadsheet, demonstrating your proficiency in using formulas,
IF-ELSE statements, charts, and data presentation techniques.

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