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3 Recommendation Regarding Student Teaching

Undertaking student teaching observation and student teaching can be a rewarding and
challenging experience. To make the most of this opportunity, it is recommended to be open to
feedback, develop relationships with your mentor teacher and students, take initiative, reflect on
my experience, and seek out professional development opportunities.

Being open to feedback is crucial to improving my teaching approach. I welcome constructive

criticism and use it to make adjustments and improvements. Developing strong relationships
with my mentor teacher and students also helped me better understand the needs of my students
and provide more effective support. Taking the initiative in the classroom can help me develop
my skills and take on additional responsibilities.

Reflection is also an essential part of the student teaching process. I take time to reflect on my
experiences and identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement. I use this
information to adjust my approach and improve my teaching skills. Finally, seek out professional
development opportunities, such as attending conferences or workshops, to further develop skills
and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in education.

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