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A. How many of the following statements about communication do you find true? Write True or False.
TRUE 1. Progress in national and local level requires effective communication among people.
TRUE 2. The sharing of knowledge across nations requires communication.
TRUE 3. Knowledge is optimally consumed even without communication.
TRUE 4. The advancement of all fields of specialization like Political Science needs effective
FALSE5. No nation has ever progressed without communication.
TRUE 6. Good social relationships are impossible without effective communication.
FALSE7. Communication is impertinent to development.
TRUE 8. There are many challenges in the attainment of effective communication.
TRUE 9. One message can be delivered by different individuals with varying levels of
TRUE 10. My ability to communicate impacts my academic and professional advancement.
TRUE 11. Communication is a daily human activity.

B. Answer the following questions in one sentence each.

1. What communication challenges or difficulties do you have?

One of the communication obstacles or difficulties I face as a student is that whenever I have to speak
in front of an audience, I generally experience a mental block that interferes with my speech and
ultimately wrecks it. Speaking in front of people makes me nervous as well. I'm aiming to gain more
confidence in front of crowds so that I can talk in public effectively.

2. As a future professional in your field, of what use will effective communication skills be to you?

Being able to communicate effectively or clearly is maybe the most important component of our
function as future professionals in my subject of study, architecture. In order to have that vision
developed precisely how we want it, it is essential that we are able to communicate our ideas to clients.
It's not an easy job being an architect since our thoughts are communicated through detailed layouts of
the designs we wish to develop. Since we architects must interact with our project colleagues,
particularly the engineers, communication is essential to our work.

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