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Sending a postcard

Semana: 8.2

Nombre del estudiante:

Nestor Hugo Varela Lopez

Número de cuenta:

Sede de estudio:
Ceutec Universidad Virtual

Lic. Lorena Salgado


Fecha de entrega:

Detalle de la actividad:
Escriba en un archivo de Word o PowerPoint su propia postal, con base en lo

Imagine que está viviendo en un País extranjero, en calidad de estudiante de


Comente a un amigo sobre ese lugar y las actividades académicas que realiza;
formule preguntas sobre el tipo de universidad o lugar donde él desea estudiar.

Utilice las siguientes estructuras gramaticales: Presente Simple y Presente

continuo (afirmativo, negativo, preguntas de información y si/no preguntas).

Guarde el archivo con la siguiente nomenclatura:


Utilice el tipo y tamaño de letra Arial, 12.

Adjunte el archivo al aula virtual.

Tome como ejemplo el formato propuesto para el desarrollo de esta actividad.

Dear Friend

I'm having a great time here at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The last time we spoke you told me that you wanted to enroll in university. Are you
still thinking the same thing? I noticed that you are interested in this university. Can
you confirm if it is true? Here it is another world, each faculty has its own building,
the libraries are immense and the teachers are the best in the world. Here you will
find a club for almost every activity, from reading to the opportunity to learn to
speak many languages. Many of these clubs focus on cultural or spiritual activities.
Strong bonds are created between all your classmates, while other faculties look
for ways to get closer to you and make you feel at home. There are also student
and departmental societies that focus on the academic interests of each student
and are supporting you every time. time you need it.

The weather is very cold, for many people it is not very comfortable.

Tomorrow I'm going to an early morning class, do you want to come one day and
meet? There are many students from different nations, they are studying hard, and
they are very kind, I don't regret anything, I really want you to come with me and
study together.

Tell me, have you already spoken to your parents?

If you did, do they agree with your decision?

I hope you can come and live this experience with me.

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