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Joe rogan smara

[50] Stone Statue

Merlassar: Find the cyclop (sic - cyclops) on the island of Merlassar,
destroy it and remove its eyes. Then bring the eyes to Albertil the druid,
on Merlassar. You will find the cyclop on a rocky islet near the coast of
Note: A cyclops only has one eye, otherwise it would be a bi-clops.

[50.1] Talk to the druid Albertil on the Island of Merlassar.

- At some point (likely in Arlania while you are visiting Whistler in the
Inn) you will be approached by messenger Kinnen who tells you about the
cyclops in Merlassar and gives you a map of Merlassar Island.
[50.2] Find and destroy the cyclop on Merlassar, and remove its eyes.
- The cyclops may be quite formidable, so come prepared.
[50.3] Return the eye to the druid Albertil.
- After you return the eye to Albertil, he gives you the quest [56] Spirit
of the Forest of Merlassar.

[51] Package for Drinren

Merlassar. Find the cave on the west coast of Merlassar, where the pirates
have their hideout, and deliver a parcel to their leader, Drinren.
[51.1] Deliver the parcel.
- Saldebar, in the Large Store in the elven village, wants you to deliver
a package to the pirates in their hideout on the west coast of Merlassar.
[51.2] Return with the answer.
- After delivering the package to the pirate Drinren, he gives you a
leaflet (labeled Coded Letter in your inventory) to return to the Saldebar
in the Large Store.
- Bring the scroll to Large Store and end the quest.

[52] Expedition
Merlassar. Melfin has asked you to find provisions, comandeer (sic
commandeer) a ship, and equip it for an expedition to Ellinia. Most likely,
all of these things can be found on the island.
- You meet Melfin standing near the docks of the Elven village. He wants
to go on an expedition and needs you to obtain some supplies for him - a
ship, food, crew of 25 elf archers and 5 ents.
- You can ask him lots of questions about this quest.
[52.1] Collect food for the expedition.
- Supplies can be bought from Saldebar in the Large Store in the elven
village just up the path from Melfin.
- These will cost 20,000. If you threaten him he will lower the price to
- You might notice that a large pile of boxes suddenly appeared near
Melfin. Were they delivered by Fed Ex or UPS?
[52.2] Gather a crew for the expedition (25 elves).
- This must be elves (Elf in the stores) and not Rangers; I found elves at
Castle Tiriit.
[52.3] Gather a crew for the expedition (5 ents).
- Both the elves and ents need to be bought in a shop; I found ents at the
Magic Tree; one problem with the Magic Tree selling ents is that if you
agree to undertake its quest, it will not sell items until the quest is
completed - and you cannot complete the magic tree quest until you have
access to Riftland.
- These have to be regular ents, not Ancient Ents.
[52.4] Find a boat capable of handling a lengthy voyage.
- You are told to ask Edwin at the Roots and Crown tavern; although he
sells ships, he does not have one suitable for a lengthy voyage as is
needed; he tells you to go see the pirates in the pirate lair
- The boat can be bought from Drinren the pirate in the pirate lair for
25,000. It will automatically be docked near Melfin.
[52.5] Return to Melfin for your reward.
- When you've accumulated everything, see Melfin one last time so he can
set sail into the sunset. He will also give you the Full Moon. No, no, not
that kind of moon. Full Moon is a decent sword.

[53] Elven Lighthouse

Merlassar. To the north-west of the island there stands a lighthouse, on the
cape. You are to discover why the light has dimmed, and solve the problem.
- This quest is given to you by Edwin in the Roots and Crowns tavern in
the elven village.
- It seems that the lighthouse was taken over by a bunch of gremlins.
- The battle within the lighthouse interior is the same as a regular
gremlin tower battle.
[53.1] Travel to the light house and find out what has happened.
- You enter a main lobby area where there are some crystals to gather and
chests to open;
- Then use the green terminal; click the stone and you will get some error
messages (for the lighthouse, hopefully not for your computer or the game);
click the line that says (Troubleshooting) and then the one that says
(Silence the mechanism) and you will be taken to a gremlin tower battle;
defeat the towers and enemy units as usual.
[53.2] Return to Edwin for your reward.
- Victory over the tower minions releases the lighthouse from whatever was
blocking its function.
- When you click on the terminal again you get menu choices to seemingly
restore the lighthouse to function.
- However, none of the menu choices really does anything since when you
report back to Edwin, your conversation says the lighthouse is restored and
the quest ends.

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