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SARDO, Anna Mae P.


The aspect of home management that I can find rewarding is creating a

comfortable and organized living space. I personally enjoy the process of decorating,
arranging furniture, and finding storage solutions to make their home more comfortable
and functional. It can be rewarding when it allows people to take control of their
environment, express their creativity, save money and resources, and foster
relationships with others. Aside from that I also find decluttering a rewarding thing to
do, for it can create a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, and it can also have
a positive impact on mental and physical well-being. Getting rid of excess items and
organizing your living space can create a more peaceful and productive environment,
reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mental clarity. It can also help you to prioritize
and focus on what's important in your life, and make it easier to find and use the things
you need. Additionally, decluttering can have aesthetic benefits, making your home
look and feel more spacious, inviting, and personalized. By creating a space that
reflects your tastes and values, you may feel more comfortable and at ease in your

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