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Academic Travel Abroad, Inc

A Journey Focused on Women in Focus

By: Academic Travel Abroad, 2016

Women and Women’s Rights in Cuba

● 1 Miami: Setting the Stage
● 2 Hop to Havana
● 3 Gender Equality in Cuban
● 4 Women in Politics
● 5 The Afro-Cuban Female
● 6 Women in the Workplace
● 7 Health, Wellness and the
● 8 Homeward Bound

Explore Cuba through the eyes of its women in this eight-day journey. Learn how
the Revolution advanced gender equality. Visit with female leaders and visionaries to
discuss how Cuba is dealing with women’s rights, facing many of the same challenges
women do in the United States.

In the 2013 Global Gender Gap Report, Cuba was ranked 15 out of 136 countries
in gender equality, beating out both Britain (18) and the United States (23). Cuban women
have made strides toward full gender equality, but, as in most countries, there are still
roadblocks and challenges. Discuss the past, present and future of women in Cuba
alongside some of the country’s most impressive activists. With a Times Journeys expert
and local Cuban guide, meet with female entrepreneurs in Habana Vieja, discuss female
reproductive rights with a women’s health care specialist and explore the connection
between race and gender in meetings with prominent Afro-Cuban scholars.

Times Journeys’ trips to Cuba are permitted by a general People-to-People license

for The New York Times from the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign
Assets Control. While we do our best to adhere to the itinerary listed here, traveling in
Cuba requires flexibility, and changes to hotels and activities may occur.

Abroad, A. T. (2016). WOMEN AND WOMEN’S RIGHTS IN CUBA. Retrieved November 30, 2016,
from Academic Travel Abroad, Inc.:
READING ACTIVITIES – All level students should answer the following questions the best that
they can and then each level they will revise their answers.

A. Look up the 10 highlighted words in the dictionary. Write yourself a note in your
notebook that will help you use it in the future (a definition, synonym, example).

B. In your notebook write your opinion about the following question: “Before reading
this article, what had you already known about educational tourism in Cuba and what
have you learned recently?”

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