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So I will continue to the second main parts Feasible steps of implementation.

In this part, we
have 4 feasible steps to cook including Learning Cooking Techniques, Choosing Recipes
approriate for your skill, Preparing Ingredients and the last step is Cooking.
Let’s come to first step Learning Cooking Techniques. If you are not good at cooking or have
never cooked before, don't worry you can learn the basics of cooking and cooking techniques
first. About cooking skills you can use the Internet to find online courses on cooking, register
and learn those courses. Cooking courses are a great way to improve your skills. On the
technical skills, you can learn the technique of using a knife to cut or slice meat and slice
vegetables into small slices or into flowers to help create additional decorations for dishes to
become more eye-catching.
After you have learned and done the above basic skills, the next step is that Choosing recipes. If
you are a beginner in cooking but you choose the dish with its recipe is too difficult and you
can’t make it, so it will be easy to get you discouraged and make you not want to do it again.
You just need to think of cooking as similar to training for a marathon – start off easy and in
small steps. Just like a beginner is not going to run his first marathon after two weeks of
training, you are not going to cook like a master chef in a week. Stick to recipes that are
appropriate for your level of skills, and you will be rewarded with success, when it's done you
will feel happy and want to cook more dishes and the more you cook, the better your skill will
Now we will come to the next step that is also quite important which is Choosing and preparing
the ingredients. Nowadays, there are many ingredients that are used by humans with
stimulants or growth agents that are too sophisticated, so that some people who buy them may
be poisoned or making unhealthy dishes for their families. So it can be seen that choosing and
preparing ingredients can help us gain more knowledge about those ingredients and also help
us make them more delicious and healthier. As you can see The fresher the ingredients, the
more delicious the dish will be and the more attractive it is to eat, especially cooking for the
family, nothing is better than hearing a compliment from your parents, right?
And if you have done all the steps above, we come to the last step Cooking. Cooking should be
enjoyable and not yet another chore on your list. Following some simple steps ensures you will
end up not only with great dishes, but will also have fun cooking them. Take a few deep
breaths, clear your mind, and be in the moment when you cook, focusing on the tasks at hand.
Cooking is a mindful activity that requires concentration, but it is also a way to engage all your
senses. Feel, taste, and smell the food, notice its colors, shapes and textures.

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