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Beyond disappointment first of all tessy was fransics school mate at the same time class mate too

Francis was a Muslim but devoted to polygamous family but Francis wish to pattern his life with Tessy
but Francis Wass talk slim and complexioned and handsome young man he was urbane and held a
liberal view that respects and accommodate different religious persuation with necessarily
compromising on the corev tenets of his Islamic faith.

But Francis and Tessy gain admission in the early 80s to jubilee model high school, mararomi in the
north Central region.

But Francis usebti took in the their class and Tessy always trailed behind him for the second position. But
As a result of their brilliance and seeming increasing

closeness, their classmates 'match-made' them right from

their junior classes by calling them husband and wife To

Tessy, the labelling made no meaning and she never allowed

such expressions to bother her, because she could not

imagine herself considering Francis as a future husband for

two or three major reasons. First, she was too young to start

thinking of a future partner. Secondly, she could not think af

marrying Francis because he was from a Muslin family.

Thirdly, they were classmates How would she marry ber

classmate and cope successfully as a family? Tessy considered

such match-making as a figment of imagination which would

never be possible. So she dismissed it with a wave af the

hand. However, she was not in the least nonchalant about them

issue. She kicked against the labelling but her protests were

too feeble for any meaningful impact Her Ione voice was

drowned by those of their classmates who were the

vanguards of the vision of Tessy becoming Francis' wife

Francis on the other hand, rejoiced at the labelling

initially but soon started regaling himself with it In fact. be

was really serious about its possible fruition. He never

reckoned with any force or thoughts of oppositions to is

realization. Day in day out, his interest and desire to have

Tessy as a future partner grew. But how could he express

himself to this ever serious girl? What would be her reaction?

Wouldn't this cause disaffection between them? Wouldn't it

end such a sweet, platonic and admirable relationship that

has been between them? These and many more questions

kept on pounding Francis' heart especially as their final year

exams drew closer.

Over time, Francis gained more Confidence and becarme

more passionate about how to realize his drearm. He was not

willing to hurt or displease Tessy yet, he wanted his dres

anchored on the pathway of realization. The tisought of theie

slim chances of meeting after the examination heightenedhie

anxiety. Also, Tessy's protests and disposition suggestive of a

No for an answer was a thought too disturbing and

disquieting, In most cases, he often concluded that "the end

possession of a precious wife is more than worth all the rícke

involved in the process of just asking for Tessys hand in


The two of them together with about twenty others

from their school in the countryside went to the capital city

nearby to sit for university matriculation test, that is, the Joint

Matriculation Examination (JME) conducted by Joint

Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB). For the trip,

Francis secured a seat for Tessy close to himself in the vehicle

as an expression of his love and care for her, though with a

hidden agenda. He wished he could use the opportunity to

whisper his íntention to her, but he was still very much afraid

of what her reactions could be, and so he did not

Time flew very fast, and the school certificate

examinations ended. Being a science student, Francis finished

his exams before Tessy, but he decided not to travel. He was

waiting for her to finish her exams too, so that he could unfold

his proposal to her before their journey back to the capital


At last, the opportunity came shortly after Tessy

exams drew closer.

Over time, Francis gained more Confidence and becarme

more passionate about how to realize his drearm. He was not

willing to hurt or displease Tessy yet, he wanted his dres

anchored on the pathway of realization. The tisought of theie

slim chances of meeting after the examination heightenedhie

anxiety. Also, Tessy's protests and disposition suggestive of a

No for an answer was a thought too disturbing and

disquieting, In most cases, he often concluded that "the end

possession of a precious wife is more than worth all the rícke

involved in the process of just asking for Tessys hand in


The two of them together with about twenty others

from their school in the countryside went to the capital city

nearby to sit for university matriculation test, that is, the Joint

Matriculation Examination (JME) conducted by Joint

Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB). For the trip,

Francis secured a seat for Tessy close to himself in the vehicle

as an expression of his love and care for her, though with a

hidden agenda. He wished he could use the opportunity to

whisper his íntention to her, but he was still very much afraid

of what her reactions could be, and so he did not

Time flew very fast, and the school certificate

examinations ended. Being a science student, Francis finished

his exams before Tessy, but he decided not to travel. He was

waiting for her to finish her exams too, so that he could unfold

his proposal to her before their journey back to the capital


At last, the opportunity came shortly after Tessy

A very conened naghbour who was teaching in a nearby

sohaal asSisted Tesy and her friend to enrol for lessons in

har schoal and she equally assisted the duo by giving them

ree ride to schaal every mornìng

Rrancis cold not enrol în the city, but he was equally

assistad by a conerned teacher to enrol at Olure Community

Grammar Shoal in a nearby towa. After settiìng down in his

nEe sohoal Francis came to the city to isit Tessy.

Surprising. he met Tina with Tessy and he expressed

conRern about the esults especially, Tessy's since she had

already been ofered admission înto the university. Speaking

Farther, Francis said, Tessy, I bad thought that the tvo of us

wold avel gether to check our results, but Mases

inormed me that yoa had collected yours". What about me?"

Tina interjected To this Francis simply smiled and said Tm

sorry Tina and you too".

They discassed some other issues about bow they got

reenrallad and the strategies they could adopt to work

harder han before so that their results would be better to

earn them university admission Francis left but carefully

slipped a small note into Tessy's hand with the inscription "7

LOVE TOU FORGET NE NOT ARter seeing Francis off, Tessy

shpwed Tina the note and told her all that had been going on,

but quicy inforned her that she could not and would not

hve anyhing to do with rancis as far as love and marriage

were cancerned. She gave her reasons in a jifiy. Tìna

eulogised Francis' virtues as a brilliant and focused young

man who is worthy of being considered except for Tessy's

Stang reasons and the fact that it was not yet time to be

Thinking of marriage. But the long vacation was most refreshíng and rewarding.

Outside the household chores. Tessy devoted her tirne to

reading and religious actívities, with little tíme for social

outings. She purchased some of the recommended texts on

her courses. Eagerly and voracíously, she devoured the

contents of the novels, plays, and some of the poems. Some of

her church activities íncluded attending Prayer meetings,

Bible study, Choir practice, Youth programmes, and Women

Fellowship meetings. The Youth programmes were meant to

equip the youths on making choices and commitment to

excellence in critical areas of life such as career, academics,

marital relationships, and becomíng examples of godly living

Though meant mainly for married women, young unmarried

ladies were also encouraged to attend Women Fellowship

meetings for mentoring purposes. The spinsters were being

groomed to become responsible wives and mothers. The

experience of sharing fellowship with the women was highly

challenging and enriching

Tessy's busy schedule did not preclude her from

thínking about the issue of marriage. Improving on her good

academic performance and deciding who to marry among

several suitors, were two crucial matters before her. On these,

she must take practical steps before the commencement of

the new acadenic session.

Tessy reflected on Francis' and other zerious admirers'

requests and wondered what her parents' reactions would be.

one evening after supper, she cleverly asked her mother

"Mummy, what will be your reaction if I decide to marry an

Hausa, or an Igbo, or someone outside our locality who does

not understand Yoruba language at all?" Tessy's mother-

Madam Adams, a gentle and godly woman, with a rich

experience in marital affairs, kept quiet for a while.

On Sunday, a day after Tessy's second outing to Francis

family compound in the city, Tessy returned from the Christian Union Fellowship meeting around
4.30pm. Her plan

was to observe her siesta. However, her roommates were all

present and in a relaxed atmosphere. Evelyn, the youngest

among the lot asked her,

"Sister Tessy, you're welcome back from church

service. Please I have a question for you. How was your outing

yesterday? I noticed your old classmate-uncle Francis with

whom you went out, was more relaxed and felt much at home

than before".

You too also noticed it?" Tosan and Ramat chorused".

"I guess something must have transpired which sister

Tessy did not share with us. It must be something..", Ramat

remarked. Clearing her throat and with a deep breadth, Tessy



Tessy and Francis

Francis remained

A school mate

A classmate
A study partner

A Christian brother

By his profession of the faíth

A fiancé to a point

whose dream of marrying Tessy,

a lady ofhis dream

ne he claimed to love and greatly admir

though birthed with hope

but was made unrealizable

by hís dear mother as he claimed

Tessy therefore remained

Never his life partner

Never a room mate

Never a bed mate

Never his wife,

To celebrate true love.

After over twenty years, an old classmate linked

Francis and Tessy through the exchange of telephone

numbers. Francis, who was happily married with children,

eagerly called Tessy. He apologised to her for the way and

manner he broke up their relationship. He also explained

some of his life experiences since then. The call from him

reminded Tessy of the bombshell he threw at her in the dead

of the night, over two decades ago. The devastating incident

flashed across her mind like a lightning in the sky. But she

equally, and quickly too, recounted the goodness of God to her

over the years, for which she remained grateful. Tessy, after

accepting the well-deserved but much belated apology,

shared with Francis some of the goodness of God to her and

her family. That ugly experience with Francís was heart-breakne

indeed. She belleved that beyond many disappointments i

life, God is able to work out perfect blessings This slver

clining is however premised on the fact that God is all knowing

almighty, ever-loving ever-benevolent and sovereign She

reasoned that the partíng of ways with Francis was for gd

indeed. With relish she thanked God for the realzation of her

dream of a peaceful and 2 happy home Truly, beyond the

disappointment she suffered from Francis, the most High Cod

comforted her by giving her a perfect replacement.

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