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Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.

2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language



Muhammad Shohibussirri
( Lecturer of English Letters Department Faculty of Letters and
Humanities Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta )

Hedging is an important feature of language style. By using
hedges, politicians can give information to media less than what
they actually look for. They can also evade from their responsibility
by saying one thing with hedge, but they mean the other. Using
Fraser’s taxonomy of hedging devices and Wierzbicka’s Natural
Semantic Metalanguage (NSM), this paper examines the use of
hedging devices in three press conferences of Barack Obama
(2013) and three of Julia Gillard (2010-2012). The paper also
looks into detail the politically oriented use of epistemic, an
important lexical item of Anglo culture (Wierzbicka, 2006). The
findings show that hedging devices become the dominant feature of
Gillard speech, and not Obama. In addition, Obama also uses
epistemic and non-epistemic with almost equal proportion while
Gillard has dominant usage in non-epistemic. Thus, it can be said
that the language style of male and female politicians may be
different from one to another, as Obama and Gillard show it.
Keywords: language style, hedging devices, epistemic, anglo
culture, natural semantic metalanguage (NSM), and political

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

Hedging merupakan salah satu fitur penting dalam stilistika wacana
politik. Dengan menggunakan hedges, politikus bisa memberikan
informasi dengan presisi rendah yang diminta oleh media massa
saat diwawancarai. Politikus juga bisa menghindar dari tanggung
jawab memberi informasi yang benar dengan menyengaja meng-
gunakan hedges dalam satu pernyataan tapi yang dimaksudkan
olehnya bermakna ambigu. Dengan menggunakan Taksonomi
hedging devices dari Fraser dan Natural Semantic Metalanguage
Wierzbicka, tulisan ini menganalisis Obama dan Gillard dalam
konferensi pers yang mereka lakukan di wilayah politik mereka
masing-masing, Amerika Serikat dan Australia.
Kata kunci: gaya bahasa, hedge, epistemic, kultur Anglo-Saxon,
semantik metabahasa, dan wacana politik.

A. Introduction Hedging is an im-

portant feature of language
Style is an important
related to style (Koutsantoni
feature of speech because it
2007). By using hedges, po-
does not only show how
liticians can give information
capable a speaker is but it
to media less than what they
also shows speaker‟s identity.
Every person has distinctive actually look for (Majeed
2010). They can also evade
style in using language,
from their responsibility by
mainly in speaking and
saying one thing with hedge,
writing. When this style is
but they mean the other
connected to politics, it is
(Hinkel 2002). Politicians
even more important. Each
usually use this feature of
politician has their own style
language when talking about
in speaking to public and
sensitive issues. Politicians‟
media. Their style may im-
use of hedge may cause
press and may result in them
misunderstanding because it
gain support from people, but
not easy to comprehend what
it also may lead to public
they actually mean by their
criticism and censure.

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

statement. Hence, hedge is a volves a process, called

strategic feature by which hedging, which goes beyond
politicians‟ style of language words. Brown & Levinson
and ideological view on adapted this concept and used
certain issue meet. it in pragmatics (1987). Here,
hedging is considered as a
This study will exa- strategy to show negative
mine the use of hedging politeness. However, Mark-
devices in three press con- kanen and Schr der ( 989
ferences of Barack Obama argued that hedge is „nega-
and three of Julia Gillard. tive‟ tool that allow speakers
This study will also look into to be manipulative in giving
detail the politically oriented response to others.
use of epistemic, an important
lexical item of Anglo culture The definition of
(Wierzbicka 2006). These hedge on political discourse
press conferences will be is more specific. Hyland
studied using Fraser‟s taxo- (1998: 5) defines hedges as
nomy of hedging devices and “the means by which writers
Wierzbicka‟s Natural Seman- can present a proposition as
tic Metalanguage (NSM). an opinion rather than a fact”.
In addition, Fraser (2010:201)
B. Literature Review defines it “hedging is a
rhetorical strategy….by inclu-
The term „hedge‟ is
ding a particular term, choo-
used for the first time by
sing a particular structure, or
Lakoff (1972), although
imposing a specific prosodic
Weinrich had studied similar
form on the utterance”. Fraser
linguistic concept (1965). La-
states further that in political
koff defines hedge as “words
discourse, this hedging is
whose job is to make things
used for one of the two rea-
fuzzier or less fuzzy” (p.
sons. It is either “to mitigate
234). Several years later,
an undesirable effect on the
Zuck and Zuck (1986: 172)
hearer, thereby ren-dering the
move forward by defining
message (more polite” or “to
hedges as “the process whe-
avoid providing the informa-
reby the author reduces the
tion which is expected or
strength of what he is wri-
required in the speaker‟s con-
ting”. For them, hedge in-

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

tribution, thereby creating pecially‟, „essentially‟, „ex-

vagueness and/ or evasion” ceptionally‟, „for the most
(Fraser, 2010: 206). part‟, and „generally‟. The
second is the compound
Different definitions hedging that indicates the
result in different linguistic possibility of employing dou-
devices to hedge. Lakoff ble and even treble hedges
(1972) for example lists about simultaneously. The most
70 words. They are words complex example is like “It
like „sort of‟, „kind of‟ and would seem somewhat un-
„loosely speaking‟. Fraser likely that it may appear
(2010) also has different for- somewhat speculative that”
mulation of hedging devices. (p. 205) with four hedges
According to him, because being used.
hedge is not a grammatical
category, it could be a word, Epistemic is an inte-
a phrase, and an entire sen- gral part of Anglo culture
tence. He mentions a very (Wierzbicka 2006). It is
complex list of Illocutionary important to know how this
force hedge that includes epistemic is used in Anglo
indirect speech acts, intro- politics. Epistemic as one of
ductory phrases, modal ad- linguistic devices to hedge is
verbs, modal adjectives, mo- only by verb according to
dal noun, modal verb, epis- Fraser‟s taxonomy (20 0 .
temic verbs, negation, rever- Heng and Tan‟s hedging de-
sal tag, parenthetic construc- vices also only consider verb
tion and if clause. as epistemic (2002). Clemen
(1997) proposed similar idea
There are two inte- but called it epistemic qua-
resting features in Fraser‟s lifiers. However, there is
taxonomy. The first is called another kind of epistemic,
propositional hedge that is namely adverb and adjective.
very similar to the word list Perez-Llatanda mentioned
proposed by Lakoff. It is for two epistemic words, verb
example „about‟, „actually‟, and adverb (2009). Hyland
„almost‟, „approximately‟, „as (1996) stated that verb, ad-
it were‟, „basically‟, „can be verb and adjective are epis-
viewed as‟, „crypto-„, „es- temic to hedge. Further,

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

Wierzbicka explained two only collected from Obama

different kinds of epistemic, and Gillard‟s answers to
phrasal and adverb (2006: journalist questions. Their
204-291). Phrasal epistemic other statements that are not
is what Fraser classifies as directly relevant to such
verb. It is phrasal because questions will be ignored and
according to Wierzbicka, will not be analyzed.
verb is epistemic only when
used with the pronoun „I‟. If Fraser‟s classification
used with other pronoun, the of hedging devices will be
meaning could be different employed along with
(2006). Wierzbicka‟s NSM. Fraser‟s
method is the most recent and
the more elaborative com-
pared to others. This has also
C. Methodology been applied to Bush spee-
In this study, the data ches in 2007 (Fraser 2010).
are collected from six press NSM is very suitable to be
conferences, three of Obama applied in such political dis-
(2013) and three of Gillard course to understand Obama
(2010 & 2012). The transcript and Gillard meaning in a
of three Obama‟s conferences neutral way. Other reason is
are taken from the Washing- that any monolingual dictio-
ton Post website. Three nary cannot define epistemic
transcripts of Gillard‟s con- phrasal and adverbs as NSM
ferences are obtained from does.
various sources, namely the
There are two impor-
website of the Australian, of
tant things in terms of the
the South Asia Times and of
study methodology. First, la-
an Australian online news
nguage style will be based on
portal, (
their use of hedging devices
These press conferences were
and non-hedging devices. The
held when they were poli-
hedging devices used will be
tically powerful. At that time,
looked in details by cate-
Obama was the President of
gorizing it as epistemic and
the USA and Gillard was the
nonepistemic to check what
Prime Minister of Australia.
hedging device is dominant in
Furthermore, the data are

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

political discourse. In this D. Results

study, epistemic refers only to
verb if used with „I‟ and 1. Obama’s style of language
adverb (Wierzbicka 2006). Obama as the presi-
Second, hedging in this study dent of super power country,
indicates one of these three a figure who literally has the
meaning: (a) mitigate the highest level of power among
effect to hearer (b) give Americans, often uses li-
information less than what
nguistic devices to hedge
required or expected by when answering journalist‟s
hearer and hence it gives less questions in press conferen-
clarity (c) shows lack of ces, 45% (18). Furthermore,
precise information from he also answers such ques-
speaker (Fraser 2010). Any tions by providing relevant
forms of language that information. A percentage of
structurally looks like hedges 35% (14) refers to this. The
are not counted when rest of Obama‟s style is by
indicating different meaning not answering questions
than these three. given, 20% (8). This non-
Practically, there are responsive style is often not
two steps of analysis. The recognized by the media who
first, the writer will check attend the conference because
their use of hedges (epistemic Obama‟s rhetoric and enga-
and non-epistemic) and non- ging speech. Here, Obama‟s
hedges. The frequency of use styles are dominated by hed-
will be calculated and put in a ging, followed by giving
table. It is through this step information as required by
that language style of Obama journalist and by not res-
and Gillard can be described ponding to their questions.
and compared. The second, Table 1 demonstrates this re-
some of their selected an- sult.
swers that contain epistemic
Table 1
will be carefully explicated
using NSM to comprehend its

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

if looked closely, Obama‟s

style of language is domina-


ted by the use of epistemic,
having 38.9%. Non-epistemic
gets second spot while the
1 Hedges Verb 6 15
combination of epistemic and
2 Ad- 1 2.5 non-epistemic sits at the
bottom, 33.3% and 27.8%
3 Mo- 1 2.5 respectively. Table 2 demon-
dal strates this result.
4 Sen- 1 2.5
tence Table 2
5 Con- 1 2.5

Type of



1. Epistemic 7 38.9
6 Dou- 8 20 verb and
ble adverb
ges 2. Non- 6 33.3
7 Non- 14 35 hedges
3. Combination 5 27.8
8 No 8 20 of epistemic
answer and non
40 100
From this table, it also can be
understood that the most Interestingly, Obama
frequent linguistic devices only employs four epistemic
used by Obama to hedge is words in such conferences,
double hedges, having 20%. „think‟, „believe‟, „probably‟,
It is then followed by verb by and „presumably‟. The rest of
15%. The rests devices, epistemic proposed by
namely adverb, verb, modal, Wierzbicka are not used at
sentence and conditional all. From these four, the most
construction share the same used epistemic by Obama is
portion, only 2.5%. Besides, the verb, „think‟, having

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

66.7%. Table 3 demonstrates about congress authorization

this result. on military action and the
possible strikes in one of the
Table 3 conferences. At the first
occasion, Obama intentional-

ly did not respond by ex-


plaining another question

very lengthily. The journalist
asked the same question in
1 Verb Think 8 66.7 the next second and third
. occasion. Obama replied
Believe 2 16.7 lightly for this, „I was gonna
2 Ad- Probabl 1 8.3
give you a different answer‟.
verb y Feeling that the reply was
irrelevant, the journalist
3 Verb Think 1 8.3
& ad- & pre- asked the same questions at
verb su- the end of press conference.
mably But, the journalist did not get
information that he wanted
Principally, Obama‟s because Obama preferred not
style of language based on to explain. Obama knew that
these data can be generalized certain political information
into three characteristics: (a). needs not to be given to
In terms of frequency, the use public and „not responding‟ is
of hedge and non-hedge as a good strategy. Moreover,
speech styles are only slightly Obama also did not give
different (b). Epistemic and answer on other sensitive
non-epistemic are almost issues such as the drone
equally used to hedge and (c). strikes in Yemen, NSA
„Think‟ is the most frequent surveillance effect, „against
epistemic when Obama pre- his own constituent‟ in doing
fers to hedge. military action and law of
justice implementation in
The no-answer style is Afghanistan and some Middle
also his rhetorical strategy East countries by the USA.
and it is used when he was
asked about sensitive political
issues. Obama was asked

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

2. Gillard’s style of language Table 4

The thing in common

between Obama and Gillard



is that they are politically
powerful when responding
questions in the press con-
ferences. Because power can 1 Hedges Verb 11 19.0
displayed in various ways, 2 Sen- 9 15.5
including in utterances and tence
political expressions, press 3 Modal 8 13.8
conferences are medium for
4 Passive 1 1.7
them to show power in the
form of statement. They can 5 Condi- 1 1.7
avoid answering questions; tional
they can give what is not 6 Double 8 13.8
required and even ask to hedges
change questions. 7 Non- 19 32.8
By using hedge and
8 No 1 1.7
non hedge as parameter, Gil- answer
lard seems to frequently give
information to journalist less Total 58 100
than what she asked about.
From this table, only
Dominant feature of her
seven types of hedges are
speech is by employing hedge
used. Verb, modal, sentence
in press conferences. This
and double hedges are the
strategy has 65.5% (38), a big
dominant devices used by
portion compared to other
Gillard when hedging politi-
styles. The least used style of
cal statements. Out of this
her is by not giving answer to
seven, her favorite linguistic
what is asked, having only
devices are non-epistemic
1.7% (1). Between these two,
hedges in various forms,
answering questions directly
having 65.8%. Epistemic
by employing no hedges has
devices are rarely employed
middle portion, 32.8% (19).
by Gillard, followed by com-
Table 4 demonstrates this
bination of epistemic and
non-epistemic, having 21%

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

and 13.2% respectively.

Table 5 demonstrates this



result. mic

Table 5
1. Verb Think 7 53.8

Freq. Believe 5 38.5


Type of hedges 2 Adverb Probabl 1 7.7
Based on these three
1. Epistemic verb 8 21.0
and adverb
tables, Gillard language style
in political conference can be
2. Non-epistemic 25 65.8 generalized in three aspects.
They are (a) dominant use of
3. Combination of 5 13.2 hedging devices (b) prefe-
epistemic and non rence to use non-epistemic
epistemic hedges
devices (c „think‟ and „be-
Even though episte- lieve‟ are the two types of
mic is less employed in her epistemic most used by her.
political statements, it still In her three confe-
becomes an important feature rences, Gillard always res-
of her linguistic style. Con- ponds question briefly and
sidering that the third feature, not as lengthy as Obama. She
the combination, as part of gives the information as it is
epistemic strategy for exam- asked when considering it is
ple will make this feature the important. Once she says,
half of non-epistemic devices “absolutely, I can rule that
usage. Apart from these de- out one hundred per cent, one
tails, Gillard is very seldom hundred per cent”. Gillard
to use epistemic adverb. Her also shows politeness strategy
dominant feature of epistemic when she is praised for being
is „think‟ and „believe‟. Table the first female PM, “well
6 demonstrates this result. there may be some firsts‟.
Table 6 Everybody knows that there
is no woman in this position
in Australian government pre-
viously. Gillard uses hedging

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

to look polite not just for 1. Verb Think 7 53.8

once. She used it in other
occasion too such as when Believe 5 38.5
asked to blame Rudd on 2010 2 Adve Probabl 1 7.7
election sabotage. She simply rb y
said, “The 20 0 election was
sabotage”. She maintained Other interesting thing
the face of Rudd in front of from the table is that, struc-
journalists by using passive turally, Gillard linguistic
construction to answer. features are in accordance
with Lakoff‟s hypothesis
3. Comparison Between Oba- (1976) that women use more
ma and Gillard Language hedging devices in commu-
Style nication than men. Here, Gil-
lard used more hedging
Hedging devices be- devices than Obama.
come the dominant feature of
Gillard speech. Obama uses E. Discussion
hedge and non-hedge almost The percentage of
equally in political speeches. statements containing hedge
In addition, Obama also uses are high, with 45% in
epistemic and non-epistemic Obama‟s statement and
with almost equal proportion 65.5% in Gillard‟s speech.
while Gillard has dominant From Obama, 38.9% has
usage in non-epistemic. The epistemic as linguistic device
similar feature between Oba- to hedge while Gillard only
ma and Gillard is the use of has 21%. To better un-
the epistemic „think‟, al- derstand what they meant by
though the latter also employ using these devices, NSM
„believe‟ as frequent. Table 7 approach will be used to
demonstrates this result. explicate.
Table 7 Based on NSM, any
declarative statement without

epistemic qualification means



asserting the knowledge and

truth. The verb „know‟ in
statement tells knowledge and

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

if speaker says so, he has full „That report is inac-

commitment to his assertion. curate‟
In politics, if politician says
„knows‟, he will bear the Obama knew exactly
responsibility if the statement what‟s happening in this
he says is proven wrong and mission. Hence, Obama told
suffers from political con- the journalist what actually
sequence such as being pub- they wanted to know. Obama
licly scolded. Conversely, if did not have anything to hide
„think‟ is used in statement, it from them. However, politi-
does not imply knowledge cians are very aware to keep
and politicians intentionally and give information when
make his statement vague. they are asked about sensitive
questions. Obama used „be-
In these political con- lieve‟, when he was asked to
ferences, Gillard uses „know‟ name what countries support
when asked about Australian American military action to
negotiation of uranium with Syria.
„I believe that there
„We know how to will be a statement issued
negotiate these agreements‟ later this evening.‟
Based on her state- By using NSM, this
ment, it can be understood „believe‟ in his statement can
that she had knowledge on be explicated as follow:
how to do negotiation with
India on strategic issues like a. I say: I think now that it is
selling the chemical sub- like this: “someone will
stance. This thing is certainty issue a statement this
and she was committed when evening”
answering. Similar to this use b. I don‟t say I know
of „know‟ is the use of „be‟ in
Obama‟s statement. When he c. I can say why I think like
was asked about a report from this: “I have reason”
NBC on certain mission that d. I know that someone else
labeled as creep, he said can think not like this

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

It was impossible that e. I think like this because I

Obama did not know the have thought about it for
information on this military some time
issue. He was the President f. I think that other people
and he must be the first to can think the same
know. But, because of certain It was impossible not
reason („why‟ , indicated by to meet with a very important
the meaning in (c) above, he person that she wanted to
intentionally did not give the
negotiate with. Gillard was in
required information. He India for official visit, Adani
modified his answer with was there too. But because of
„believe‟, although he con- certain reason, indicated by
textually knew that the jour- meaning (e), Gillard did not
nalist could think differently give the relevant and required
than him. The journalist could information to the Indian
say that Obama concealed reporter. That‟s why she uses
something. The (d) meaning „probably‟. The reason here
confirms this explanation. could be that she did not want
In different occasion, her meeting to be monitored
Gillard used „probably‟ when by journalist.
she was requested by Indian From this use of
journalist about her plan to
NSM, political statements
meet Adani, the leader of containing epistemic can be
Adani enterprise that was comprehended better. With
alleged of corruption in NSM, what is covert can be
media and would have a big
deal with Australian govern-
ment on uranium business. F. Conclusion
„I probably will (meet Press conferences are
Adani ‟ where politician‟s language
style and political view and
a. I want to say how I think information meet. As a result,
when I think about this politician uses hedging de-
b. I say: I will meet Adani vices in whatsoever forms as
c. I don‟t say I know strategy to express ideas
d. I think that it can be like covertly. Language style of
this politicians can be different

Jurnal Alasma, Vol.IV, No.2, Desember 2015_______ Hedging and Language

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