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The Experiment of Suzuki Coupling of 4-bromoacetophenone (S)

Shauna Foreman
Courtney Hermany

Limiting Reagent:

4-bromoacetophenone phenylboronic acid potassium carbonate phase transfer catalyst 4-acetylbiphenyl

palladium acetate catalyst

4 bromoacetophenone:
0.198 g 4 bromoacetophenone x 1 mol 4 bromoacetophenone= 0.000995 mols 4 bromoacetophenone
199.04 g 4 bromoacetophenone

phenylboronic acid:
0.137g phenylboronic acid x 1 mol phenylboronic acid = 0.001124 mols phenylboronic acid
121.93 g phenylboronic acid

potassium carbonate:
0.35 g potassium carbonate x 1 mol potassium carbonate = 0.00253 mols potassium carbonate
138.205 g potassium carbonate

Experimentally Recovered Product Mass: 0.112 g 4-acetylbiphenyl

Theoretical Product Mass:

0.000995 mol 4 bromoacetophenone x 1 mol 4-acetylbiphenyl x 196.24 g 4-acetylbiphenyl = 0.195 g 4-acetylbiphenyl

1 mol 4 bromoacetophenone 1 mol 4-acetylbiphenyl

% Yield:
0.112 g4-acetylbiphenyl x 100= 57.44%
0.195 g 4-acetylbiphenyl

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Experimental data for benzoic acid product:

Exactly 0.198 g of 4 bromoacetophenone, 0.137 g of phenylboronic acid, 0.0020

g of palladium acetate, 0.321 g of tetrabutyl ammonium, and 0.35 g of potassium
carbonate was added to a 5mL round bottom flask. Exactly 1 mL of H 20 was then
added to the round bottom flask and the catalyst. This was then added to a sand
bath and a spin vane was added with a stir rate of 5. The product was dark in
color and at the end of 45 minutes the temperature reached 115°C. The dark
grey solid was formed and was ready for filtrate. Exactly 10mL of hot water was
added to the filtrate After the solid was left behind exactly 3 mL of acetone was
added, then put in the centrifuge for two minutes. Exactly 3 drops of H 20 was
added to the remaining solid after the brown liquid was decanted, then added to
an ice bath. The remaining product mass was 0.112 g and the final product was

MP: (C°)(116-118°C literature), (116.5-117.3°C experimental)

IR(ATR) cm-1 : N/A

Error Analysis by number: 1,2,3,4,5a,5b,6a,6b,6e

Commercial Use for biphenyl Products: Biphenyl products can be used in textile
dyes and in food preservation, controlling the fungi in not allowing it to grow.

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