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Islamic Online University

CMP-105 Final Exam Study Questions
Q1. Define Inheritance. Discuss various types of Inheritance along with their examples?

Q2. How are different data members and member funcBons having various access
specifiers inherited according to different visibility specifiers?

Q3. Discuss the ambiguity that arises in mulBple inheritance and how that ambiguity is

Q4. Discuss the problem caused due to mulBpath inheritance and how Virtual base
classes resolve that problem?

Q5. In what order are the class constructors called when a derived class object is created?

Q6. What are Pointers? How they are declared and iniBalized? Demonstrate various
arithmeBc operaBons that can be performed on pointers?

Q7. Demonstrate how can create array of pointers. Also discuss and demonstrate pointer
to funcBons?

Q8. What are Virtual FuncBons? Why do we need Virtual FuncBons? List various rules for
creaBng Virtual FuncBons while implemenBng late binding?

Q9. What are the different funcBons available in istream and ostream classes for
unformaRed Input and Output?

Q10. Discuss various features available in C++ that can be used for formaWng I/O

Q11. What are files? How are files opened and closed?

Q12. What is a file mode? Discuss various file mode opBons available?

Q13. What are Templates? How are Class & FuncBon Templates implemented?

Q14. What is ExcepBon Handling? Demonstrate ExcepBon Handling using Try, Catch and
Throw statements?

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